Stop..(Final part)

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We get to Ashley's and Mary Kate's place, and she stops me before she opens the door. "What is your plan?" She asks and I say, "I'll ask her to talk about last night and the kiss." She nods and we head it. "Lizzie I'm back." I hear her respond her back turned as she's making something in the kitchen. "How was lunch with your friend?" She turns turns around and freezes. "Hey Liz. I wanted to talk." I say and she continues cooking and responds, "About what?" She looks anxious so I come around the island and gently put my hand on her back and grab her forearm lightly and she relaxes at my touch. "Liz I want to talk about last night." I whisper in her ear and she leans her head against mine. She nods, I turn off the burner and lead her to the bedroom.
I pull her through the door and close it behind us. "Liz what's going on in that head of yours?" I ask and she shrugs, "Honestly I don't know...but I do know that I want to kiss you again." She moves closer to me and I let her pull me into her. I grab her sides and she flinches holding back a whimper. "Did I hurt you?" I say pulling back and she shakes her head holding her side walking away from me. I walk towards her, I put my hands one her shoulders and she jumps. "Hey's just me. What's wrong?" asking her. She turns around with tears in her eyes, she grabs my shirt pulling me in for a hug. "Please just hold me?" I do as she asks and she breaks down gripping me like I'm going to disappear. "I'm so sorry Y/N for everything that I did. I should've never cheated on you and I should've said yes." She finally says and separates from me. "Liz...why did you flinch and why did you hold your side when I grabbed your side?" I ask and she shakes her head, "Oh it's nothing I'm fine." Liz baby...Ash said it was something." She snaps her head up and said, "Oh she did? Did she?"
"Hey hey...don't get mad for her being concerned." She just rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. "Let me see?" I ask that gets her attention and she backs away hitting the bed. I walk up to her I slide my hands down her side lightly and I press my lips to her forehead. My hands now at the hem of my sweatshirt she's wearing.

"Nice sweatshirt...may I?" I ask looking her in the eye. "Go ahead." She says giving me permission. I lift the shirt and she raises her arms so I can take it completely off her. I look at her eyes waiting for her to tell me it's okay to look. She nods, I step back and I immediately see the bruise. I instantly ball up my fists, lock my jaw and close my eyes. I don't realize I have tears running down my cheeks until I feel her hands on my face her thumbs wiping them away. "Y/N hey look at me." I open my eyes to look at her, "I'm okay." she says and I angrily ask, "How many times?" "This was the first time he's ever did anything like this." She says and I look back down at it. "Ash says he's been a jerk lately?" She doesn't say anything at first, she let's go of my face and sits down patting the bed next to her.
I give her the sweatshirt back and she puts it on as I I sit down next to her and she says, "He's been gone a lot and when he does come home all he wants from me is sex. When I'm not happy about it he makes it too rough. He's never left marks but he hurts me. This last time wasn't felling well at all and I refused. He got really mad and pushed me into the table. He apologized the next morning and then he left."

I want to kill the bastard, "Liz why are you still with him? And I'm not saying that for my gain but for your safety?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders, "I guess because I cheated on you with him so I should just be with him. I mean he was nice like he was when I first met him, but it all changed about a month in. He stopped the dates, and then he started getting home later and later. Eventually he just didn't come home and would tell me the next day he just got busy writing songs. Then when he is home he's almost drunk or already there and just wants to have sex. For awhile I wouldn't give in when I didn't want to but then he'd stop talking to me for days or weeks. So now I just give it to him to make him not yell at me or throw things at me."

I pull her onto my lap and hold her again. I contemplate telling her about my feelings and what I wanted to say last night. Finally I give in to my heart against my head's objections. "Liz? Remember when I said I'd never soberly kiss Mary Kate?" "Yeah..." she says waiting for me to finish. "Well I'd never want to ruin any chance of getting back together with you." She lifts her head to look me in the eyes to see if I'm lying but she won't see any thing but love and truth. "You still feel that way about me?" She asks and I answer, "Elizabeth Chase Olsen yes of course I do. That night I might have left but my heart stayed with you."
Her lips crash to mine and we are in this heated passionate kiss. My hands on her hips hers in my hair. She adjusts so she is straddling me her center grinding agains my hardening member. She's pulling at my shirt, lifting my arms and our mouths separate only to remove the piece clothing. I take the sweatshirt off once again and I unhook the bra in one go. She pauses and raises an eyebrow at me. I wink at her and flip us over so I'm on top of her my jeans are uncomfortably tight. She reaching between us to unbutton my jeans and I stand up to take them off along with my boxers freeing my hard cock. She's taking off her sweats and thong. I climb back on top of her, running my fingers through her wet slit. "Y/N...please I need you inside me!" She pleads so we are skipping foreplay, but then I remembered I don't have a condom. "Liz I don't have anything?" "It's fine, just please now.." I'm inside of her within a second. She sucks in a breath clearly not remembering my size. I usually would pause but I need to fuck her. So I don't stop thrust hard and fast inside her warm wetness. "Fuck...Liz you feel so good."  Her moans getting louder so I cover her mouth because we are at her sister's place. "Y-yes...Y/N." I don't think we've ever had this kind of sex before. I was always so tender and gentle. But I've learned a few things these last few months. "Lizzie baby be a good girl and come for me." That earns me a loud moan and she's starting to tight around me get me closer to my climax. I angle myself hitting just the right spot, "Oh fuck...I-I'm coming!" Her body shakes and she comes all over my dick and that sends me over the edge.

I hold her in my arms after we both catch our breath I finally say, "Are you okay?" And she laughs, "yes of course and you've never been rough like that with me."  I almost panic but I keep my cool and still ask her, "Is that alright?" "Yes baby that was amazing." We lay with our limbs intwined for I don't know how long before I have untangle myself from her sleeping form but she wakes up for the movement as I'm getting my boxers on she wraps herself in the sheet. "Please stay with me. I'll make us dinner we can talk?" She asks but I'm putting my jeans on. "Talk about what?" Her eyebrows scrunched together not understanding. "Us. I want to talk about us having a future together." I'm taken a back by this. "What about Robbie?" I ask and she come up to me putting her hands on my bare stomach. "I want to be with you Y/N, I love you." And that's all I need to drop my shirt and stay with my one and only love Elizabeth fucking Olsen.

AN: Finally part guys! This mini series was fun to write! Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm taking requests too!

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