Stop.. (Part 2)

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A/N: I really got into this one shot and already have 2 requests for part 2.

6 months later


I wake up to light shining in my eyes, it's a little disorienting because I'm not sure where I am. I feel the bed shift next to me and look over to see a naked body next to me. Oh that's right the blond from the bar that brought me back to her place. I didn't even bother learning this ones name. I look at my watch and see that its 6:45 am, shit I'm going to be late for my shift at the fire house. I try to slide out of the bed and start locating my clothes as quietly as I can. I get dressed and sneak out the door leaving last night behind me. Just like I do in the last 6 months since she told me no. I haven't seen or heard from her since I got all my shit out of the house a week after that horrible night that I learned she cheated on me with her ex. The first couple months were rough seeing as I was dating one of the most popular actresses in the business right now. I was tracked down by so many reporters wanting a statement. I almost fought one and after that they seemed to leave me alone probably something she had to do with.

I get to the station right at 7 luckily the captain wasn't there yet and I clocked in right on time. I head straight to my bunk with my uniform there waiting for me. I get in the shower and dress quickly, then my buddy Chris comes up behind me.
"So where did you leave from this morning?" He says knowing about my weekly activities since the break up. I answer honestly, "I actually don't know but she was close to the station." I'm usually not the type of guy that sleeps around like I have been but my heart is not longer there where I would actually care. So I've been having fun and not getting past the second night.
"When you going to stop this shit Y/N? This isn't you." He says and I just give him a glare and say, "Maybe this is me the me I should've been all along instead of being the nice idiot that got cheated on." Before he could say anything else the alarm goes off and we are being called to a fire. I was all worked up I wasn't even paying attention to the address. I just get my gear on and hope in the truck. It wasn't until we were outside the building that I realized we were at Lizzie's sisters building. I plead in my head 'Please don't be the twins apartment.' "Y/LN top floor. Get up there sounds like it just a small oven fire." Captain says. Yup it's the twin's place, the elevators are shut down like they are supposed to in a fire situation. So I'm hiking myself up 22 floors to my ex's sister's place. This is just great.
I'm finally to their door and they have the door open and I hear them arguing and I laugh knowing it was probably Ashley she's not the greatest cook. I put my mask on to mess with them so they don't know it's me. I walk through the door and yell out, "NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT!!" "OH MY GOD ASH! This is so embarrassing! Mary Kate yells as she comes around the greet me. "Hi you don't really need that most of the smoke is gone and the fire is completely out." "I'll take a look since I'm the fire fighter here." She stops in her tracks and grabs my arm, "Y/N?" She asks and I can't take it anymore and I take my hat off and pull my mask off. "Y/N!" She exclaims and jumps into my arms. "Hi MK" I say as I wrap my arms around her. "Come on Ashley is going to lose her mind." She says pulling me by the hand into the kitchen. "Did you tell that fireman everything is fine?" Ashley says over her shoulder pulling the very burnt breakfast out of the over. "Fine huh?" I say and she drops the pan on the floor. She turns around so fast I'm surprised she doesn't get whiplash, and she rushes around the island jumping into my arms. Man I do miss these two and I miss.... "MK Ash! Is everything alright! I saw the fire"  I hear her panicked voice but she stops as soon as she sees me. "Y/N..." she whispers. I put Ashley down and clear my throat. "Hello Elizabeth." I see her wince as me calling her by her full name I have never called her by her full name since she told me not to when we first hung out. Well ladies everything looks good no damage other thank Ashley's breakfast casserole. I better get going. Great to see you MK and Ash." I say walking passed her not saying anything to her.

Lizzie's POV
"Y/N.." I whisper at the man hugging my older sister. I have never seen him in uniform before when we were together he talked about being a fire fighter but he always put it off knowing it scared me having him being in such a dangerous job. I stop keeping tabs on him after I told my publicist to do whatever it took to stop the paps antagonizing him after he almost beat up that one photographer. He looks so different, bigger and more confident. I don't hear anything he said to the twins and he doesn't address me as he walks out the door. I feel like I might pass out and MK notices this and pulls me over to their couch.
"Lizzie? You okay?" MK asks and I make no motion to tell her I'm not okay.
"Lizzie!" Ashley yells and startles me out of my trance. "What?" I ask and they both sigh in relief? "Are you okay? That was the first time you've seen Y/N in months since you broke up." I nod my head and say, "Yeah I'm fine." I lie of course I'm not okay I cheated on the best guy I could ever have in my life with my now fiancée who went back to treated me like he did before we broke up. Like I'm only here for when he needs me and usually that is just for sex which isn't as great as I thought it was. There he was standing in front of me looking sexier than ever and all he said was my full name.  God I was so stupid to let him go.

A/N: Really getting into this one guys. Wait for part 3

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