After all this time: Part 2 (EO)

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Elizabeth's POV

I've been on auto pilot since leaving Y/N and his daughter Spencer at the ice cream shop. After hearing Spencer tell him that he and Margot fought about me. Why would they be fighting about me? We haven't even seen or spoken to each other in 16 years. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I get to the restaurant that I'm meeting my sisters at. They see me and pull me into a big hug. "Hey Liz!" MK asks with a smile on her face but it falters when she notices my demeanor. "What's going on?" We all sit down, "Well, I just ran into Y/N." Their eyes widen, then Ashley speaks up, "Where? And how was it?" "I was walking in Central Park and I was nearing the Alice in Wonderland statue and he was there with his daughter. It was actually really nice. She is a Scarlet Witch fan and she is absolutely adorable. Then we went for ice scream. Oh and Y/N says hi by the way" Before either one of them can answer the waiter comes to take our drink order. I order a glass of wine and they order some cocktails. As the waiter leaves Ashley says, "Aw that so sweet. He was always the best. Isn't he married to Margot Robbie?" I nod, "Oh but they are separated and getting a divorce. Which at first I thought to myself who divorces Margo freaking Robbie. But then Spencer said something as I was leaving." MK has been quiet this whole time but I don't think anything of it as I proceed to tell them. "So as I was leaving I overheard Spencer say, 'Lizzie is so nice, Daddy why is Mommy always so mad at her when she talks about her." That leaves them both speechless well MK was already not talking so just Ashley is speechless. "Do you think they fight about me?" I ask them both. MK looks down and takes a big gulp of her drink. She knows something and she hasn't told me. So I ask her, "MK, what do you know?" She startles, "Why would I know something?" She's always been a terrible liar. "Oh come on MK, you have been very quiet this whole time, and you are a terrible liar." She sighs, " Y/N and I have been in contact since you broke up after graduation. Even more so since he moved here when he was signed onto the Knicks."

 I stare at her in disbelieve and then I turn to Ashley. She looks just as shocked as me, so MK has also kept this from Ashley too. " often do you see him?" Ashley asks before I can. "Um well it was once a week when he was still with Margot, but now we see each other 3 times a week and we talk everyday...but it's not like we are seeing each other in that way. He's my best friend." I laugh without humor, "Wow Mary Kate really? You knew how much it hurt me when we ended things and you still talked to him. You didn't even tell me." "Lizzie, I didn't need you to hurt anymore because of that reason you needed to get over him." she says and I understand where she's coming from but what she doesn't or anyone else doesn't know is that I've never gotten over him. Seeing him just ignited those feelings that I kept down for 16 years. It just makes it worse that I am currently married but Robbie is hardly at home and doesn't care to give me attention unless its for his benefit. "I'm sorry Lizzie." I'm broken out of my thoughts to MK holding my hand and looking genuinely sorry. I can't be mad at her for having a friend even if it's my ex. "I know it's alright, but do they fight about me?" I ask not really sure what I wan the answer to be. She sucks in a huge breathe like she is very hesitant to tell me but she lets out the breathe, "Yes, they do. She knows that his heart hasn't fully hers." Those two sentences is enough to make my eyes fill with tears, and whisper, "After all this time?" 


It's the end of my weekend with Spencer we pull into the drive way. I take her out of her car seat let her down and I grab her bag as she is running towards the house. Margot is already waiting in the doorway and Spencer is squealing, "MOMMY!!!" She jumps into her arms, "Mommy guess what I met Wanda Maximoff, but her real name is Lizzie!" Margot shoots a glance at me but responds to her, "You did? That sounds exciting." "It was and Daddy bought us ice cream." She continues to tell her then she looks to me. "Daddy, can stay for dinner and tuck me in for bed tonight?" I look to Margot and she just gives me a slight nod. "Of course baby girl, only if it's alright with Mommy." She turns and asks her mother excitedly. Margot tells her its fine. 

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