You can't keep doing this. (EO)

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**Warning Triggers**

"Last call Y/N." The bartender tells me as I down my whiskey and I don't know how many I've had but I know it wasn't enough. I don't move from my spot and next thing I know I feel a hand of my shoulder. I look up and I see the sympathetic look in her eyes.

"Please don't look at me like that Scarlett." I say as she grabs my keys from Joe. "Thanks Joe, I'll take it from here." She says as she hooks her arm around my bicep pulling me off the bar stool.

I stumble a bit luckily with she's a bit on the stronger side so she kept me upright. But she did switched by putting my arm around her shoulder and she wraps her arm around my waist. As we step out of the bar and I see Colin waiting by the car.

"Colin! My man! Thanks for coming with my best friend Scarlett to come drive my drunk ass home." I say and he also gives me a sympathy smile.

"Will you just follow us to his house?" She asks him as we walk just a couple cars down to my car. She manages to get me in the car.

"I'm...gonna barf..." I say and she backs away as I throw up all over the side walk. She finishes getting me into the car.

She gets into the driver seat and pulls out into the street and heads to my place. We don't say anything to each other the whole drive home. We pull into the parking garage for my building as Colin just pulls up to the curb of the front of the building to wait for Scar.

I open the door and fall out of the car. She rushes to my side to help me up. We manage to get to my apartment without any issues.

She walks to my room and sets me down on the bed. Takes my shoes off and says, "Y/ can't keep doing this. You're gonna kill yourself."

I glare at her but don't respond as I let her get me undressed for bed. "Fine ignore me but she would hate that you're doing this."

"Don't! You don't know anything what she would hate or want!" I yell at her.

"Fuck you Y/N! She was my best friend and I know that she wouldn't want you to drink your life away!" She yells back at me. "Well she's not here to tell us what she wants anymore is she?! Her and our unborn son are dead! Just get out." I say and she holds up her hands and walks away.

"I'm just looking out for you. You're my best friend too." She says quietly as I stumble into the bathroom.
"Thanks." I mumbled and I don't think she heard me.


"Elizabeth Olsen?!" I question a little too loudly to the receptionist.

"Family only sir." She snips at us and I roll my eyes.
"I'm the father and husband." She blushes and pulls her room number and I rush towards the room.

I burst through the door, she's just laying in bed and giggles at my panicking state. I rush over to the bed, "Are you okay? Scar made it seem like you were pushing out the baby now.

"Did you ever think that she knows you can take your time getting places?" She asks and I feel my ears redden just embarrassment. "Yeah..but you're okay?"

"Good as I can be in labor the contractions are 5 minutes apart. I should be having one an min-" she gets cut off by the said contractions and I rub her back as it passes.

A few hours later the contractions get closer and closer. I get yelled at for doing this to her and then the doctor finally comes in.

"Oh glad to see dad made it. Let's take a look shall we."
Her doctor walks in and takes a look, as I'm watch him I see a slight change in his face but he tries to hide it. "What's going on Doc?" I ask and he stands up signaling to the nurse something. He covers her back up.

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