You Are My Priority (MS)

813 30 4

Requested by Joewatt111
Elizabeth Olsen as Marie Sebastian

Marie's POV

"Yes, I helped him again." I say through the phone. I know he worries but I just have a feeling about this guy. He needs someone to help him.

"It just seems like he's mixed up with some shady people and I don't want you to get hurt Marie." Y/N says sweetly and I sigh knowing he's a great guy and he doesn't judge me for my past. He has dealt with addiction in his past not his but someone he loves. So I felt a connection with him from the start.

"I know, you're very sweet for worrying but I can handle myself. I just got home I'll text you later okay?" I say walking in but something feels off and he says bye and I hang up the phone. I turn on the lights and I'm immediately met with these guys grabbing me.

Joe is trying to calm me down but I'm shoving him away trying to pull my pants up. Feeling horribly exposed as one of them was trying to rape me.

"Get away from me!" I scream at him while he tries to comfort me. I'm sobbing at this point. I finally get my leggings back up. But he's holding me but I don't have the strength to push him away.

"J-just l-leave me alone." I manage to stutter out.

"I can't do that. They'll come back for you. I need to take you somewhere safe." He states and I shake my head thinking of Y/N. He told me he trained to be Raider in the Marines but his time was cut short after an injury causing a medical discharge. As much as I hate needing a man to protect me as of right now I need someone who is trained to take on guys like this.

"I have someone who I can stay with. Just leave I'll call him."

"No, I'll stay until he gets here." I roll my eyes and grab my phone trying to calm my voice as to not scare Y/N.

"Hey beautiful. I thought you were just going to text me?" He states with what I can tell a smile.

"Y/N...I n-need you to come get me." I hear the weakness in my voice.

"I'm on my way?" His voice completely changed to one of seriousness, a tone I've never heard from him. He hangs up and I start packing a duffle bag.

About 20 minutes later there's a knock on my door I move to answer it but Joe stops me he looks through the peephole. I hold up my phone of a picture me and Y/N took about a week ago. Then he opens the door and Y/N immediately grabs Joe by the neck but Joe fights back.

"Y/N stop!" I yell at him but he doesn't he ends up pinning Joe to the ground with a knife to his neck.

"What did you do to her." He calmly states but with an underlying tension to his tone. If I wasn't so traumatized that would be such a turn on.

"Y/N he didn't do anything let him go." He lifts the knife away standing up immediately walking over to me. He sees I have a bruise forming on my wrists. He doesn't make a move to touch me letting me come to him.

I wrap my arms around his waist holding him close to me. His long strong arms come around me and I let out a sigh of relief. I have a tight grip on his shirt as I cry.

"You need to get out of the city, keep her safe."

I feel his head turn towards Joe's voice. "Just leave and stay away I'll keep her safe from whatever the fuck you brought into her life." Y/N spits and I squeeze his sides to calm him. He's only 20 but he seems so much older than even me at 25.

I pull out of the hug lifting my hands to his face forcing his gaze back to me.

"Hey, let's just go I'm ready." He nods turning grabbing my bag and then my hand walking out the door. I look around the truck and see another back in the back seat.

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