Team Captain Part 2 (EO)

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Lizzie's POV
Y/N is coming over in about 15 minutes he's just got of practice. It's been a week since we were caught in the school parking lot. We've had lunch every day but he has been busy with baseball practice for us to hang out. He told me today at lunch he wanted to hang out with me.

I have the place to myself my mom is visiting the twins for the weekend. I finish putting clean sheets on my bed I'm not expecting anything but I want to be prepared if something happens. Y/N and I have just kissed leaving each other between classes, lunch and when he goes to practice. I am finishing up dinner when I hear the door bell ring. I open the door and he's standing there handsome as ever, hair still damp from showering with some joggers and a white T-shirt. It makes me feel better about my casual leggings and sweatshirt.
"Hey Y/N come in." I say moving aside to let him in.

"Smells good in here." He smiles looking back at me.
"Oh it's just pasta nothing special." I walk ahead towards the kitchen and then I feel his hand on the small of my back. I had the table set right before he got here so he pulls the chair out for me and I sit. I forgot how much of a gentleman he is for an 18 year old.
"Thanks." I say picking up his plate and dishing up food. He sits down grabbing my glass pouring me the juice I had put out. "No thank you Liz this is amazing!" He digs into his food. We enjoy out food together, he's telling me about baseball and how it's tough being on the same team as Chris but at least with baseball he doesn't have to worry him not passing to him like if it were basketball or football. He's in charge on the pitching mound.
I tell him about school and how I hope to get into NYU and my dreams of becoming an actress. He is very interested and enthusiastic about it. He doesn't once say anything about following in the twins shadow or that I'd get my jobs because of my name. He believes in me and not my name.
I get up and start cleaning up. "Let me help you clean up." he grabs the rest of the food and dishes.

I put the last dish away after I dried and he washed. Y/N is leaning against the counter looking at me.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"I'm good, why do you ask?"
"Just want to make sure you are okay with everything that happen. I haven't really asked you about it." He lifts off the counter and walks towards me.

"Oh that. I'm fine I told her how messed up it was that she slept with Chris. That you are a great guy and she was lucky to have you." I say

He is getting closer, "Liz you give me too much credit." I back up against the counter. I grab his hand pulling him to me and I put my hands on his chest. He puts his hand on my cheek, and I grab his shirt and pull him into a kiss. I love the way he kisses me, he is firm buy gently. I move my hands to his sides and pull him into me. I can feel him through his sweats already. I pull away from the kiss trying to catch my breath.

"Do you want to go up to my room?" I ask nervously and he just nods. I grab him by the hand and pull him up the stairs and into my room. Shutting the door behind me, I turn around and he has be against the door kissing me again hungrily not so gently this time. He kisses down my neck lightly sucking and licking. I'm pulling off my shorts and underwear as he pulls off my shorts. He falls to his knees and looks up at me, nodding giving him permission. My head falls back as he hooked his arms beneath my thighs and pulled me closer to his mouth. My toes curled as he plunged his tongue inside me. He devoured me like he'd been starving for me. He licked and stroked and sucked and caressed me with his tongue, moaning as if I was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted.

After he made me come with his mouth, he jumped to his feet. He went to pull off his sweats. "Let me," I panted, pulling down them down. I reached for his cock and it burst from his boxer briefs as if it had been freed from its cage. He groaned as I sheathed it with both hands, working them up and down his hot, hard length. "Take off your shirt," I demanded. "I want to feel your skin on mine."

A minute later he was pushing inside me. My legs wrapped around him, his hands gripping my hips to hold me steady. I grabbed on to his thick, muscular shoulders, digging my fingers into his skin. He lifted me and put my back against the door, driving his cock deep inside me with quick, powerful thrusts. I winced as my head banged against the wood.

But if felt so good to be the object of this raging lust inside him - to inspire this aching need to ravish me so completely. He buried himself deeper and stayed there, grinding against me, bringing me right back to the edge of another orgasm.

Breathing hard, he tipped his forehead to mine. "You feel to fucking good. I have to slow down."

"No, don't stop," I begged, circling my hips. "I want you to come."

A growl erupted from the back of his throat as he resumed his quick, hard rhythm, my back pounding against the door. All the muscles in my lower body clenched up tight as I reached the peak and stayed there for a moment, suspended, heart racing, eyes closed, breath stopped - until I felt his cock surge and throb inside me, pushing me past the breaking point. His lips hovered close to mine and we shared a breath as out bodies surrendered to one powerful, all-consuming pulse.

He is still holding me up against the door with his hand in my neck. I'm caressing his hair, once he's calmed down he pulls out of me and sets me down. "Wow..'' he says pulling up his sweats. I walk around him, grabbing my clothes putting them back on.

"I'll say captain." I laugh and he pulls me into a hug. Then he goes stiff and pulls away looking at me with terror.

"Liz...I'm sorry I completely forgot about know." he says and I realized what he means.

"Oh it's fine, I'm on the pill." I reassure him and his shoulders slump.

"Oh right okay..." he says almost disappointed. I put me hands on his face to have him look at me.

Y/N, it helps regulate my period." I tell him and he perks up.

"Oh okay...up was that you're first time time?" he asked.

"No it wasn't, come and lay down with me we can cuddle and watch a movie." I say walking over to my bed. I think about the guy I first slept with he was in college one of MK's friends. Y/N knew more what he was doing than that guy did. I try no to think about how Y/N knew what he was doing. Since Scarlett was his ex, I watch him climb on the bed laying next to me opening his arm for me to cuddle next to him. I put my head on his chest and I pick a movie for us to watch.

"Liz? Will you be my girlfriend?" he surprises me with that question. I sit up to look at him and I see the vulnerability in his eyes and I smile kissing him.

I pull back and answer him, "Yes Y/N I will be you're girlfriend."

AN: Part Two as requested!

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