Luna's Best Friend

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Tonight my sister was having a house party for her birthday while our parents were away which meant the house was gonna be flooded with her friends. I already knew a few of them. We'd gone to school together so we'd known each other for over 7 years. Some were friends she'd met along the way since she'd got a job.

"Happy birthday sis" I shrieked as I handed her a present and a card with a bottle of vodka to go with it. This year I'd decided to buy her the trainers she'd been banging on about so as soon as she saw them she gave me the biggest hug as she said thank you. Her friend Rochelle was with her already. She was the only one her friends who was into girls and it intrigued me. I'd never been with a woman before but the urges I'd felt in the last month or two had me questioning my sexuality.

"What's good Shan?" She asked me in that husky tone as she scanned me from head to toe.

"Nothing, Waiting for Luna's party tonight can't wait to get drunk.. what's good with you?" I replied glancing back and forth from my phone as I sat down and drank my water. She'd already made it clear she liked me but I'd always brushed her off and said I wasn't interested in women like that but she never believed me. She must of sensed I was curious without me even knowing it myself. Luna had left the room to go and phone her Boyfriend by now leaving us alone. We were sat opposite each other on the table and I felt her eyes on me as I continued to flick through my phone so I glanced up, catching her smiling at me which made me blush like crazy.

"ROCHELLE COME HEREE WE NEED TO GET READY" I heard Luna shout making us break eye contact and look towards the door..

"I'll see you later for a drink?" She asked as she stood up, pushed the chair in and walked to the kitchen door..

"Yeah you'll see me later" I replied throwing her a smile which made her hold her chest and pretend to faint which had us both laughing..

"Your so stupid" I Said still laughing as I watched her walk down the hall. She glanced back and caught me staring so I dropped my head as soon as our eyes met hoping she hadn't. For the rest of the day I decorated the house with all things pink and glittery, made the cocktails, set out the food and prepared the music. It was a rush but I'd finally got it done so I grabbed a glass of wine and headed to my bedroom to start getting ready. I had to pass Luna's room and her door was open so I decided to be nosey and see what they were talking about. It was mostly about Marshall, Luna's boyfriend. She was excited because they hadn't seen each other since her actual birthday then I heard my name get mentioned so I stepped closer to the door but I knocked it so I dashed into my room, put my wine down and lay on my bed pretending I'd been there the whole time. Within seconds Luna burst open my door..

"Your not ready yet? Everyone's gonna be here in an hour Shan" She said as she opened my wardrobe to see what I'd got to wear.

"I already know what I'm wearing, that dress hung on the back of the door. I'm just gonna drink this and have a shower"

"Yeah that's nice. Well hurry up your always late with this kinda shit.. it's my birthday bitch.. get hype" she shouted as she rocked me back and forth by my shoulders so I jumped up, downed my wine and headed to freshen up. Throughout the two hours of getting ready people arrived a few at a time until the party was in full swing by 10pm..

*bzzzzz bzzzz bzzzz bzzz bzzz*

*damon calling* my phone flashed making me roll my eyes and throw my phone on the bed. I wasn't ready to deal with his bullshit, besides we weren't ever a couple so I had no idea why now he was calling me..

"Knock knock.. you rea.." Rochelle started saying as she pushed the door open but stopped in her tracks as she admired how good I looked. Her jaw practically dropped which had me feeling real good about myself..

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