Big Fan Part 2 (WM)

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10 Years Later...

The crowd is going wild after our Oncor, I'm dripping with sweat and my arms are killing me. I just want to head back to my hotel room and pass out we have a small meet and greet tomorrow afternoon. I tell the guys good night, hop onto my bike and head to the hotel. I shower and crawl into bed, being in this city gets me thinking about the same night I spent with the girl I haven't been able to keep out of my head no matter how many girls I've slept with or girlfriends I've had. It's pathetic she was a one night stand 10 fucking years ago. Still that girl holds a place in my head even after all this time. I get off to that night and pass out. 

I pull up to the venue for the meet and greet, taking a look at the crowd I make my way to the back not wanting to get swarmed. The guys are all waiting on me since I was not wanting to do this at all. "Well, it's about time man." Shawn groans at me knowing this part of our job is not my thing. I don't bother answer and we are stood in the part of the store that has our lasted album cover blown up behind us. They have a line already in the store and once we walk in the room the screams start. I wince a bit at the noise and then Shawn gets them to quiet down. "Already everybody we appreciate the cheering but it's not a concert so we would love if the cheering came down. That way we can really appreciate this meet and greet for you guys." They stop cheering and now it's just the normal volume of chatter. We take picture after picture with fans, it feels like hours have passed. The last person...well kid comes up and he's alone. He walks passed all the other guys and walks directly to me. 

"Hey the shirt." He's got our first album print on his shirt. Not many people even know about that album so that must be a parents shirt. 

"Hi...yeah it was my mom's. She loves you guys and she saw you guys a long time ago." He says with pride. "I love you guys too." 

"Thanks kid. Do you want me to sign the shirt?" I ask because he's not sure what to do now. 

"Oh you signed this on already see." He says and turns around and there faded black ink is my signature and a note in my handwriting.  To Wanda, my biggest fan. 

My eyes widen and I freeze not he can't be. Surely she had a boyfriend or something after me, "How old are you kid?" I ask.

"I'm 10, and my name is Jackson." he says with a look a confusion on his face. He hands me our newest vinyl and a marker. I sign and write To Jackson, my biggest and youngest fan. I double check we have no one else waiting and I ask the guys if I'm good to go. They nod and I address the kid again. "Hey Jack, where's your mom?" He looks down like he knows he will be in trouble. "Um...not here she's at home, I'm supposed to be in school." I chuckle, "Very rockstar of you already kid. How'd you get here?" 

"Bus, but I'm not sure which bus I need to get home." he says. 

"Well how about I give you a ride home?" I ask and he looks up at me. "I'm not really supposed to get in a car with strangers." he says. 

"That's true but we aren't strangers you met me and I know your mom." I argue. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Alright." I walk us to the back and I realize I have my bike. Shawn always leaves his keys in his car so I grab a piece of paper in the glove compartment and write him a note telling him I'm barrowing his car and to not scratch my bike. 

The kid tells me his address and he talks my ear off the whole way to his house. Kid knows his music and he is taking drum lessons. More and more I'm thinking this kid is probably mine. 

Wanda's POV

I'm in Jackson's room gathering his laundry and I find a flyer for a our favorite band crumpled up next to the garbage. I sigh knowing we had a fight about going to the concert that was last night a few days earlier. Truth is I knew the band was going to be in town months ago but I hid it from him till he came home with the flyer he found wanting to go. I haven't seen that band and him since that night 10 years ago.  Jackson looks so much like him and has so much passion for music. When he came to me asking for a drum set and lessons I couldn't tell him no and I broke down in tears that night. I thought about telling Y/N when I first found out I was pregnant but he was just taking off with the band I didn't want to be a burden to him. Plus I was a one night stand in probably a long line of one night stands. 

I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear, "Mama! I'm home!" I throw the flyer in the trash, grab the laundry basket and head down the stairs to greet my son. But I stop midway down the stairs when I see him standing in front of my door. 


I look up and see her coming down the stairs. She freezes when she sees me, "Hi.." is all I have to say like I didn't just bring her son home. "Mama! Look I met Y/N Y/LN!" Jackson says excitedly like he didn't come to see me without his mothers permission. 

"I see that. Jack honey how did you meet him?" she asks giving him a stern motherly look. "Um...I rode the bus to meet him mama." he answers honestly. I smile, "Yeah, he told me he rode the bus and I offered to give him a ride home. It's good to see you again Wanda." I ask and she looks taken aback, shocked that I remembered her. 

"Jack, why do you go up to room. I'll be up in a minute and we will talk about this." she says walking down the rest of the stairs to greet her son. He deflates and says, "Oh...okay bye Y/N." He runs upstairs and I'm left standing with her and she turns to me. "Thank you for bringing him home, can I get you something to drink?" 

"Sure." I say as I follow her to the kitchen, she grabs me a beer and pops the top off with a bottle opener. I take a drink as she starts emptying the dish washer. I can't stop looking at her and she's not saying one word to me and finally I can't hold it in anymore. 

"Is he mine?" I ask

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