Two Women: Part 1 (EO)

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Request Joewatt111


"How many times do I have to tell you we can't." Felicity says pulling on her shirt. I sigh knowing I was going to get the same answer. Felicity and I have been secretly seeing each other off and on for two years.

She doesn't think the public will take me being younger than her well. So whenever she's single she comes back to me. I love her and it hurts when she leaves me for a guy closer to her age.

"Ok...well I'm leaving tomorrow to film." I say getting out of bed heading to my on suite bathroom. She freezes while buttoning her jeans. "What? I thought you were at home for a while."

I scoff turning on the shower. I know that she was hoping she would have me at her beck and call. "Y/N, why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

I don't answer getting in the shower. "Y/N? Please answer me?"

She's now looking at me through the shower door. She has on her pouting face and I give in but not fully.

"I just got the call yesterday. The original actor that go the part backed out and I was close to being cast in the first place. Plus I figured you'd had your fill and go find yourself someone worthy of your time."

"What's that's supposed to mean?" She says crossing her arms. I just start washing my hair as I answer, "It means exactly what I said. I'm just here to fuck you. I'm your dirty little secret."

She is quiet for a minute as I finish up washing and I turn off the water. I step out drying myself quickly and wrap the towel around my waist. She finally walks towards me turning me to face her.

She places her hands on my chest, "You really think that?" I honestly hate that I'm needy like this when I come to her. I just shrug my shoulders looking down at the floor.

She puts her finger under my chin lifting my head to look at her. I probably look like a kicked puppy.

"Y/N, you mean more than just a good lay. You just know that perception is everything in our line a work."

There it is her image, but I know that she wont let up on that. So I just nod forcing a smile. "Yeah, I know."

She leans up kissing me with a little extra warmth to show me she cares and I give into it. When she pulls away, "Where are you filming?"


"What's is it?"

"It's a HBO show based on this woman, Candy Montgomery, that had an affair with a man and the man's wife found out and the two wives fight and the woman kills the wife with an axe. I play the husband who she has an affair with."

"Wow, that's pretty serious? Who's your costar?" She asks with an almost bite to her tone.

"Elizabeth Olsen, I think they said."

"Oh, can I visit you?" She says smirking at me. I blush and nod like a geeky high school boy who's getting the attention of the head cheerleader.

"Good, we okay?" As much as it kills me I just nod, "Of course."

She reaches up and pecks my lips. "I have to go I'll see you soon. You'll be great." Then she's out the door and I'm left alone again, still pining after a woman that doesn't want me fully and openly. Jeez I'm so whipped.

One week later...

The first week on site has been great except for the fact that I haven't heard from Felicity. She's been seen with a new guy kissing him. That day my acting was shit but Lizzie could tell I was distracted so she invited me to dinner to relax.

It was nice, she's a really sweet girl. I'm not gonna lie she's gorgeous and very talented. I'm really lucky to be acting along side her. Even with my appearance being this chubby mundane husband. She jokes, tells me I'm doing shitty when she knows I'm doing great. Nothing compares to her though.

I should up to set and to get all ready and she's already in the makeup trailer. She isn't quite ready but I'm running g behind.

"Well looked what the cat drug." She jokes and I come back with, "A whore?"

It catches her off guard and she busts up laughing. I smile and the makeup artist tells me to take my shirt off to get the chubby tummy on. I do as told and I see in my peripheral Lizzie looking at me. It makes me smile to myself, we aren't quite to the sex scenes so which I'm thankful she can see my body without the chubby stuff on.

After a long day of filming we get to the scene where she asks to have an affair. She's so good at acting I almost forget we were filming.

Once we get done we are both back in our own clothes. I grab my helmet I'm leaving my trailer and he's is right next to mine so I'm walking past when she comes out.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

I freeze and reaches me, "Hey Lizzie, what's up?"

"I just wanted to see if you want to have dinner with me?" She asks as we are walking to the parking lot. She makes me nervous.

"You want to have dinner with m-me?" I squeeze my eyes shut at my nerves as we reach her car.

"Yes, that's why I asked." She giggles and wipes something off my shirt.

"Y-yeah that would be good." I nod like an idiot. She smiles that sunshine smile, "Good, follow me?"

Again I nod. She gets in her car and I rush to my bike. Throw my helmet on and as she's pulling out I follow her.

Once we get to her house my watch buzzes with a phone call it's Felicity. I hit ignore still angry with her about the other guy. I also want to focus on Lizzie tonight, it's been awhile since I've liked someone this much since Felicity.

I pull up to the sidewalk but she points to the driveway. So I back up next to her car. She walks up next to me once I turn off the engine and take my helmet off. I try to fix my hair and she pulls my hand away.

"Leave it, I like it all messed up." I blush and get off the bike. I indicate to my backpack and she nods telling me to bring it inside.

I follow her inside and she points to the bench where I can set my stuff down. "What would you like for dinner? I can whip something up or we can just get take out?"

"Oh I don't want to have you make something after our long day. Anything you want is fine." I respond as I look around her living room.

"Chinese sound okay?" She asks and I nod still super nervous. She calls and orders the food. Then my phone start ringing and I pull it out seeing the Felicity is calling I hit ignore.

"You don't need to get that?"

I shake my head, "Nah, it can wait. You asked me to have dinner with you. That's what I'm gonna focus on."

She walks closer to me and puts her hands on my chest. I follow up with placing my hands on her waist. "Y/N, are you nervous?"

"Yeah a little." I chuckle and she smiles.

"I figured, it's quite adorable because you are so confident on set. But as soon as I asked you to dinner it's like a switch was flicked."

I swallow the lump in my throat, and she runs her hands up my neck pulling me down to where our lips are mere inches apart. It sends chills down my spine.

She lets me decide on whether to close the gap. I think about Felicity for a second but then I remember her with the older guy and then she instantly leaves my brain. I close the gap and kiss Lizzie.

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