The Christmas Party

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Working in an office full of women, we could talk all day. I'd worked there for at-least a year so I knew everyone quite well. There was a girl called Patricia who was fairly knew and but we got on at work. She didn't really mingle with anyone except for a few so I headed over to her desk and introduced myself. She just glanced up from her paperwork to my eyes.

"I'm kinda busy!" She said before glancing back down to her paperwork. I could tell she meant business and she wasn't here to make new friends so I dismissed myself back to my desk. For the next couple of weeks we didn't speak. I was too busy planning the Christmas office party that we had here every year. The last one we had got really wild so I was hoping everyone was ready to let their hairs down tonight and turn up.

"I'm so excited about tonight!" I shrieked happily to Maria as I tapped away on my keyboard. As I glanced up I noticed Patricia watching me which made her drop her head behind her computer screen. I just smirked, glanced back over and caught her again. This time she didn't hide, she made it known she as watching me so I stared straight back, holding eye contact for as long as possible.

"Do you think it'll be the right colour ?" Maria asked breaking me out of the gaze. I hadn't heard anything she'd said so I shook it off and turned my full focus to her.

"What colour did you say again?" I asked making her slap my leg.

"You weren't listening were you? I said do you think red will be the right colour for tonight?" She said repeating herself making me nod my head yes as I sat back, peaking through the 2 computers at Patricia. I was intrigued. I wanted to get to know her. She'd kept herself to herself this whole time but I was hoping at the Christmas party we'd get a chance to talk. It was coming up to finishing time so I packed my things, shut down my computer and put my coat on. Most people had already left accept for a few stragglers that were finishing up too.

"Bye girls. See you all tonight!" I shouted across the office not noticing Patricia was still here at her desk and I was headed straight for it.. backwards!

"Laura" I heard from behind me so I spun around and stopped in my tracks. It was a good job because I was about to end up face down ass up across her desk.

"Whew. That was close" I said fanning myself. Patricia just sat there smiling at me with her chin lent on to the palm of her hand while I composed myself.

"You coming to the Christmas party tonight?" I asked, then sat down on the edge of her desk making her sit back in her chair and fold her arms.

"I dunno.. my man's pretty pissed the partners can't come so I'm not sure. We're not speaking right now because of It" she sighed then dropped her eyes to her lap.

"Let him be pissed. It's only a couple of hours.. hopefully I see you there, bye Patricia!" I said smiling as I stood up and slowly walked towards the door. She just waved at me, no words as I walked through the door, Looking back once more to catch her watching me again. The whole way home the excitement filled my whole body. I'd already set up the room for the party so all there was to do was eat some food and get ready into my new outfit I'd brought especially for the occasion. Looking in the mirror at myself, I looked good with my skin tight body suit on with stilettos. I rarely wore heels but I thought I'd make an effort seen as it was a work party. I also decided to take some trainers with me just in case my feet were to hurt too much. The whole way there in the taxi I drank a quarter of a bottle of brandy to myself. I was ready to dance the night away and go wherever the night took me. All my girls were out partying around the corner on the strip so after the Christmas party I was stepping out out. The night was in full swing as I entered the room. Everyone was dancing, drinking and talking. The vibe was just perfect so I walked over to the bar to get a drink. No one had seen me dressed up like this before because last Christmas I came casual.

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