She's my best friend: Part 2 (EO)

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She's standing there daring me to take her and with the doors to the elevator open I give in.

"Fuck it." I say grabbing her hand and pulling her with me to my room. I get my room key out opening the door pulling her inside.

She walks into the room and I follow her. I step behind her move her hair to the side and kiss her exposed shoulder. As I move to her neck her hand comes up to run her fingers through my hair keeping my head there. I leave kisses on her neck she sighs, "Sorry," she said. "I know that this is a lot."

I shake my head as she turns around to face me. "Don't be sorry. I needed to hear it. I needed to be pushed into facing the truth."

"What's the truth?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"That I have feelings for you. And they're not going to go away just because I ignore them."

Her mouth had fallen open, and I traced her bottom lip with my thumb.

My fingers found the zipper at the back of her dress and pulled it down.

Her hands moved to my tie, loosened the knot, and pulled it free of my collar. I took my hands off her just long enough to shrug out of my suit jacket and toss it aside, then ran my palms down her velvet-covered rib cage and hips while she unbuckled my belt and yanked my shirt free of my pants.

Impatient to feel her skin against mine, I unbutton my shirt and threw it aside as she undoes my pants. I push the straps down off her shoulders and she pushes down the dress off her hips. It falls to the floor and I take my pants off.

Then my hands are in her hair again, my lips are on her throat, I use my body to nudge hers backward toward the bed. She went willingly, falling backward across it.

I crawl on top of her and reach underneath her and lift her easily up to the pillows. I kiss her hungrily like I've wanted to for years. In this moment and for the rest of the night my thoughts about Lizzie being my best friend's sister leave my mind.

~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

As the sun shines through the curtains the warmth hitting my skin I go to move but a weight on my chest stops.  I look down and see Lizzie sleeping peacefully on my chest her bare back on display. I lean over to look at the time and see it's a little past 9. She stirs awake she squints at the sunlight and then looks up at me.

"Morning, how long have you been awake?"

"Not long. I was about to go take a shower and then head out for breakfast. Would you like to join me?" I ask timidly and she smiles up at me.

"Yes, for both."

We enjoy another round of sex, she heads to her room to get dressed. As I'm packing up my stuff my worries return about what MK will do if she finds out about this.

I don't want to keep Lizzie and I a secret because I've waited so long for this. I get a text from Lizzie that she will meet me downstairs in a lobby. I shake the thoughts away and head down to meet up with Lizzie.

The next few weeks have been great. Lizzie and I have been seeing each other but without MK's knowledge. Lizzie agreed with me to keep it from her until we know this thing we have is real.

I know it's real I want to be with her exclusively and out in the open. I am falling in love with her. I am heading to Lizzie's house for dinner and I'm going to tell her how I feel. Extremely nervous that she won't feel the same.

Knocking on the door, she opens it and she looks so guilty and almost terrified. She grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. "I'm so sorry."

"What's wrong?" Then I see a very angry MK stomping towards me and before I can say or do anything her hand slaps me across the face.

"MK!" She hold her hand up to Lizzie.

"I'll tell you what's wrong you've been fucking my sister behind my back!" MK says standing behind Lizzie. Fuck..

"MK, please let me explain." I say squeezing Lizzie's hand letting her know I'm not going to bail on us just because MK is mad at me.

"No, Y/N! You will not come up with some lame ass excuse to tell me how my little sister is your new sex toy!"

"Really Mary Kate!! You are going to refer to your own sister as that?!" I see her slightly flinch at the use of her full name.

"No, but you don't seriously date Y/N so what else am I supposed to think?"

"She would never be that and she isn't that! I'm in love with her, I always have been."

She doesn't say anything and I rub my face with hands as I go to pace but Lizzie steps in front of me grabs my wrists pulling my hands from my face.

"Is that true?"

"Of course Lizzie. I was going to tell you tonight but instead I had to tell your sister."

She smiles and sets her hands on my cheeks as she pulls me down to kiss her.  She pulls away, "I love you too Y/N."

"So I'm just supposed to ignore the fact that you went behind my back and got together with my sister." I'm pulled out of my trance when we hear MK.

"Yes, Mary Kate you are. We are two grown adults and don't need your permission to be together." Lizzie says and I step forward to apologize.

"I'm sorry MK, I know that I was wrong to go behind your back but I will never hurt her. I'd like your support here."

She glares at me for a couple seconds and then lets out a breath. "Alright fine. I guess if I were to pick a guy for Lizzie you'd be who I want for her.  I don't care if you're my best friend if you hurt her I'll kill you."

I nod and pull her into a hug. Never thought that I'd be so happy to keep my best friend and have the girl of my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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