Different path (EO)

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Requested by @Superflash2255


"10 more seconds, Lizzie," I tell her as she struggles through her plank. As I am right there next to her in my plank. I'm the type of personal trainer that does the workout with them. I only have a few clients, most of them celebrities.

"3, 2, 1... okay," I say, and she falls to the mat. I lie on my side, smirking. "Fuck you.." she mumbles.

I slide over to her and lean in, kissing her. She moans into my lips as she finds the strength to push me down onto the mat, straddling me in the process. This usually is how our sessions have been ending for the last six months. I have been her trainer for the previous four years. We constantly flirted harmlessly, but when she started feeling neglected at home, the affair slowly started last year, but then I took a chance and kissed her. When she didn't push me away and slap me, I knew she truly reciprocated my feelings.

"I don't know why we don't just do that as my workout," she says, tracing patterns on my chest. I laugh, knowing that we did do two workouts.

"Well, I can't charge you for the second workout." I tease, and she smacks my chest. She sits up and starts getting dressed. Knowing that our time together has ended for the day, I too start getting dressed.

Lizzie's POV

I'm leaning against my bathroom sink waiting for the timer on my phone to go off as the pregnancy test sits on the counter next to me. The timer goes off I take a deep breath look at myself in the mirror and then down at the two sticks I peed in. I see two lines on the stick.

Next Day...

I wake up to Robbie kissing my cheek, he must have gotten home late last night. "Good morning sweetheart." he says this is the most affection he's shown me since before my affair with Y/N started. Well except for about two weeks ago when he came home drunk and basically forced himself on me. I haven't told Y/N about that. I worry what he would do.

"Morning." I give him a fake smile and then I see the test in his hand. "I'm gonna be a father." it's a statement not a question. He then hugs me and I hug him back in utter shock.


I have Lizzie pinned against the side of the pool her bottoms off and my hard cock pressed to her center. She gets her hands on swim trunks pulling them down to free my erection. Just as I'm about to enter I hear her husband Robbie say, "What the hell is this?!"

I freeze and she pushes me away grabbing her bottoms from the side quickly putting them on. I stuff myself back in my trunks.

"Robbie, I didn't think you'd be back." she says and I get out of the pool. "You son of a bitch!" he yells and throws a punch as I go to grab a towel. Basically sucker punching me as I fall to the ground he continues to punch me. "Robbie! Stop!!" She manages to get him to stop. My nose is bleeding and she checks on me. "I'm fine." she gets up and she's angry.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." she says and he still angry. He steps forward and I jump up and stand in front of her to protect her.

"How long?"
"Six months. You never are here and never shown me affection. Y/N was there for me. Then I just fell in love with him. The divorce papers are on the table." she answers calmly and he deflates.

"I'm not the father of the baby am I?"

She shakes her head, "No you're not."

He nods, "Alright, fine." With that he walks inside signs the paperwork and packs some of his stuff. He says he will send someone for the rest of his things and leaves. She turns and sees my nose is still bleeding so she drags me to her bedroom to get to her bathroom. I've never been in here before. We usually have sex at my place or in her guest room. She sits me down on her vanity stool. She grabs a washcloth and wets it with cold water. She presses it to my nose. I hiss at the pain.

"Sorry." she mumbles not meeting my eyes as she cleans my face up. I think it might be because she doesn't like seeing I'm hurt but then I start thinking about him asking if he was the father.

"Why did he say he's not going to be a  father? You said you haven't slept together since before we got together?" She's freezes and briefly looks up quickly at me I know it's not because she's guilty for sleeping with him it's because something he did.

"Lizzie? What happened?" I ask grab her chin gently in my thumb and fore finger. But she still doesn't meet my eye.

"He came home drunk a couple weeks ago and...um...he forced himself on me." she mumbles.

I feel the anger build inside me and she can tell so she moves her hands to my face stroking my face with her thumbs. "Hey hey...stop..I'm fine he didn't hurt me."

"I don't care, he didn't have consent." I say. "He's gone Y/N and that's all I wanted. I don't want you getting in trouble." I give in even though I'm still seething with rage. "Fine." I pull the rag away to see if my nose is still bleeding.

"How does it look? Still handsome as ever?" I ask hoping to get a laugh and she examines my nose giggling.

"Not broken but have some black eyes forming." she frowns and walks away from me. I follow her out and ask, "Lizzie? Am I going to be a Dad?"

She doesn't answer me but opens a drawer in her nightstand pulling out a stick handing it to me with a smile. "Yes, your going to be a Dad."

12 years later..

Lizzie's POV

It's such a beautiful day, my oldest daughter who is 12 and full of hormones is actually taking the time to play with her 10-year-old twin brother and sister on the front lawn.

I'm rubbing my six month pregnant belly as Y/N's baby kicks me. This forth child has been the most active of all. I say child because we have chosen to let this baby's gender be a surprise. I feel his arms wrap around me lifting my belly to relieve some of the weight. I lean back against him he slowly drops my belly and I turn my head to kiss him. The taste of coffee on his lips surprises me since he was just making dinner but it makes me want to savor the taste so I deepen the kiss slipping my tongue into his mouth causes a moan to escape as I can't have coffee.

After another few seconds I pull away his eyes still closed knowing he really enjoys when I kiss him like that even after all these years.

"Mmm, can't wait to have this baby so
I can go back to drinking coffee." I say and his eyes shoot open.

"That kiss was just to taste the coffee??"

I giggle at him pretending to be hurt. "Oh please, don't tell me you didn't enjoy that no matter how you got it."

He smiles shaking his head pecking my lips again before calling the kids for dinner. Our daughter still has her sister on her back and comes running leaving their brother in the dust. He reaches me and hugs me close he's always been our cuddler. We get inside and all sit down for dinner. 12 years ago my life would've been on a different path if it wasn't for Y/N.

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