You are going to age me! (EO)

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"How's filming?" I ask my girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen, walking out of the fire house after my 24 hour shift as a paramedic for the NYFD.

"Good, how was your shift?" She asks. "Long, couple car accidents luckily no casualties. That's always a win." I head to into a mini mart for a quick grocery stop for the week. Lizzie hates when I don't go straight home to rest after a 24 hour shift.

"Darling, are you getting enough rest?" She asks with her best concerned voice. "Yes my love. I promise. How's your garden?" I reassure her and distract her with talk of her garden.

She goes on about her garden, I just smile and listen as I walk through the isles. I notice a shifty guy come in and I make sure to keep an eye on him. "Lizzie, they are ready for you." I hear in the background. "Oh I got to go baby. Go home and sleep. Call me when you wake up. I love you."

"I will. I love you too." As soon as I hang up they guy points a gun at the store clerk.

"Empty the tray!" He is twitching out, most likely strung out on something. The girl is terrified she's shaking trying to get the drawer open. He cocks the gun and that's when I step up, "Hey buddy, she's trying to get the register open." I say but it was a very stupid. "You back up! Don't try to be a hero!" He says shaking the gun at me then he moves back towards the clerk. "Hurry up!" I take this opportunity and lunge at him. Going for the gun he turns and pulls the trigger and I feel the bullet hit me in the torso. I look down and press my hand to the wound. I look up and they guy books it out of the store.
I fall to the floor and the clerk runs up to me
"C-call..911." I manage to get out as I press on my hand against the wound.
"Okay they are on their way. What do you need to me to do?" She asks
"Those clean towels I need you to put pressure on the wound and keep it there till the paramedics get here." I tell her and she puts the perfect amount of pressure on the wound. "Why did you step in?" She asks

"W-well he was threatening you while you were in the process of getting the money. There wasn't a need for it..." I say and start coughing. Luckily I hear the ambulance, "They are here!" She says but I'm starting to lose consciousness. "Hey hey! Wake up!" She shakes me and I open my eyes. I see the paramedics for my opposite shift.

"Y/N? Hey buddy we got you." They say and then everything goes dark.

Lizzie's POV

We are almost through the scene which we had to do a couple takes at the beginning because I couldn't focus because Y/N got called out and I always worry even thought he's a paramedic I still worry. But then he sent the I love you text I was able to focus.

"Cut." The director says and I head off towards my trailer and I'm getting a call from a New York number. I don't recognize it but I answer anyways.

Me: "Hello?"

??: "Miss Olsen?"

Me: "Yes? Who is this?"

??: "This is Nurse Duke, with Bellevue Hospital Center. I am calling you about Y/N Y/LN, he has you listed as his emergency contact."

Me: "What's going on? Is he alright?!"

Nurse Duke: "He was shot in a minimart robbery. He is in surgery, how soon can you get here?"

Me: "What?! I'm in LA  filming. He doesn't have any other family. I'll get there as soon as I can. Thank you."

I don't bother letting her finish I hang up and call my sisters. Ashley answers right away.

Ashley: Lizzie! I already got the jet ready for you.

Me: Ashley, what if he dies?

Ashley: He's a fighter and beside if he dies I'll kick his ass.

Me: I'll see you when I get to New York.

I rush to my car and feeling the tears form as I get in I shake it off and drive straight to the airport. I get to the jet and I break down into tears. I feel so many emotions throughout the flight. Fear, sadness and anger.

Ashley and MK are waiting for mr at the airport and as soon as I see them they both pull me into their arms. We get in their car and head directly to the hospital. I didn't get a call while I was on the plane here so I'm guessing he's still in surgery.

We rush through the hospital doors and get directed to the surgical floor. I see Y/N's friends from work and see his best friend. "Danny! What's going on?" I ask him and he shrugs, "They won't tell us anything because we aren't family or his emergency contact."

I nod, "I'll go get some information." I head to the nurses station. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Olsen. I'm here for Y/N Y/L/N. I got a call from. Nurse Duke a few hours ago."

"Oh yes, Mr. Y/L/N is still in surgery. I'll let the doctor know you are here." She says and I nod. I got back to let Danny and the crew know.
"What happened?" I ask
"I guess a guy strung out came into the store and he pulled a gun on the store clerk he demanded her to empty the register and when she was having trouble I get he cocked the gun and moved closer to her. She said Y/N stepped up trying to get him to calm down and then he tried to go for gun. Tried to be a hero our guy." He tells me and now the anger is back.

He deals with drug users all the time knows they can be unpredictable. I go to respond but then a doctor comes out, "Elizabeth Olsen?"

"Yes? How is he?"
"He's stable in ICU, the bullet punctured his lung and nicked his heart. We were able to repair the damage but he is still not out of the woods yet." He says
"Can I see him?" I ask and he nods, "Of course. Follow me. He is still hooked to a ventilator." I'm lead to a sliding glass door and seeing all the machines around him he looks so fragile and small even though he's over 6 feet tall.

I walk up to him and touch his cheek with the back of my hand. "You are going to age me, Y/N and I'm already 8 years older than you." I whisper as I sit down next to him. "At least you're still alive."

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