Stop.. (Part 4)

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I get up to the penthouse and she left the door open for me well that's something. She's banging around in the kitchen slamming cabinets that don't need to be slammed. "You ready to talk? Or you want to slam more things?" I ask and that was definitely the wrong thing to say. "Talk about what Y/N!? The fact that you have been fucking every girl in Manhattan or that you were basically dry humping my sister or the fact that you almost KISSED HER!" She yells the last part. "Should I have picked another girl? Yes, but you have no right to yell at her! I asked her to dance and I almost kissed her! Besides we aren't together anymore and you have a boyfriend! So you don't get to tell me who I can kiss or sleep with!" I yell back and pause wondering how the hell she knows about my other activities. "Hang do you know I've been with other girls?" I ask her, she rolls her eyes and walks away to the her bedroom. I follow after her, "Elizabeth! How do you know about the other women!" Still no answer I then get really irritated, "Damn it Elizabeth! Tell me now!"
She jumps at my tone, "You really think all the paparazzi left you alone? No you still get followed I just buy the pictures they take of you."
"Why? You don't need to do that I can handle myself." I ask her, "Because I care about you Y/N." She answers and I get so annoyed by that. "You didn't seem to care if I was alright after you slept with Robbie and said no to marrying me. Also telling your sisters we wanted different things." I throw in her face and she looks up shocked, "They told you that?" I just nod my head. I can't completely place blame on her. I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing with Mary Kate. "I'm sorry about me almost kissing Mary Kate, but I have been drinking and you know I would never soberly kiss her and ruin any.." I cut myself off knowing I will never have another chance with her whether I kissed her sister or not. She's with Robbie. She noticed I was going to say something else. "Ruin what Y/N?" She asked and I shake my head, "What were you going to say!?" "Just forget it and I won't see the twins again. I'll be out of your life forever." I turn around walking out of the bedroom and she runs after me. "Y/N please wait?" I stop and she grabs my arm turning me to face her putting both hands on my face. I don't say anything, she doesn't either, she pulls me down to meet her lips in a tentative kiss. I can't help myself I kiss her back pulling her in close grabbing her tightly I feel her flinch, I didn't think I was holding her too tight but I loosen my grip on her. I hear the front door open and I snap back to reality. I back away quickly saying, "I can't Liz." I turn and walk past the twins not saying a word to them.

Lizzie's POV

I stand there tears running down my face. He's gone again but I could tell there was something he wanted to tell me and he kissed me back wanting to stay. Ashley is walking up to hug me but MK hangs back which is probably a good idea. "Oh Liz, I'm sorry.." Ash said walking me to my room. I was getting underdress not aware that Ashley was still in there and once my dress was off I heard a gasp, "Lizzie! Where did you get that?" I jumped grabbing my blanket covering the bruise that I knew she was talking about. "It's nothing Ash, please can I have some privacy?" She didn't leave though, she tried to pull the blanket away, "Lizzie that is not nothing!" She managed to pull the blanket away and examined my side which had a huge bruise.

"Lizzie...did Robbie do that to you?" She asks quietly and I just give her a look, "Please Ash leave it alone."
She doesn't press it further and she leaves my room. I look at the bruise in the mirror, Robbie wanted sex and I wasn't feeling well but he still wanted it. I told him no and he pushed me into the side of the table knocking it and me down with it. He apologized the next day saying he would never do it again.
I wanted to let out a whimper when Y/N grabbed my side and I tried to hide the flinch but he seemed to not notice. I kissed Y/N and he kissed me back.

The next day...
I couldn't sleep at all last night my mind was all over the place and it's all because of Elizabeth fucking Olsen. I get up and head to the gym to keep my mind off of everything that happened last night. I'm doing my cool down stretches when my phone goes off.

Favorite Twin: I need to see you.
Me: Ashley, that's probably not a good idea.
Favorite Twin: It's important. I'll meet you at your place in 20 minutes. I'm already on my way.

I sigh, grabbing my stuff and rushing home. I'm stepping out of the shower and when I hear her knocking on my door. I wrap the towel around my waist and let her in. "How'd you get in?" I ask and she just smiles, "Pizza Guy." "Let me get dressed and then I'll be out. Get anything you'd like although there's not much." I say to here getting my clothes on.

I come back out in shorts and a t-shirt, she's helped herself to a bottle a wine that I forgot I had. "So what's up Ash?" I ask and she has this look in her eye that tells me something is wrong. "It's Lizzie...she she has this..."  This is the most I've seen Ashley struggle to get words out. "Ash..she has what?" I ask coming around the counter sitting next to her on the barstool. "She has this huge bruise on her side, and she hasn't been filming anything, that would cause her to bruise." I don't say anything and it comes back to me she flinched when I grabbed her. "Ash how do you think she got it?" Asking but I can already guess. "I think Robbie did something. He's never been violent to her before but I know he's been a real jerk recently and only coming home for sex." That infuriates me. I want to find the bastard and defend my girl...wait she's not my girl. But I still love her and I will protect her with everything in my being.
"I need to see her and she needs to show me herself." I say as I get up changing into jeans and put my shoes on almost out the door. "You coming'?" I ask Ashley she nods jumping up and we are out the door.

AN: Part 4! Should've made this a mini book but whatever! Hope y'all like!

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