My First Love

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For the last two years I'd been in love with a girl called Kay. We'd met through a mutual friends birthday and stayed in contact ever since. I hadn't seen her with anyone romantically which made me wonder if there was someone behind the scenes.

"Who's that Bri?" My brother asked as he stood at the door smirking. He was always so nosy and not to mention annoying. We were both gay so we spent a lot of time on the scene and in the clubs.

"Nobody" I swallowed, clicking off the picture of Kay and I.

"Look At you blushing. Is that your girl? I never know with you. Your so secretive when it comes to you liking someone"

"No, she's not my girl. Ugh, okay. I-I'm in love with her!" I blurted out dropping my head down to avoid any eye contact. I knew any minute he was going to ask 101 questions about her.

"So why haven't you told her yet? Has she got a girl? Briiiii come on we're twins and we're gay. If you can't talk to me about this who else you gonna talk to huh?"

"No, I don't even know if she likes girls. I've never seen her with anyone before. But as soon as I met her, I was like damn.. she's beautiful" I smiled getting lost in a daydream about Kay. The way her eyes would wrinkle when she smiled or the way she'd flick her hair a certain way. Damn, the butterflies were filling my stomach so I shook it off to find him on my laptop scrolling through Kay's pictures.

"You look like a love sick puppy right now. Come on, we're going out tonight" he ordered smirking. I shook my head as he scanned my wardrobe.

"Don't go on like you wanna go out for me bitch. You wanna find a man" I cackled making him scowl at me playfully. I just lay back on my pillow scrolling through Instagram.

"I don't have to go out to find a man. They swarm me.. besides, I only do straight men" he laughed pushing up his lips as he headed towards the door. I just shook my head as I got up and followed behind him.

"I'll be ready in an hour. Be ready. I'm not waiting 3 hours like last time" I Said making him roll his eyes and leave my room so I shut the door and jumped back on to my bed with my arms behind my head with thoughts of Kay running through my mind.

"You better be getting ready" Miguel shouted through my door. I really wasn't in the mood to go out but I knew he'd throw a bitch fit so I got ready, throwing on my boyfriend jeans a plain black short sleeved t-shirt with the arms folded over a couple of times and some black and white vans. I let my hair loose so my curls flowed down my back. My phone started to ring so I pulled my gold chain from beneath my t-shirt and headed to the bed to grab my phone.

"Kay" flashed on my screen. My heart stopped for a minute just thinking about what she'd be calling about.

"Hey Bri"

"What's Up Kay? You good?"

"Yeah, I mean not really. I just wanted to see if you were out tonight?"

"Wanna talk about it? Yeah, me and Miguel are about to step out to mission. You should come meet us" I asked hoping I'd see her tonight. She had the sweetest voice. Her tone was so raspy..

"Not right now. Okay, well i guess I'll see you there beaut, bye Bri"

"Okay babe, I guess you will. bye" I giggled checking myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked good enough for when I saw her.

"Taxi's here Bri! Hurry up!" Miguel said as he swung my door open drinking Hennessy straight from the bottle.

"Alright don't get your panties in a twist I'm coming" I laughed as I grabbed my phone and headed out the door, snatching the bottle out of his hand so I could drink as much as possible before we left the house but Miguel chose to bring it. The whole drive to Mission my heart was pounding and my hands were clammy from the nerves so I downed even more brandy. I was already tipsy which wasn't good enough for me, I needed to be wasted.

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