Why did you do this? Part 2 (WM)

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Requested by @KuroFurasshu

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Requested by @KuroFurasshu


As Wanda and I kiss again, I'm reminded that she is with Vision so I grab her shoulders and push her away gently. I search her eyes and fury my brows in confusion, and she has a confused look on her face as well, "What's wrong Y/N?"

"Um not that I don't love kissing you but aren't you still with Vision?" I ask and she shakes her head, "No, we haven't been together for a year. You we're missing for two years.." My eye's wide in shock and then I look down and start playing with my hands. I know I was locked up for awhile but I didn't count the months or years apparently.

She grabs one of my hands and I look at my unhealthy hand compared to her healthy one. "Hey, look at me." She commands while her hand is in my cheek. "You're safe now and I'm not letting you go." I feel my eye sting and tears run down my face. Bruce come in with Nat.

I clear my throat and she wipes the tears from my face. She knows that I hate crying in front of people. Nat comes up to my other side, grabs my other hand and leans down to kiss my forehead. I feel Wanda squeeze my hand tighter. She's always been wary of mine and Nat's friendship no matter how many times I've reassured her.

"Hey Natty." I say with a smile and I can see the redness around her eyes so I know that she's been crying so I just leave her be.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Bruce asks and I shrug. "Hungry and wondering why I have a bandage on my eye instead of the eyepatch they gave me."

"Well we can slowly start introducing food but considering how malnourished you are you will have to start slowly because I'm worried if you have too much food too fast it will shock your system and you won't be able to keep solid foods down right now. I nod and he says, "I'll  have some chicken broth for you." I roll my eyes, "Oh yummy!"

Wanda reaches up brushing my hair off my face, "Dorogoy, just listen to him." I sigh, "Fine, thanks Banner. Now my eye, well lack there of." I smile at my little joke looking at both Nat and Wanda, but they aren't impressed. I clear my throat and nod for him to answer.

"Well we had an expert come in and make it so you can have a prosthetic eye." He explains and I get excited, "You mean, I don't have to look like Fury?" This time the girls smile at my excitement. "Other than that you're other wounds have healed over the years but it did look like you had some medical professional with you. I noted some broken bones that were set and healed in your time there." They all look at me waiting for me to answer their silent question.

"I don't know who worked on me after they went to far. I did have a dream that some woman came in my cell to clean my eye dressing but now I think that it wasn't a dream." I think out loud and then I ask, "When can I go sleep in my room?" Bruce laughs, "You can go sleep in your room, but I'd like you to be in a wheel chair till you gain more strength. I sigh, "Fine...can I get my delicious meal brought to my room?" Bruce nods and walk outs.

"Will you help me into the wheelchair?" I ask the girls they both nod Wanda gets off the bed and pulls back the sheets and I didn't realize I was in a hospital gown. I could feel the breeze on my junk, and I cover myself with the sheets again. "Wanda, can I get some sweats?" I hear Nat giggles and I look back at her with a glare.

Friday calls Nat, "Miss Romanoff, Steve requests your assistance in the training room."
"Thank you Friday. She answers, "I'll see you later, you're okay?" I just nod, grabbing Wanda's hand as she helps me into the chair and she hands me a blanket to cover my legs and just incase my junk.

Wanda's POV

Once I get Y/N to his room it's clean Tony must have had his room cleaned. I push him towards the bed I go to help him into bed but he stops me, "Um, I'd like to take a shower." He says and he's almost embarrassed. "Okay, let me help you." I say as I push him into his on suit bathroom. I walk around to but the breaks on the chair and I move to pull the blanket off to help him but gently grabs my hand. I look up at him in confusion.

"I'd like to do this by myself." He says but I'm hesitant and he can sense it. "Please Wanda?" I nod standing up "Just yell for me if you need anything. I'll grab you some clothes."

I walk back to his dresser and pull out some clothes for him. I hear the shower turn on and the door to the shower open and close. I set his clothes on the counter and head back into his room to sit on the bed. He must be enjoying the shower as he's been in there for almost 30 minutes. I almost get up to ask if he's alright but then I hear the shower turn off.

"Wanda..." He says my name timidly and almost hear a tone of embarrassment. I get up and just stand by the cracked door, "Yeah? You okay?" I ask and he is silent for a minute. "I got lightheaded so I can't get my clothes on." I push the door open and his naked back is toward me and I see multiple scars on his back. I feel tears fall from my eyes, he has those because of me because he wanted to keep me safe. "Wands you there?" He asks and I clear my throat wiping the tears off my face as I grab his clothes. He doesn't look me in the eyes as I help him get dressed. I can tell he's embarrassed.

"Y/N you don't need be embarrassed." I tell him once I finish getting his clothes on. He scoffs at that and I grab his face forcing him to look at me. "You don't you were tortured and starved, You did good by taking a shower by yourself. You just pushed a little too far, lets get you into bed I think your food will be here soon." He nods and I lean up to plant a soft kiss to his forehead.

One month later...
Y/N has gained a lot more energy back and he is eating more. He's been slowly started PT and the first couple weeks were hard. There was a lot of yelling mostly at me because he felt I was babying him. So I've backed off on his recovery and I stopped sleeping in his room after the 3rd day of him being home. He yelled at me saying I was smothering him and that he couldn't stand me looking at him with pity which I wasn't but I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. I've given him space and just been asking Bruce and Nat about his recovery.

I'm heading to the training room and I walk in to just Y/N lifting weights. He looks up and sees me, "I'm sorry, I'll come back." I turn to leave but he yells, "Wait, Wands." I turn back to see him jogging towards me. He's sweating and he cut his hair to his old length but he still has his beard only trimmed it. It gives him a ruggedness look. I know he picked an eye but I haven't been this close to him to see it, it's a pretty close color to his E/C but it will never compare to his other beautiful E/C.

"Hey red eyes. I..uh...I'm so sorry I've pushed you away like I did. You didn't deserve any of that. You were just trying to be there for me." He apologizes and I reach up to touch his cheek, he clothes his eyes at my touch and lets out a breath that he seems to be holding. "I still can't believe you did that for me even after hurting you the way I did. I never stopped thinking about you or stopped loving you."

"You were what kept me alive and sane in there. I just let my pride and anger get in the way and I took it out on you. I love you Red Eyes." He leans downs and kisses me. He is my forever.

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