One Night Only

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Driving over to Deedee's house i was in the mood to turn all the way up so as soon as I got there I parked up, grabbed the open bottle of brandy off the passenger seat and finished the bottle straight. She was having a house party so once I locked up the car I headed into the house. After about 50 hellos I found DeeDee. She was in the kitchen taking shots with a bunch of girls until she saw me..

"You came" she shouted as she danced between 2 girls towards me. I just laughed at how drunk she was.

"I wish I didn't. You didn't say destiny would be here" I shot back rolling my eyes with my arms folded. Yeah, she was fine as hell but she was rude which had me screwing up my face every time we crossed paths. We'd never officially met but we were always in the same places as each other..

"It's a house party.. you know she's fire don't front. I see the sexual tension" she laughed slapping my arm so I pushed her playfully and headed towards the fridge to get the bottle of brandy she'd bought just for me.

"Erm... DeeDee where's my bottle?" I asked confused as she stood next to me to look in the fridge too. She just shrugged her shoulders then turned to talk to the girls behind me which had me rolling my eyes as I looked around to see if someone had opened it..

"Looking for this?" Is all I heard making me turn around to see it was destiny holding my bottle of brandy with that fake ass smile she'd always do at me.

"I'll take that" I shot back as I took it out of her hand and opened the seal. She just stood there waiting for me to pour her a glass..

"You want me to drink it for you too?" I followed on saying as I handed her the glass then backed mine straight.

"You need to loosen up moody" She said as she cracked a smile, locked eyes with me and downed the whole glass too. I was impressed but I didn't show it even though she wasn't being bitchy.

"I am.. I just need to get drunk and I'll be cool. Can I ask you something?" I replied making her nod yes as we walked outside into the garden and poured us another drink.

"Do you ever drop the rude act?" I Said making her jaw drop in shock that I'd said such a thing. I just laughed as I sipped some brandy straight from the bottle even though I'd poured one out..

"I just look rude. You'd know that if you tried to get to know me" she shot back with this glisten in her eye making me raise my eye brows and nod my head at the thought of her wanting me to approach her like that.

"So if you wanted me to talk to you why screw me the way you do?" I shot back making her try to leave so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down into her seat..

"Alright alright, just for one night only we'll pretend like you like me and have some fun yeah?" I followed on saying making her push up her lips, grab the bottle out my hand and take a big swig.

"Sounds like a plan, come on" she replied as she grabbed my hand and lead me inside so we could dance around to the music. At first we danced around separately until pretty Ricky grind on me pumped through the speakers. She backed herself up onto me slowly making me look down to watch her grind her ass against my pussy while she grabbed my hands and wrapped them around her stomach..

"Step one
You kissing on me
Step two
Girl I'm caressing your body
Step three
Now I'm licking off the whip cream
Step four
And ooh you grinding on me"

I sang in her ear along to the music making her wrap her arm around my neck while we wound our bodies in sync with one another's. At this point everything I thought about her had disappeared out my mind and all I could focus on was how good it felt her dancing on me the way she was..

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