Helping Sara

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"Breakfast is ready" I heard Macy shout from a far so I dragged my hungover self out of bed and put some clothes on. We'd had one to many drinks last night so knowing food was already cooked was a bonus for me..

"Oh, good morning" is all I heard making me glance up to see this beautiful, wet, thick woman I'd never seen before stood in just a towel with her curls flowing down her back. She was stunning..

"Are you Macy's girl?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes to get a better look at her. She had upturned brown eyes, freckles across her nose, under her eyes and in her big,plump lips that looked so suckable.

"No, we're just friends.. I do fancy you though.. I couldn't stop watching you dance last night" she Shot back with this cheeky smile on her face as she rubbed past me to go to Macy's room. The smell of strawberries filled my nostrils making me close my eyes to take in the scent for a second.

"What's your name again?" I asked confused as to who she actually was. We'd had a little get together but I was already drunk before it started so I had no recollection of meeting anyone..

"Sara.. don't you remember anything from last night?" She Shot back laughing as I re did my bun and slid my hood up behind it trying to think back but I had no memory... yet anyway.

"Nothing at all.. I was drunk before the party started.. I really gotta stop drinking so much" I laughed nervously as she opened Macy's door and pulled her towel away leaving her curvaceous figure on show. She had the most perfect ass. I just wanted to bite it not to mention her breasts were big and juicy. I caught myself staring and so did she which made me blush and her bite her lip as she slowly closed the door..

"I'll see you later" she said confidently making me bite my lip as I made my way downstairs for breakfast. How could god make a woman so perfect? I was caught in a trance. I felt myself wondering. Macy was already half way through her food as I stepped in the kitchen so I sat down and greeted her before tucking straight in to cure this hangover..

"I just met your friend Sara" I Said raising my eyebrows up and down as I picked up my cup and took a sip of my coffee..

"You know you already met her last night right? You deffo gotta stop partying your loosing brain cells" she laughed making me scrunch up my face playfully at her while I bit into my toast..

"Yeah, she said the same.. I really don't remember.. that's one fine ass woman right there though"

"You know who she is already... you know The One I showed you the other week who does only fans and you were all love struck over her" as soon as she said that I knew exactly who she was. I didn't recognise her because usually she'd have makeup on and I'd saw her straight out of the shower..

"That's Sara from twitter?" I asked, jaw dropped making her laugh in hysterics at my expression. I was gobsmacked that someone as fine as her was upstairs in my house. She was a big deal which was quite surreal..

"Yeah girl.. we've been friends for time so I told her come round for a drink.. she's staying again tonight but I've gotta work so I won't be here until early hours tomorrow morning" she Shot back as she moved her plate and put it in the dishwasher along with her cup..

"Good to know.. is there anymore food? I need to get rid of this hangover" I laughed making her shake her head while she put some more food on my plate.

"The rests for Sara. I've gotta go and get ready but I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright girl.. see you later" I Shot back as I picked up my cup, finished my coffee and ate the rest of my food. The extra portion sorted my hangover out so I put my plate in the dishwasher and made my way back upstairs to freshen up in the shower..

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