What am I going to do? Part 2 (WM)

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Wanda's POV

After a couple hours with Pietro I feel like I'm slowly figuring this out. I did notice that when I'm calm I really can focus on not going too fast. The only bad thing is Y/N makes me so nervous, but I don't want to cancel this date. Next thing I have to do is figure out my hair, I don't want to show up with silver hair.

"Wands, you're doing great!" Pietro applauds and I smile just barely because we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for him. He looks at his watch and his eyes widen, "What time is it?" I ask and he mumbles, "5:30.."

"What?! I need to get ready and still need to figure out what to do with my hair!" I panic and start pacing but that just makes me run back and forth with the super speed. "Wanda!" He yells and I stop. "Go shower and start getting ready I'll figure out the hair." I raise my eyebrow at him and he pushes me out the door and I speed to my room.

I'm finished my make and now putting on my dress for the date, when I hear a knock at the door and its 6:45. Oh no he's early! "No it's just me." I hear my twin through the door. I open the door and he looks to be holding a wig. "Where did you get that? No you know what I don't want to know." I say and grab the wig going over to my vanity. I put it on and its a little shorter than my length and the color is different hopefully with Y/N being a guy he won't notice.

"Perfect! Can't even tell the difference." I do some last minute adjustments and ignore him. Then there's another knock on the door. My heart starts racing and I got to walk over to the door but run instead. "Calm down." Pietro whispers and I shoot a glare his way as I open the door I smile at Y/N holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi" is all I can say and his smile is so big. "Wanda, you look great! Did you do something different to your hair?" He asks and guess Y/N notices the little things.

"Yes, and thank you." I say honestly because my hair is different. "Are you ready to go?" He asks as I take the flowers handing them to Pietro. "Yes let me just grab my jacket." I head over to the closet as he waits in the doorway with Pietro giving him a older protective brother stare. "Pietro please put those in a vase. Thank you." I tell him and Y/N hold his elbow out to me taking it with a smile. This will help me from speeding off.


Wanda has been extra anxious, the whole drive to the restaurant she didn't stop pulling at her fingers till I reached over to hold her hand. When we walked in it was like she was watching her feet like she was worried about something. Plus her hair was different, which is strange because she just changed it not too long ago.

"Wanda? Are you alright?" I ask after the waiter takes our order. "Oh yeah I'm fine." She says but the fine comes out a little bit high pitched. I hold out my hand on the table in invitation for her to take. She does and I can see her visibly relax.

"Is this too fast?" I ask and she looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean was it too soon to ask you out?" I ask afraid of the answer. "Oh Y/N no not at all. I'm so glad you asked me out I'm just a little nervous is all. If you'll excuse me I'm gonna run...I mean head to the bathroom." She says and gets up almost in slow motion.

Wanda's POV

I make it to the bathroom and this wig is so irritating. I try adjusting it to make sure none of the silver hair sticks out. I think about how patient Y/N has been with my anxiousness, I feel so bad for making him feel that I was uncomfortable about being here with him. I wash my hands run the cold water on my forearms to calm me down.

Then I head back out there in a bit of a rush and before I think about slowing down the super speed takes over and I run back to the table but I can't stop myself and I run into the waiter with the our food and knocking him down and our food landing all over Y/N. Not only that but the wig came off and I'm absolutely mortified. Tears are starting to spill from my eyes, "I-I'm s-sorry Y/N." I whisper out and take off this time intentionally using the super speed.

I reach the compound in seconds and I don't slow down until I'm in my room. I slam the door in the process of rushing to my bed. I hear a knock on my door but I don't say anything or get up to answer it. "Wands come on open the door." my twin's voice comes through the door. "Go away Pietro!" I yell out but he doesn't listen and comes in anyway.

"How'd it go?" He asks dumbly and I grab one of my pillows and throw it at him, "Well I'm here crying how do you think it went?" I ask with sarcasm lacing my voice. "What happened?"

"Well I was a nervous wreck and he noticed but he calmed me down a little. Then after I went to the bathroom I lost my control and ran right into our waiter. He had our food and it spilled all over Y/N and obviously my wig fell off. It was a disaster, so please just leave me alone." I tell him and he drops his head and leaves me be.

I get out of my dress and put some comfy clothes on. I climb back in bed and turn my favorite sitcom on. There's a light knock on my door, "Pietro please I don't want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone!"

"Wanda? It's me Y/N." I hear through the door, I get out of bed and I pull the hood over my hair. I open the door. Y/N is standing there in sweats and wet hair he must have came home to shower. "Hi, can I come in?" He asks timidly and I pull open the door more to let him in and I shut it behind us.

He is looking at what I'm watching on tv and smiles. "Y/N..I am so sorry about tonight." I apologize again.

"Don't worry about that. I was worried about you, what happened?" He asks grabbing my chin between his thumb and forefinger force me to look up at him and my hood to fall off. He looks up at my hair and looks back down at me.

"Pietro was messing with this devise he found in Bruce and Tony's lab and it switched our powers and hair. So all day I was working with Pietro to try to control the speed even though it took him a long time to control it." I explain and he nods. "Why didn't you just tell me what was going on?"

"I honestly don't know." I say as we both laugh at the situation. "I really wanted to go in this date with you and I didn't know if you'd understand."

With that he moves his hand to my cheek and leans down kissing me softly. My hands grab ahold of his sides and pull him closer as we continue to kiss. We are soon interrupted by Pietro bursting through the door. "Bruce and Tony-oh sorry." He stops but he's already interrupted so I ask, "What?"

"Bruce and Tony figured out how to switch our powers back." He says and I grab Y/N's hand and super speed us to the lab leaving Pietro behind.

Pietro and I are standing in front of each other and he's holding the device and he pushed the button and I feel a rush of air blow through me and I try creating a red orb and it works! I grab my hair and see it back to normal. "Thank you!" I say to Tony and Bruce. Pietro is running around the compound and back.

"Y/N, I'd like to go out with your for real this time. Can we try again tomorrow?" I ask and he nods, "Yes I'd love that! I'd like to hang out with you more tonight if that's alright?" He asks and I smile then place a soft peck to his lips. He then turns to Pietro, "How about you stay out of the lab from now on?" Pietro's ears turn red and we all laugh as we head to my room to finish my sitcom together.

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