Back to Life (EO)

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Requested by Joewatt111

⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️


I've been walking on this bridge for the past hour. I'm looking out at the sunset thinking about my life. I'm stuck at my meaningless dead end job, my love life which has been nonexistent for the last two years since my girlfriend cheated on my with my best friend, sometimes it's like I can barely get out of bed.

As I muttered to myself, "Would anyone really miss me?" and rubbed my face with my hands, I failed to notice the approaching figure.

"Do you mind if I sit here? The sunset is just beautiful tonight." She says

""You seemed lost in thought. What's on your mind?" I look up to see Elizabeth Olsen.

"Oh no, thank you." I just say and getting up leaving. She is very kind for asking but I can't burden her with my pathetic life.

I returned the following night, still feeling lonely and depressed as ever. Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me and looked over to see Elizabeth once again. "Two nights in a row. You sure have a good spot for these sunsets," she said with a smile. I felt some light in the darkness as she continued to tell me about her day. I sat and listened to her sweet, angelic voice.

When the sun sets, she apologizes and says she needs to go back to her sisters who will be worried about her. She asks if she can come back tomorrow.

I stand with her, "Yes I will."

"Tomorrow, you get to talk. I'm sick of hearing my own voice."

As she walked away, I laughed, feeling lighter. However, I didn't want to get my hopes up. Who's to say she wasn't just trying to be kind?

I returned the next day and found her already sitting on the bench. "You came?" I asked, surprised to see her there.

"Of course, I told you it was your turn to talk." she says those green irises sparkle up at me. I smile and sit down.

"I work in IT for a law firm. I'm not very exciting.." She frowns at me after I confess that I don't know what else to say.

"Oh my goodness, I think I just realized I talked the whole time yesterday and I don't even know your name and vice versa."

"Oh, I guess you're right," I said, introducing myself by holding out my hand. "I'm Y/N." She took my hand. "I'm Elizabeth, but please call me Lizzie."

She flashes that gorgeous smile. Making it hard for me to not smile back.

"You know I don't normally approach strangers on a bridge. Especially with who I am." she admits to me.

I furrow my brows, "What made you approach me then?"

She takes a deep breath, "I just felt like there was something off and I decided to check on a stranger."

I nodded and said, "That was very kind of you. I have been struggling lately, and your checking on me has really helped, even in these last two days. You seem to be my light in the darkness."

She raises her eyebrows and hesitantly places her hand on mine. "Someone would miss you. No should ever have to think that about themselves."

From then on weeks went on of us meeting in that bridge. I finally felt the courage to ask her. "Lizzie? Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

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