Big Fan (WM)

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I'm on stage we are playing our last song of the night. Shawn is letting my have fun with my drum solo, and the crowd is eating it up. I usually don't notice anyone in the crowd except tonight I've been noticing this girl in the front row. She has been focusing on me the entire night and that doesn't happen most of the girls attention is on Shawn our lead sing or Derek our lead guitarist. Me and Jake, our bass player, are used to been ignored by the girls which we are okay with because means we can focus on the music. Tonight is something different than I'm used to. Shawn gives me a look to finish up so we can end the night. I wrap up and get back into the song.

I finish the song and the crowd goes crazy but my eyes are still glued on the first in the front row. We head off stage and head to the dressing rooms. We have a couple meet and greets which I usually hate because it's just a Shawn and Derek show. I shower get dressed  then go and sit on the couch to just wait it out. A few girls come in and hang on Shawn and Derek's every work. I'm about the lean back and close my eyes when I see the girl timidly come through the door with her friend. Who heads over to Derek's crowd, but not her she walks towards me so I makes sure to stand up and smile.
"Hi.." she manages to get out.
"Hey, I'm Y/N." I say stupidly because of course she knows my name.
"Yeah I know, I'm Wanda and I'm a big fan of yours." She smiles and holds out her hand. I shake it and her hand is so soft and warm.
"You're a big fan of me?" I questioned and she nods.
"Of course I love drums. You keep the beat of the music going." She state and starts talking about my videos I post of just my drum covers and drum solos and I'm amazed at her. She's has this knowledge about me and she has these beautiful emerald eyes.
"So your my own personal groupie?" I tease and she turns the cutest shade of pink. I take a chance and reach up and caress her cheek with my thumb. I don't know what it is about her that is making me so bold I lean in close hoping to kiss her. I'm close enough to feel her breath on my lips. She closes that little distance and kisses me. He lips are so soft and I pull her closer to me as I deepen the kiss.  She goes to straddle me and I remember where we are.
"Wait.." I pull away and she looks disappointed. "No I want to continue but there's a lot of people in and I don't want an audience. So would you want to maybe go to my hotel room?"
"Yes let me just make sure my friend has a way home." She gets up and goes to talk to her friend. They both look over at me and I awkwardly wave at them. She nods at her friend and comes back to me.
"We all good?" I ask and she grabs my hand heading out. My driver takes us to my hotel and once we get to the elevator I pull her into me and start kissing her. The elevator dings and I'm in the penthouse suite so the elevator opens to the door. She's kissing my neck and has her hands on my belt buckle and I try to focus my dick already hard. I finally manage to take the key card out of my wallet and open the door. Pulling her inside and her taking off my belt. I take off my shirt and I reach for hers. She lifts her arms, I take it off her quickly. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as I walk us to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and she unbuttons her jeans pulling them down along with her underwear. I don't take my eyes off her as I rid myself of my jeans and boxers freeing my hard cock. I crawl on top of her and reach under her back lifting her up to move her up the bed. It's like time has slowed before in the elevator was rushed but now that we are naked I want to take my time with her. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and I want to remember her. We don't say anything, I lean down and kiss her hard. Her hands on my back pulling me closer, I reach between us to her wet slick folds finding her clit rubbing slow circles earning me a moan from her beautiful mouth. I kiss her neck down to her breasts finding a nipple taking it in my mouth as I continue my work with my fingers. Her fingers are now in my hair and I know she's close to cuming because she is shaking and her fingers have are gripping my hair tighter. With one final circle of my fingers she lets out a loud moan her juices soaking my fingers.
"I want you inside me." she finally says after she caught her breath. "Do you have a condom?"
"Yeah." I head to my suitcase and I hear a giggle as I pull out the new box of condoms. I look back, seeing her smirk and say, "A whole box huh?" I blush and respond, "Um I don't usually have a box of condoms in my suitcase this was a prank gift from Shawn."
"Just get over here, I'm just teasing you." She says and I walk back over to the bed. I tear it open with my teeth and roll it on. Climbing back onto the bed, I line up with her opening but I stop before entering looking down at her. "Are you sure?" I asking like the gentleman I am. She looks at me almost in surprise and answers in a whisper, "Yes."
I slowly enter my full length inside, I don't move so she can get used to my size. She looks up at me and nods her head giving me the okay to start moving. I thrust slow at first and she starts to moan, "Faster Y/N." I do as I'm told an thrust faster and harder. I feel her nails scratching at my back turning me on even more pushing me closer to the edge. I feel her tighten around me I angle myself so I'm hitting that right spot with each thrust. I reach in between us finding her clit with my thumb, turning her sighs into loud moans.
"Y/N....yes...wait.." I pause all my movements. "Did I hurt you?" I ask in a panic but she just shakes her head. "No I feel like I have to pee." She's trying to push me away and I laugh a little, "Oh no sweetheart. You don't have to just trust me." I start to thrust again pounding into her wanting to give her the best orgasm she's ever going to experience. Her pussy tightens around me again and then with a couple more thrust. "YES I'M COMING!" She's squirting all over my dick and the sheets under us.
"Oh my gosh...I'm sorry." She says covering her face with her hands, "I told you I had to pee."
"No Wanda that's not what that was. You had an orgasm plus you squirted." I say with a smirk on my face. I pull her hands away, "It's a good thing. I'm guessing you've never done that before?" she shakes her head and I give her tender kiss.
"I'm sorry I messed up your sheets." She says. "It's alright we can sleep on this side of the bed." I say pulling her on top of me. She giggles, "As much as I'd love to stay I can't I need to get home." She climbs off of me looking for her underwear and I sit up, "Are you serious? It's late just stay the night and we can get breakfast in the morning." She almost dressed at this point. "Y/N...I really am a big fan but your in a famous band and you tour all over the world with thousands of fans. You can't really expect me to believe that I'm the first fan you've slept with." She says hurting me a little but if she wants to give me that stereotypical judgement then fine let her. "Alright well you can have my driver he will take you anywhere you'd like to go." I text my driver saying to be ready downstairs for her. I get up and head to the bathroom slamming the door not saying anything else to her. The first time I thought a girl liked me for me but she just wanted to sleep with a member of the band. Big Fan...that's all she was.

A/N: One shot for you guys. Had lost inspiration there for a while. I'll get back at it. Hope you enjoy.

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