Why did you do this? (WM)

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"Get them out! Get her out! I'll hold them off!" I yell at Steve. "No we don't leave anyone behind." He tells me as he tries to help me get up after being shot in the leg and stomach. "You have to I'll just slow you down and this will all be for nothing. Make sure she's safe and tell her I made it out." I tell him and he gives me a sad look. We hear more guards coming and I push him away. "Please Steve." I plead with him and he just nods, "I'll come back for you." He says and I shake my head, "No keep her far away from here you stay away too. I'll be fine." He runs off to meet the others.

His fist connects with my face again. 

"Where is she?!" Ross yells at me next to one of his thugs that's been torturing me. It seems like Ross is only interest in catching Wanda or he knows that she means the most to me. I just know that she's safe with Vision. Which as much as it breaks my heart she chose him over me, all I want is her happy. She doesn't know I was captured, which is exactly how I wanted it.

"K-kiss...my...ass..." I say in-between breaths.


I've been here for 2 years, at first they move me almost every 3 months as to not let Steve find my location. I have been whipped, electrocuted, waterboarded, and many more torture methods you could think off.  Then one of the guys that I personally effect came in and took a knife to my eye. Ross found out about this and he ended the torturing. I was taken to surgery but they couldn't save my eye. They did what they could but now I'm just a better looking Fury. I have been ignored only getting meals once a day and one cup of water. I'm going to die here and I would do it again if it meant that she was safe.

The gun shots are now right out side my cell and then silence. I hear keys being picked up and then my cell being unlocked. I haven't been let out of my cell in months, because they thought there was site of Wanda but I have no idea where she would have been but they thought they could torture me for any possible location I would have. The light hurts my eye at first, and I can't tell who the figure standing in the doorway is until they walk closer to me. My eye adjust and I see Nat kneeling in front of me.

"Nat?" I croak as I haven't spoke in months. She has tears in her eyes nodding.

"Let's get you out of here." She says unlocking me from the wall. "Does she know?" I ask as she lifts me up and we stumble, even with my malnourished body I'm still over 6' 3".

"Yes, we forced her to stay at the compound. She wasn't too happy about it." We struggle walking out I'm doing the best I can to walk but it's been so long since I've been on my feet. We are almost to the jet and I can't stand anymore, "Nat...I-I can't walk anymore.." I manage to say before I black out.

Wanda's POV

I'm pacing the floor waiting for Natasha and Steve to get back with Y/N. They left the facility about an hour ago with him. Natasha told Bruce to be ready that Y/N was in bad shape, I'm pulling at my fingers and I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks now. I make no effort to wipe them away. I ended things with Vision a year ago and when I met back up with Steve and Nat they were searching for him but I thought he'd been in contact with them. I thought he just didn't want to see me after what I did to him.

Steve's voice comes across the speakers, "Approaching the compound. Banner meet us with a gurney."  I run outside to see the Quinjet landing and everyone follows me out. The door opens and I move to run but Vision holds me back. Banner and Tony rush up with the gurney, I see them lift him onto it and he looks bad from here. Once they have him out of the jet and I rush to his side and I choke back a sob as I look at his beaten scared skinny body. He has an eye patch covering his eye. I grab his hand he's cold as ice, "Y/N..." I whisper out and Vision pulls me away and I try to fight against him but he doesn't let me go.

They take him away and into the medical wing and I push away from Vision following after them.


I hear monitors beeping around me and then I feel a hand push back my hair. I recognize her smell anywhere.  "He's malnourished, severely dehydrated, he had an infection to one of his lacerating on the back, and his eye was worked on but my guess is that it couldn't be saved. I had a specialist come in and fit it for a prosthetic eye. So once that heals he wont need the eye patch anymore." I hear Banner telling her and I hear the footsteps walk away.

"Please, wake up. I need you to wake up." her melodic voice hits my ears. I take that opportunity to open my eye slowly as they adjust to the light. I squeeze her hand and she gasps in surprise looking up at me. I turn my head towards her to get a better look at her, and she has fresh tears on her face.

"Hi Red Eyes." I whisper out and she smiles that big smile. She stands up and puts her hand on my cheek leaning down and plants a kiss on my lips. I stiffen but then relax and kiss her back. When she pulls way looking down at me, "Why did you do this?" She asks and I lift my hand setting it on the hand on my face.

"Because I love you." I say and she smiles leaning down to kiss me again.

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