After All This Time: Part 3 (EO)

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"Lizzie?" I asked confused and she looks just as confused. "What are you doing here?" She asks and I answer, "Um I'm suppose to have lunch with MK, she wanted me to pick her up." I can't help but stare at her beauty. It always did leave me stunned. "Funny she said the same to me. I could kill her, come in." she says frustrated as she walks back into the apartment. I follow her into the living room when she picks up her phone calling who I can only assume is MK. "Mary Kate! You better return my call! I could kill you for meddling like this!" she hangs up the phone and I actually feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see its MK calling. I answer but before I say hello she talks.

MK: "Don't let her know its me. I'm sorry but please just talk to her. I know she still loves you but she won't admit to anyone. Love you bye."

I put my phone back in my pocket. Lizzie looks at me, "Was that her?" I just nod, "She wants us to talk, and I think she's right. I should probably explain what you heard at the ice cream shop the other day." I start and she shakes her head, "I don't know what your talkin-"

"I know you heard her say that Margot is mad when we talk about you. MK told me she also told you." She looks down at her hands as she starts to play with her fingers like she always did when we were kids and still does when I watch her in interviews. I walk over to her and grab her hands to hopefully calm her like I used to.  It works she instantly relaxes.

"Y/N, how long have you been fighting about me?" she asks, I let go of her hands and turn walking away running a hand through my hair. "Um just the last few months, when Margot found out I had been seeing and talking to MK. She thought me and her were having an affair actually. After a finally convincing her that she is just a friend. She found me keeping up with your interviews and once Spencer started watching your show I'd always be watching it with her. She then read a message between me and MK..telling her that I'm not fully happy with Margot because my heart still doesn't fully belong to her." After I unload all that she doesn't say anything and that's when I know I should leave.

"I'm sorry Lizzie, I shouldn't have told you that, this was a dumb idea. You have a husband and you don't need me telling you this." I start walking towards the door and she calls after me, "Y/N! Wait.." I turn around and she's heading towards me stopping in front of me. She doesn't say anything she just reaches up she grabs my face and pulls me down to her lips and kisses me. Her lips are as soft as I remember from 16 years ago. I run my tongue along her bottom lip and she opens granting me access. She moves her hands to my hair and I walk us back so I push her against the wall. We finally come up for air and my forehead pressed against hers. "You've gotten better at that." She says and I chuckle knowing that I wasn't the best kisser in high school. She taught me but apparently I still had room to improve.

"Oh thanks. We shouldn't have done that Liz. You're married." I say and she nods not meeting my eyes now. She sniffles and I put my finger under her chin to look at me and she has tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Liz?" I ask
"I've never stopped loving you Y/N. Just like you've kept up with my life I've kept up with yours. I was there when UCLA won the championships cheering you on. I don't regret breaking things off because you have become your best self and I'm so proud of you." She says and I rub my thumbs across her cheeks wiping away her tears. "Well what do we do now?" I ask not knowing what to do. She's still married to her husband who for all I know try to make her so happy and I'm just her ex boyfriend from high school. I put distance between us. "I can't be the reason your marriage ends. I've already been the cause of one marriage ending I won't do that to you no matter how much I love you. I better go." I walk out the door.

Lizzie's POV

Even being a big NBA star that fame didn't go to his head, he's still the most kind hearted, selfless man from 16 years ago. He will always put my happiness above anything else. I've been sitting on MK's couch for the last 2 hours with a glass of wine I haven't even touched trying to figure out what to do. My marriage to Robbie is basically us going through the motions keeping up a facade. I fell out of love with Robbie awhile ago and I love Y/N with my whole heart since I first kissed him. I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't even hear MK talking to me until she stands right in front of me.
"Hey are you okay?" She asks and I say, "No I'm not okay I just kissed the man I've been in love with since high school and tell him my feelings. Then he has to be all noble and leave telling me he won't be the one to mess up another marriage." I finally take a drink of my wine. She looks shocked at what I just said, "You guys kissed??" I gave her a confused stare, "What he didn't call and tell you?" I ask and she shakes her head, "I haven't heard from him since I called telling you two to talk. I tried calling him about 15 minutes ago but I thought he was here with you." She says a little worried like this must not be something he does like he always answers her call and I start to feel this odd feeling in my stomach like he shouldn't be just answering her every time. "Does he answer every time you call?" I ask in the most neutral tone as I can. She nods and that feeling is back. "Maybe give him a minute we did just kiss and both admit our feelings as all this time. He could be trying to process." I tell her and she just nods typing away on her phone.


I've been at this bar since I left Lizzie. I've been drinking too much. I haven't been this drunk since I found out that Lizzie was engaged the first time. I hold up my glass, "Another one.." I sway on the stool but catch myself before I fall off. The bar tender comes back over. "I think you've had enough buddy, your cab is her." I glare at the guy and say, "Do you know who I am? I'm Y/N Y/L/N!" That's when the bouncer comes and grabs my arm to escort me out. He puts me in the cab and I tell the driver the address. He takes off, "Better not throw up man."

Lizzie's POV

It's about 10 pm and MK and I have been watching movies and eating junk food all afternoon. We are startling when we both here banging on her door and from the sound of it Y/N yelling through the door, "Mary Kate open up!" She looks at me, "He sounds drunk, he hasn't been this drunk in years, not since..." she trails off and I give her a strange look. "Please stay here." She tells me as she walks out of the living room and towards the door where I can see her. "Y/N? What's going on?" She asks and he sounds hurt like he's almost in tears, it kills me. "She's married MK, why would she want me? I'm not worthy of her? I have a kid I come with baggage. He probably gives her the world. She already left me once before?" And MK speaks again, "Hey hey stop, anyone would be lucky to have you and Spencer. You are a great guy and even better father." "She's had more better guys than me."
I smile as his poor grammar I remember one night as MK and Ashley's birthday parties he was so drunk and his grammar suffered. I hear him crying now and that's when I get up and walk towards the door and he sees me. His eyes are red rimmed and tears streaming down his face. "Lizzie...I'm sorry." He says and I walk up to him and grab his face pulling him down to hug him. His arms wrap around mine waist and his face snuggles into my neck. "Come on let's get you to bed to sober up." I say pulling his hand towards my room. I say nothing to MK and I sit him down on the bed taking his shoes and socks off. I lay him down putting a blanket over him. I go to walk away but he grabs my hand, "Will you stay with me?" Nod taking my slippers off and crawl into the bed next to him and he puts his head on my stomach cuddling into me. I run my hands through his hair, "I love you Liz." He whispers and I hear his breathing even out and I know he's fast asleep. "I love you too Y/N."

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