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"Do you have everything set for the fashion show?" Audriana asked while tapping her foot off the floor with her arms folded waiting for a sharp answer back. She was my boss and she was very cut throat and too the point but being in the fashion world, wasn't everybody? She treated me like I was her assistant but I wasn't, I just knew if I wanted to become a top fashion designer I'd have to kiss arse a little bit so that was my plan until I could branch off on my own.

"Yes. I've had the garments sent over already, the jewellery that's needed which is secure and being transported by security and I've sorted the private plane for the girls who are modelling over the next couple of days"

"Excellent. We leave in 45 minutes!" She scoffed before leaving my office so I tidied up my desk, grabbed my note pad along with my phone and headed to grab something to eat. We were flying from London to New York with no rest in between so any time I could grab a latte or a bite to eat I would.
The whole way to the food court and through eating my lunch all I could think about was the event and how I needed my garments to be perfect, no flaws. We were dealing with A list celebrities meaning the whole world was about to see what I was made of which had my nerves heightened but I had to brush it off.


*Audriana calling*

"What does she want this time?" I thought to myself as I stared down at my phone for a second before answering, rolling my eyes as I did so.

"Change of plans. We need to leave now as we have an issue with the runway. I hope your ready. This is your one and only shot at this Paula, don't mess it up!"

"I'm on my way" is all I could get out before ending the call and grabbing my things to head back to the office. I could feel the anxiety creeping up on me the closer I got so I stood still for a second, closed my eyes and shook it off.

"You've got this, this is your dream job you've wanted this forever!! Don't fuck it up!!" 

"PAULA!!" is all i heard as I entered the building. It was Alisha who was actually Adriana's assistant. She was hysterical leading me to give her a hug.

"What's happened?!" I asked, concerned as we walked towards the elevators so we could go back to my office to grab my suit cases.

"She said if I mess up in New York she's going to fire me, I've worked my arse off for 2 years so she can have the perfect few days while I'm running myself into the ground"

"Well.. I'll let you in on a secret that nobody knows about so you've got to promise me you won't tell a soul?" I whispered as we stepped into the lift and she nodded yes without saying a word.

"I'm going to be branching out on my own after this fashion run. I've had enough of working for somebody else, so when I do you can come and work for me, what do you say?" As soon as I finished my sentence she gave me the biggest hug meaning yes.

"Yes! Thank you so much Paula, Omg. I can't wait your an amazing fashion designer"

"Thank you! But remember don't tell a soul. If she gets wind of this she'll blacklist me in the industry before we touch down in New York!" I said sternly making her press her finger over her mouth to show me she wasn't going to say anything, I mean, I was a bit nervous about telling her but this was the first day of my new life and I was ready to finally show myself and my work to the world. The pressure was really on at that point so we scurried to grab our things so we could go and board the private jet.

"Wow" I mumbled under my breath as we hit the run way and saw the jet. It was massive making me look over towards Audriana and raise my eye brows at how much money she makes to afford this.

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