Change Of Heart

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Working in a restaurant had its perks. My favourite was when we'd close and get crazy drunk. A new girl had started a few months ago called Lacy. We hardly spoke even though I'd catch her watching me while I served customers, made drinks or just generally was in her eye view. I was quite an anxious person so immediately I thought she didn't like me. This particular day we were working late along with a couple of other colleagues who'd decided we were gonna have a few drinks here then make our way to their apartment.

"I'm just gonna finish cashing up. Be right back" Sandra said as she stacked the tills and headed to the office. I was cleaning around the tables while the rest did their duties waiting for Sandra to come back out so we could get drunk. Half an hour past and we'd all finished so we started without her.

"We should play spin the bottle" Brendan laughed as he looked around the table. He was the only man working that night so we knew what he wanted to see..

"Hmm we all know why you wanna play that brendan" lacy said making every one of us burst out laughing. He went bright red in the face so he raised his glass to his mouth to try cover it..

"I think we should still play though" Sarah giggled as her and Brendan caught eyes. They'd liked each other for a while now and the tension between them was rising.

"So do I.. stop being boring" Brendan laughed as he glanced from me to Lacy and back again with this smile on his face so we agreed and he grabbed an empty bottle, placed it in the centre and spun it. It landed on Lacy. She picked truth so Brendan sat and thought of a question..

"Okay... have you ever been with a girl?" He said laughing. Sarah hit him playfully making him wrap his arm round her neck and pull her into his chest for a second. It was cute to see because they both wanted to find someone so badly.

"Yeah I have.. I'm bisexual" Lacy shot back making my eyebrows raise just hearing those words. The next spin landed on me. I was quite tipsy so I chose dare making Brendan rub his hands together like he had a plan..

"I want you too.... kiss Sarah for 5 seconds" he smirked making Sarah and I look at each other then laugh. Half way through Sandra walked over to join us so we broke apart and I moved over to the spare chair next to me which meant I'd be sitting right next to Lacy.

"I feel like you don't like me" I whispered out the blue making her glance at me then back to the bottle. I was drunk so my anxiety had disappeared.

"I didn't.. I thought you were cocky and arrogant until tonight" she shot back making my jaw drop at how honest she was being. These lot were still playing while we sat there ready to talk about it..

"Why what changed tonight? We haven't ever spoke before but you speak to everyone else"

"Probably the alcohol. It makes me a nicer person" she said looking straight into my eyes until Brendan snapped us out of it..

"Lacy.. truth or dare?" He said making her down her drink then say "fuck it, dare me" as she put her glass down. He knew that she didn't like me so he decided to stir things up abit..

"You gotta kiss Maya for 20 seconds" he followed on saying making her glance back and forth from me to him. She was blushing like crazy under her hand that she was using as a shield to cover her face from us all seeing.
I just sat there lent back in my chair watching her get closer to my lips.

"Don't Start liking me" she whispered confidently then started kissing me. At first it was subtle until we got into it and her hands slid either side of my face, while she rolled her tongue around mine. It felt like it had been longer than 20 seconds but we didn't stop until Damon wolf whistled making us laugh and drop our heads.

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