The Halloween Party

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Fancy dress had always been something I'd loved since a little kid so creating a costume for Aaron's Halloween party was a piece of cake.

"So what you wearing to Aaron's party tonight, Maya?" Lee asked as we wiped down the bar. I worked in a restaurant mostly while I pursued art on the side. It took up most of my time which meant the party was the perfect place for me to un wind and let loose..

"Im actually wearing a costume but with my own twist. I'm dressing up like a witch but I'm wearing a face mask that covers the top half of my face"

"You know everyone else is going half naked right? These girls love to wear lingerie, god knows why. It's Halloween not Valentine's Day" he Shot back pretending to be sick. Lee was Aaron's secret lover and I was the only one to know. I found them so cute, they really did love each other but non of them had said it yet.

"It's fine by me. I've been single for ages so girls walking around half naked is just what I need tonight. What time you finishing?"

"At 6 like you. I'm going straight to Aaron's to help him set up and get ready. It's a haunted house party, it's gonna be amazing" he shrieked as we headed down to the cellar to tidy up for the last portion of our shift.

"Maya, Lee you can go now" Sarah said as she popped her head round the door so we stopped what we were doing and headed to the staff room to get our things and clock out. It was already dark out so I called a taxi and had a drink while I waited. I couldn't wait to get back so as soon as I got in the taxi I told the driver to put his foot down.
I decided to phone Aaron to see what he was doing while I travelled back, got out the taxi and into the house. He told me all about who was coming which got me more excited at the fact his house was about to be a Club/haunted house for the night.

"I'm getting ready now.. ask lee to pick me up in about 3 hours please" I Said then hung up as I locked the front door behind me. I lived with my other best friend Lacey. She was very reserved and hated any social gatherings that were happening so I headed to the kitchen to see what she was cooking..

"You wanna come to a Halloween party with me tonight?" I said happily making her laugh at me even asking her that question..

"Me? A party? Where's Maya and what have you done with her?" She joked making me laugh at her sarcasm.

"How you ever gonna meet a boyfriend if you sit in here all day?" I asked as she handed me some food and sat down opposite me..

"I don't sit here all day. Why would I want any of those buffoons for? All they care about is drinking and sex. Not for me" she shot back making me shake my head smirking while I tasted her chicken pie. You know when you moan because something tastes so good? It was one of those moments..

"Anyone would think your not into men the way you go on.." I started saying but she cut me mid sentence..

"I am.. into men, I just don't want one right now" she shot back sharply. She'd become agitated which had me questioning if what I'd said had hit a nerve but I brushed it off, Finished my food and headed to my room to get ready. I'd already laid out my fitted short black dress, a witches hat, my face mask and cloak that I'd brought from the joke shop a couple months ago from Torquay. It took me a couple of hours to freshen up, perfect my outfit and do my hair and makeup so I decided to scare Lacey before I left for the party. She was laid on the sofa, lights off with the tv quite loud and a horror playing so I crept behind her, squatted down and cackled in her ear making her jump up and hit me..

"I totally got you" I laughed in hysterics making her huff and puff playfully.

"Your suck a dick Maya.. you did get me though" she shot back laughing as she sat up and I sat beside her while I waited for Lee to arrive.

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