Birthday (EO)

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Lizzie's POV

I wake up to the sunlight shining through the window. I smile as I hear Y/N's light snores. I look up, smile, and get out of bed. I lean down and lightly kiss his lips.

I walk down the hall to our 8-year-old twin daughters' room. I entered quietly and woke them up by saying, "Girls, it's time to get up. Do you want to help me make breakfast for Daddy's birthday?"

They both immediately sit up and run downstairs. I laugh at their excitement and follow them. We giggle while making waffles and bacon, Y/N's favorite.

"Let's wake up, Daddy, Mama! Sofia says, about to take off, but Emma stops her. "Sofia, wait. You grab the juice, I'll grab his tray, and Mama can wake him up."

Emma looks up at me, and I stroke her hair. She's always been more mature for her age. I help them with the heavier things, and once we are in our room, I put all the plates on the tray and head over to wake my sleeping husband.

I hear whispers, and then I feel the soft lips of my wife against mine. I wake up, and I kiss her back. I then hear my daughters say at the same time, "Eww!"  Lizzie pulls away, and I see those beautiful green irises.

"Happy 30th, Honey," she whispers. Then she gets up to grab the tray and juice from Sofia and Emma. They rush onto the bed, both hugging me tightly. I'm grateful that I decided to wear boxers and a shirt for sleepwear last night, much to Lizzie's disappointment.

"Happy Birthday Daddy!!"
Lizzie brings a tray of waffles and bacon, and the girls give me a card they made. "Thank you, girls! It's beautiful!"

"After uttering the phrase "Alright girls, let Daddy eat," the girls plant kisses on my cheeks and hurry downstairs for breakfast. Lizzie gives me another peck on the cheek.

"Eat up, then get dressed. We are going out," she says, taking a piece of bacon and heading to the shower. I eat my breakfast and join her for the shower. My hands wrap around her. I slide them up to her breast, but she grabs them and turns around. "Later, big guy, I promise."

She kisses me and steps out of the shower. I finish up my shower, get dressed, and head downstairs. Lizzie is finishing up Sophia's hair while Emma is tying her shoes.

"So where are we going?" I ask, and Lizzie smirks at the girls. I give up, knowing she won't tell me.

We spent the day at Disneyland. The girls loved it, and I won't lie, so did I, as I am putting on my favorite suit and tie. As I tie my tie, I hear Lizzie clear her throat.

As I turned around, I was stunned to see my wife wearing a red backless dress with a slit down the right leg and black heels. "What do you think, honey?" she asked.

I was standing there, dumbfounded, with my mouth open, unable to answer. She walked up to me, smiled, and put her finger under my chin to close my mouth. "I'll take that as a sign that you like it," she said as she tied my tie.

We went to my favorite restaurant, and as I paid the bill, she ran her hand up my thigh and suggested we go dancing, to which I nodded and smiled.

We arrived at the club and got in without charge, thanks to the benefits of being married to a famous actress. We went to the bar and ordered drinks to get a nice buzz before hitting the dance floor.

A fast song comes on, and she pulls me onto the dancefloor. We dance to a few songs, but with our bodies so close and her grinding on me, I can't help but get a little hard. She must feel it because she straightens, turns around, looks down, and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Time to go home." She says, pulling me out of the club and into the car.

Once we arrive home, she kisses my cheek and says, "I have one last present for you. Come with me." She leads me to our bedroom and sits me down on the bed.

She grabs a bag from the closet and disappears into the bathroom. I take off my shoes, socks, and I'm taking off my jacket when the bathroom door opens and I see my wife in knee high socks like she wore in Captain America: Civil War and Scarlet Witch lingerie. Once again my jaw drops as she walks up closes my jaw and straddles my lap. She plays with my tie almost with a nervousness to her movements.

"So... I've been thinking." looking into my eyes still playing with my tie.

"Oh yeah? About?" I ask rubbing my hands up and down her back. She looks down at her hands now.
"I want another baby, so I went and had my IUD removed last month."

I think about the last month she's been having my pull out everytime we have sex or letting my finish in her mouth so it makes sense. I smile and grab her chin to make her look at me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, you never gave an sign to wanting another baby. So I just assumed you were only wanting then twins."

!!Smut Warning!!

"I'd love nothing more than to have another baby. We make beautiful kids." I reassure her with a little humor attached. She laughs nodding in agreeance.

She kisses me hard and passionately. She undoes my tie and quickly unbuttons my shirt all while kissing me. She runs her hands down my chest and abs as I quickly remove my shirt. She gets off my lap and kneels down licking my abs. She takes undoes my pants and I lift my hips so she can slide them off. Im already hard from her licking my abs so she takes off my boxers letting my member spring free.

She licks from the bottom up to the tip and I shutter at the feeling. Taking me filling in her mouth I groan and grab her hair guiding her. I want to let her finish me like this but I remember she wants a baby.

"Stop Lizzie.." she pulls away and climbs back ontop of me but I roll us over and reach in between us as I run my fingers through her lips to find her soaking already. I make light circle on her clit and she sighs into my ear.

"Please Y/N.." she begs for me and I line myself up to her and push into her slowly. I start moving and she wrabs her legs around my waist. Once I start getting a rhythm her moans start getting louder. I decide that to make this slow and passionate love making. It worked when we made the twins.

After a while I feel her tighten around me and I adjust so that I hit her right spot. I feel myself getting closer along with her.

"Y/N..I-im gonna.." she doesn't get the rest out before she comes and I thrust a couple more times letting her ride out her high as I cum inside her.

I'm breathing heavily into her neck and she runs her fingers through my hair and I lift myself up and I pull out of her.
She cuddles up next to me and lays her head on my chest.

"Happy birthday honey." she kisses my neck.

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