A Friendly Hand

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"I need a big favour Tam" melody said as soon as I answered the phone. She was one of the girls I'd met on a night out when I visited London a while ago and we'd kept in touch ever since. My whole group of friends were straight, non of them had boyfriends and they were wild as fuck..

"Yeah, go on" I replied as I walked through town to go shopping.

"Well you know I've made an only fans yeah? I need you to be my camera woman"

"What's only fans?" I asked confused which made her laugh.

"Me and the girls use it to make money but the girl who'd film for me usually has moved away"

"Yeah i can do it for you. When do you need me?" I asked as I grabbed a bottle of grey goose and headed to the tills.

"I'm in Newcastle now if your free?"

"Yeah just text me the address to where your at. I'm just grabbing a bottle. I'll come right over" I Shot back as I walked out the shop and headed to the taxi base.

"I'll do that now. Thanks babe, bye"

"No problem. I'll be there soon" I Shot back and hung up the phone and sat down to wait for her message. It wasn't long before it came through and I ordered my taxi which was already outside so I jumped in and made my way to her hotel. It took around 15 minutes but once I got there I messaged her for her room number and made my way inside. I was ready to get some alcohol down my neck so I popped the bottle and swigged at it a few times as I came up to her door..


I heard the music turn low and the door handle go so I put the lid back on the bottle as the door opened. She was in her robe looking all comfortable so I greeted her and made my way into the room to pour us some drinks. She'd already been drinking and was quite drunk so I played catch up while we caught up for a while. I got drunk quite quick so as I freshened up in the bathroom she got her camera ready..

"So what do you...oh shit!" I muttered as I walked out the bathroom to find her in some sexy ass lingerie laid on the bed with a drink in her hand just waiting..

"You ain't Seen nothing yet" she giggled making me swallow hard at how good her body looked as I sat on the chair next to the bed..

"Okay so.. this is the button to record and that ones to zoom in and out if i need you too" She started saying as she pulled toys out of her bag. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the variety she'd got with her.

"Alright I'm ready when you are" I Shot back as she lay on her back and opened the flap on her underwear. At first I looked away but then I realised I had to watch to make sure the camera was on her right so I glanced back.

"I'm ready" she smirked as I hit record and she started playing with her breasts through her see through bra. I was gobsmacked at how she manoeuvred around the bed smoothly so I stood up and followed her around doing close ups of her face and pussy.

"That's enough for that video" she giggled as she took her hand away from her pussy and sucked each finger. My eyes rolled as she picked up her wand and slid over to the edge of the bed so I squatted down, aiming the camera up towards her so she was above it while she licked her lips at the camera..

"Oh my Days" I groaned as she pressed it against her pearl and her body shook with pleasure. I was getting so turned on just glancing back and forth from the camera to her screaming at how good it felt. This went on for a good 5 minutes, her dropping back on the bed, rolling her waist in circles against it you name it she was doing it and it blew my mind at how quick she came..

"Get the stand, turn the knob so you can shorten it and put the camera on it facing the table" she panted out so I stopped recording and did as she asked. She continued to please herself which had my breathing heavy and my Pussy dripping wet through my underwear..

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