Younger (EO)

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Requested by @Superflash2255

Lizzie's POV

I'm pulling at my fingers trying to calm my nerves. Ugh I wish he was here.
"Elizabeth Olsen everybody!" Jimmy shouts and that's my que. I put on my best smile and walk out wave to the audience.

"Lizzie! So good to see you again." Jimmy smiles giving me a quick hug.

"Hi Jimmy, so good to see you as well." I say and sit on the couch.

"How are you Lizzie? We haven't had you on the couch. You're engaged to my friend Chris Evans little brother! Congratulations!"

"Thank you Jimmy! Yes Y/N Evans is the love of my life." I say blushing as the crowd cheers. "Now when's the big day and how did you two meet?"

"Well I will only say the wedding is in two months. We met on the set of Civil War, he was Chris's stunt double. We hit it off within minutes. He asked me out and I may have played hard to get because I wasn't sure about our age difference. He had just turned 21 at the time but he was very persistent and I couldn't resist that smile." The women in the crowd are going wild and I look around seeing a picture of Y/N.

I laugh, "Yes that smile. Well anyway I said yes and here we are 7 years later."

"We were very sad to hear he couldn't join you today. So what are the plans after the wedding? Kids?" Jimmy asks and I smile at the thought of having Y/N's babies.

"Oh yes, he wasn't feeling very well this morning. He is very sorry. The plan is to wait 2 years to have time to ourselves." I say and he leaves it alone. We talk about my projects, we play a game, and then he closes out the show.

As I'm leaving the studio, the path from the door to my car is swarmed with fans and paps. I sometimes don't mind the fans but other times like today all I want is to get back to my hotel with my fiancé. I patiently wait for security to escort me out. Once I feel comfortable I'm walking out to screaming fans I smile at them and I see a little girl with a Scarlett Witch crown on she's standing with her mom protecting her from the crowd.

I head directly to her and crouch down to her level. She is smiling so big, "Hi there, what's your name?" I ask taking the picture she's has of me and her marker.

"Cara." She says and I write her a personal message and sign it. I hand the picture back and shake her hand. I get up and walk straight to the car.

I get up to the room and hear the shower running. He texted me during the taping that his migraine was gone. I quietly strip out of my clothes I see he's facing away from the door. I walk into the shower stepping behind him.

I wrap my arms around his torso running my hands up his chest. He puts his hands on top of mine. "Mmm hi."
"Hi, how's your head?" I say as I move one of my hands down his abs past his waist like. I start stroking him lightly and his tilts his head back.

"Much better now." Is all he says as he turns around picking me up pressing me against the cool shower wall. He kisses me with so much passion I melt into him.

My God, this man can kiss. It's as if he takes kissing as seriously as he takes his profession. He begins to pull me away from the wall when I'm hit with the realization that yes, his mouth is capable of a lot.

He drags his hand down my body,
straight to my hip. He moves closer, sliding his hand down my thigh. He pushes against me and a surge of heat shoots inside me. I grab a fistful of his hair and whisper against his mouth. "Fuck me now."

He practically growls with a renewed sense of energy. It becomes an interlude of hands and moans and tongues and sweat. I feel like this is the first time I've ever been touched by this man. He knows exactly where to touch me and exactly how to kiss me.

He doesn't even hesitate. He takes me brazenly in one swift thrust and I gasp into his mouth, every muscle in me tensing.
His mouth is fierce and needy, kissing me everywhere he can reach. I grow so dizzy, I can do nothing but succumb to him. He's unapologetic in the way he fucks me. His hand comes between the shower wall and the top of my head as he pushes harder and harder.

My fingernails dig into the skin of his back as he buries his face against my neck.

"Y/N" I whisper.
"Oh, God," I say.
"Y/N!" I scream.

And then I bite down on his shoulder to muffle every sound that comes after it. My whole body feels it from my head to my toes and back up again.

I'm afraid I might literally pass out for a moment, so I tighten my legs around him and he tenses. "Jesus, Lizzie." His body ripples with tremors, and he shoves against me one last time. He groans, stilling himself on top of me. His body jerks with his release and my head falls back against the wall.

His forehead is pressed against my shoulder as he catches his breath. I stroke his wet hair and he finally pulls out of me and sets me down under the water.

"I got asked the kids question again." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. He always hates when they get invasive with us. I know I told Jimmy two years but I did just get off birth control last month. I want to have babies sooner than what I told him since I'm not getting any younger.

I probably should've warned Y/N since he did just cum inside me. But he's always wanted to be a father it was me making him wait. I'll surprise him when it happens.

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