After all this time: Final Part (EO)

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Light shining through the window wakes me up out of my haze. I have a slight headache as I remember drinking but nothing else. My arms are around a body, I blink my eyes open and see blond hair in front of me but not the familiar blonde I'm used to. This blonde is the one I've missed for so long.

I feel my member is wide awake since it's first thing in the morning so I go to move my arm but she grabs hold of it and pulls it closer to her. She moves her body closer to me pusher her ass into my morning wood. I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. I feel like a teenage boy again. I can help but feel warmth in my heart getting to hold her again.

I hear her make a soft moan as she's starting to wake up. Turns around to look at me and she sees I'm awake, "Good morning, how are you feeling?" she asks and "I'm okay, a little groggy."

She smirks at me, "Seems like another part of you isn't groggy." My cheeks flush and I put my face in my palm. "Sorry it's the morning and you putting your ass into me didn't help anything. I just need to go take a quick shower." I go to get up but she grabs my shirt.

"You don't have to take care of it by yourself Y/N..." she says reaching down and start rubbing through my pants. I close my eyes sucking in a breathe. " shouldn't be doing that." After I finish that sentence she's undoing my pants and slips her hand down and inside my boxers. She whispers in my ear, " you want me to stop."

I don't say anything because I can't focus with her stroking me. She takes that as an invitation starts pulling off my pants and straddles me. I can't help myself I grab her hips as she starts to grind against me. I can feel her wetness through her underwear. I sit up and pull her into a passionate kiss. She tugs at my shirt I lift up my arms allowing her to take it off me. I take her shirt off and she is bra less. I stare at her bare chest, "Just as beautiful as I remember." I say and I see her blush then reconnect our lips. I roll us over and pull her underwear off.

I run my fingers through her wet folds and she lets out a small moan. She's so wet and I want to taste her. I kiss my way down her perfect body. I reach her center kissing and licking up her thighs "Don't tease Y/N." I don't waste any more time. I lick up her folds and find her clit and she grabs hold of my hair keeping me in place. I devour her, she tastes so amazing. When we were kids I never got to taste her she was very self conscious of me going down there. She most definitely isn't self conscious right now. Her moans are getting louder as I swirl my tongue around her clit.

"Yes Y/N...please don't give up." She says and I think about why she said that but I put at the back of my head for later. I continue my work, she grabs my hair tighter and her legs start shaking. She then screams out my name as she comes in my mouth. I lick her up letter her ride out her orgasm.

I climb back up giving her a kiss and I go to pull away but she grabs me by the neck keeping me in place. "I want you inside me Y/N." She whispers

I do as she asks and I line myself up and start to push inside her but she squeezes her eyes shut and gasps. I stop immediately, "Lizzie are you okay?" I ask because I worried I hurt her. She nods, "Yes I'm okay, just not used to it. Go ahead baby." I go slowly the rest of the way and stop letting her adjust. I can't help but feel great about her not being used to the size. I look down at her, she looks at me and nods telling me to go head. I start to thrust in and out slowly. She's so wet and feels amazing. "Fuck Liz your so wet." I say and she says breathlessly, "All for you. Faster Y/N please."

I do as she asks and she drags her nail down my back. I kiss her neck and make my way to her nipple while I pound into her. I suck on her neck and she's moaning loudly. I adjust my hips hitting the right spot. I feel her walls start to tighten around me. "Oh wow...Y/N I'm almost there..." she moans out and I let that comment slid since I'm almost there and respond, "Me too Lizzie cum with me." Within the next 10 seconds she's coming around my cock and I shutting my load inside her." I collapsed on her my face in her neck. She is playing with my hair as I'm trying to catch my breath.

"Wow...fuck Lizzie that was amazing." I say as I lean up on my elbows above her. She smiles and puts her hands on my face, "Yes you were always so good." She says and I pull out of her and lay next to her. I take this pause to ask, "Why did you say please don't give up?" She closes her eyes. "I said that didn't I?" I nod waiting for her to tell me why.

"Um...well Robbie gets frustrated and gives up." She says quietly and I get so annoyed. "Are you serious? Was that your first orgasms since you've been with Robbie?" I ask and she's nods. "Oh Lizzie...I'm sorry I hope he makes up for that by treating you like a queen other ways?" I ask, she doesn't say anything and looks away from me.

"Lizzie...are you happy? Please be honest with me." I ask, she has tears in her eyes and shakes her head. I pull her into me to hold her while she cried. "I'm sorry Lizzie." I say and I think about the situation we are in. I just did what I said I wouldn't. But I love her so much I couldn't help myself especially when she wouldn't stop touching me.

She pulls away, looking at me and seeing that my thoughts are running wild. "Y/N what are you thinking?" She asks and I just shake my head. "Liz we just cheated and I didn't want to be that guy." I lay back and put my hand on my face. She tries to pull my hands away from my face but I don't let her. "Y/N, look at me." I finally pull my hands away to look at her. "You aren't that guy, I started this. I'm so sorry. I just wanted you because my feelings for you have come up to the surface after all this time. I love you and my love for Robbie has faded. He just uses me when it's convenient for him. We don't see each other ever. I want to be with you."

"Lizzie, I have a daughter and I'm going through a divorce. You are still married. Why would you want all my baggage." I say and she looks at me sternly. "I love you and I would give up my horrible marriage to be with you and I know you have a daughter I will take it as slowly as possible to make this happen between us. You and Spencer aren't baggage." I nod and say, "Okay let's make this work. I love you too." I say and I pull her into a kiss."

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