Cinderella (EO)

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Requested by @Joewatt111


I'm standing by the bar in my black tuxedo and black mask. It's kind of nice that this Oscar's party is a Cinderella masquerade themed. I'm a just starting out as an actor so it's not like anyone would know who I am.

I can feel this confidence about me but it could just be the mask. I've danced with a few women but I've only danced with them once. Got to keep them guessing.

I was about to give up on this party until I see her. Standing alone in a gorgeous white dress and a white mask. Her gorgeous blonde hair falling loosely around her face.

It's like a magnet pulling her to me I finish my drink and walk towards her. I approach her, "How about a dance?" I ask and she looks up at me and my heart nearly skips a beat when her beautiful green irises look up at me.

She just takes my hand as I lead her to the dance floor. I twirl her around and she giggles as I pull her into me. Bringing my hand around her back as she sets her hand on my shoulder.

We start to sway to the music, "How's your night going?" I ask and she looks taken aback by my simple question.

"What?" I ask and she responds, "Nothing, I just wasn't expecting just a simple question."

"What were you expecting?" I ask and she shrugs, "I've been watching you for most of the night. You've been dancing with a few women, but only once. So I was expecting one dance with no talking."

"Well you're the only woman I asked tonight. You interested me and wanted to let you know how beautiful you are. Doesn't seem like you've been told that night." I say and she doesn't look at me. That's how I know I'm right.

"Thank you." She says with a small smile. I push her out and spin her. Her smile brightens and I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach when she smiles at me. We dance together for a few songs as we just talk about each other the little things not what movies we are in or shows. Keeping the mystery alive.

The next song plays as I bring her closer to me no space between us. I don't know if I should but I lowered my mouth to hers, vowing that I'd only kiss her once—one time-just to know what it was like. Of course, that was before she opened her lips and invited my tongue between them. Our tongue fighting for dominance. My hands cupping her face as I feel fireworks. Her hand grabs ahold of my wrist.

The kiss didn't last long after that the clock struck 12 and she jumped apart from me. "I'm sorry I can't do this. I have to go."

I was in shock that I didn't follow her right away. I turn around and follow after her I see head out the door and I run after her. As soon as I'm out the door she's getting into a car with a man closing the door behind her.

"Great there goes the girl of my dreams." I mutter.

Lizzie's POV

Sitting in the car ride home I was feeling guilty because I went was the with Robbie. But also I can get that kiss out of my head.

I never felt something like that before even while kissing Robbie. I can't be thinking about another man like this. In that little kiss I was more turned on than 10 minutes of foreplay with Robbie.

I don't say one word to Robbie the whole ride home and even when we get ready for bed. It was a one time thing and I don't even know who the guy is and he doesn't know it's me. Hopefully I can forget this whole thing.

One week later...

I haven't stopped thinking about Cinderella. It's not just the kiss but talking to her even while dancing was the most fun I had at that party and in a while really.

Well I start a new project today and maybe this will help me keep my mind off her. I drive up to the set pretty nervous though as this is my first lead role. I will be working along side with Elizabeth Olsen, she's such a talented and gorgeous woman. I hope she likes to work along side me.

I come up to the table and I'm sitting right next to her. I sit down and I introduce myself, "Hi, I'm Y/N Y/LN." She smile and shakes my hand, "Elizabeth Olsen, but call me Lizzie. I'm really excited to be working with you." I can't believe that she's excited to be working with me. But I play it cool and say, "Like wise." I smile and sit down.
The table read goes amazing and we have great chemistry and we get along great. We take our breaks together when we don't have to film separate scenes we mostly hang out in her trailer.

It's been a few weeks, Lizzie and I have become great friends she sometimes has off days because she's having issues with her husband Robbie and I've been there for her. I've been slowly feeling things for her but I know I can't feel these things. We are have a kissing scene today and it's a scene where we are fighting then get caught up in the passion.

We are waiting to film this scene but Lizzie is late and I'm worried about her. About 30 an hour later we are all sitting around and she comes running onto set. "Sorry everyone! Really sorry." She says and even after make up I can tell she's been crying her eyes are little red rimmed and her green eyes are brighter. I've noticed that when she's been crying in her other shows that I've watched.

We get set and the director yells, "Action!"
We are arguing about her character not getting a date with the guy she want's to be with.
"It's not like he's that great of a guy. He's a major douche." I say and she turns to me.
"Ugh you are the most arrogant ass hole I've ever met!" She yells at me.
"Oh it's not like you're a walk in the park either! I can at least admit my flaws." I say and she slaps me. I then grab her and kiss her hard with so much passion partly in character but I also not. However when we are kissing I feel this familiar spark and the last time I've felt it was the night of the masquerade party. We don't move for a second because I think we both realize something is different about this kiss and it's not the scene.

We both realize where we are doing a scene so we continue with our kiss for the scene. It feels different than an other kissing scene I've done. Her hands are in my hair and my hands are on her waist. I don't normally use tongue for a kissing scene but I lick her bottom lip and she grants me access. Our tongues tangling together and she tastes minty she prepared for this kiss and I'm really glad I also had prepared for this with mint gum too. I slow the kiss down and pull our lips apart but our foreheads still touching.

We are looking into each other eyes and our heavy breathing the only sound I hear until we hear "Cut! That was great you two. You two can take a break come back in about 2 hours for the sex scene." She nods and walk out off set. I take off after her not letting her get away this time.

"Lizzie! Wait!" I yell but she doesn't stop luckily she's heading to her trailer. She leaves the door open for me.

"You felt it didn't you?" I ask and she nods slowly.

"You're my Prince Charming." She says and I smile at the nickname.

"I thought I'd never see you again. Come to find out we've been working together this whole time." I say smiling and she laughs but almost without humor.

"I didn't either and I was hoping not to you've been on my mind these weeks since the party. I feel things for you before getting to know you here and now I've developed strong feelings but I'm married." She says and I nod.

"You don't think I know that? I've been trying to forget that night and now spending so much time and seeing you hurt when you two fight. It kills me, I just want to hold you and kiss you. Now after kissing you again just makes those feelings grow." I admit now pacing in her trailer and she grabs my hand stopping me pulling me to sit down.

"Well Robbie just told me he wants a divorce that's why I was late." She says and for the first time I feel hope that her and I could be something.

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