Cinderella: Part 2 (EO)

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"Well Robbie just told me he wants a divorce that's why I was late." She blurts out and I'm thinking the most selfish thing. I'm thinking we might actually have a chance to be something.

"Oh...I'm sorry Lizzie." She's pacing now so I step in front of her. "It's alright, I think it's for the best. You know how he's been lately. He's been cold, distant, and I think he's seeing someone else. Plus I've been constantly thinking about you." She says that last part in a whisper. I grab her hands pulling them to my chest.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you too Lizzie and now that I know you're my Cinderella I don't think I can ever stop thinking about you." I admit and she smiles up at me. "Me either. That night you made me feel wanted in a way I've never felt before. But also after these few weeks of working and hanging out together I've realized that you make me feel like I can be the best version of myself."

After that we go over lines again and talk about how we are going to do this sex scene.
"What did you sign up for?" She asks as she takes my hand turning it over to trace random patterns on my palm. She doesn't want to look me in the eye.

"What about you? What did you sign up for?" I ask a little excited by the answer but also not because the first time I'll see her naked is for a scene and not because we are actually going to be intimate.

"Same." She says still tracing my palm. "Are you always this nervous about your sex scenes?" I ask smiling she shrugs. "Not really, I think it's because you make me nervous. How are you not nervous?"

"Oh I'm very nervous this will be my first sex scene and it's with you someone I actually care for. I worry that I'm going to be awkward and not portray the scene well at all."

Now I'm the one looking down at our hands. She lifts my chin with her finger, "It will be fine and we can make a signal for each other to make sure we are okay."

"Yeah okay that sounds good. What's the signal?" I ask and she thinks for a second. She furrows her eyebrows and I reach up pushing my thumb between them to stop the furrow.

She smiles, "How about I tap you with my finger. It's subtle enough to not draw attention and it could just pass as us touching." "That sounds good. I hope-" There's a knock on the door and we are being called to makeup and costume.

"Alright I'll be right there." They leave and she stands up to walk out but I grab her hand pull her toward me and kiss her. She kisses me back and she pulls away, "It's going to be very hard to control myself in this scene if you keep kissing me like that." She says and I laugh, "I'll try to control myself and do my acting kissing."

She raises her eyebrows as me, "You mean you actually kissed me in that scene?" I nod shyly, "I couldn't not, I thought that if this movie was the only time I could kiss you I'd do it for real." She smiles and kisses me again. Then there's another knock on the door.

"Alright we're coming!" I yell out and she giggles. We both head over to our separate makeup trailers.
Once we're done I head over back to the same set to film the sex scene.

She comes back in with a smile on her face. We are standing back on our markers to leave off from the kiss. "Alright you two let's leave off from your foreheads touching." We nod and I grab her hand pull closer to me. She can feel my hand shaking as I lean my forehead against hers. She lets go of my hand putting her hand on my face the side not in the view of the camera and she taps my face with her finger.

I put my hands on her hips and use my finger to tap her waist. Then the director says "Action."

With our foreheads touching we are trying to catch our breath. I can't help myself I kiss her again. She made a soft sound of surprise, and I felt her body lean into mine. She rose up on her toes, opening her mouth so I could taste her—a tantalizing combination of salty and sweet. She twined her arms around my neck, and I moved my hands down her back. Her tongue grazed mine.

She grabs me by the shirt pulling us towards the set bed as we kiss roughly with the passion of the scene but also our own personal passion. We stop as her legs hit the bed.

She pulls my shirt off and she slightly breaks character to look me up and down so I cover her slips by taking off her shirt. Once it's off she reconnects our lips and I reach around to unhook her bra as I kiss her neck and when I kiss a certain spot. She actually moans because she grabs my hair tight.

We hurriedly take off her jeans and mine. I grab her and lay her down. I got back to kissing her neck and running my hands up and down her sides I lift her leg to wrap around my waist as I grind down into her. She grinds up into me and I can feel myself getting hard in my boxers underneath the covering. She pulls my boxers downs and the dick covering with it. I don't think she realizes and I'm trying to keep it away from her. She can tell something is wrong and taps my ribs. I pretend I'm going to kiss her neck but I whisper to her.

"My dick covering came off with my boxers." She lets out a soft moan to keep in character. She manipulated the blankets to hide us. She goes to rolls us over so she's straddling me and my hard member pressed against her clothed pussy. I can feel the heat in my cheeks as she continues to with the scene. She starts moving her hips and the friction on my dick makes me suck in a breath. I grab hold of her hips and she acts her ass off to cover up for my wardrobe malfunction and I'm just trying to contain myself and not bust right here on set.

She can tell it's effecting me for real so her finger on my chest taps and I can't respond due to me concentrating on not cuming she then acts like she's just came and I let a sigh of relief which hopefully looks like I came for the scene. She climbs off and we are both breathing heavily.

"Cut" the direct says quietly. "Alright everyone great job let's clear out to give these two some privacy. Thank fuck I'm still hard and throbbing. Once everyone is out I jump up grabbing my boxers too embarrassed to even look at her.

"Y/N?" I find my pants and shirt throwing them on. I ignore her and basically run off to my trailer.

I've got my shirt and almost about to take my pants off to jump in to take a cold shower when she just lets herself in. " She pleads and I keep my head down. "Y/N? We need to talk about what just happened in there."

What do you want me to say?" I whisper and she grabs my chin making me look at her. "Why did you run away from me?"

"Lizzie, I'm embarrassed that I got a boner and I almost came with you dry humping me like I was a kid again. I didn't want that scene to be the first time you saw my dick. That was probably the worst filmed sex scene. So pardon me for wanting to exit this situation quickly." I ramble out and try to turn away because even during this conversation I'm still hard because I still can stop picturing her naked on top of me.

"It's normal to get turned on during a sex scene and honestly I'd be pretty disappointed if you didn't especially if we are going to be something." She reassures me and puts her hands on my bare chest. "If you weren't struggling to not cum I would've continued. You make me want you so bad Y/N." She slides her hands up to my neck pulling me down to her lips.

Ugh this woman, I'm falling already.

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