What did you do? (EO)

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"Y/L/N! Pack your stuff!"

I get up from my bunk and grab my laundry bag of stuff. Finally getting out after being in the place for 3 years.

They walk me to outtake processing, I strip down and they hand me the jean grey sweatshirt and black converse. I get dressed and then they give me the schpiel about how I can't violate my parole and I have to go back to school everyday.

I nod and the guard laughs at me, "Still not one word kid?" I just stare at him. I don't talk anyone in here since I got here. He walks me out and my mom is waiting for me outside. I can see the tears in her eyes and I smile on her face.

"Y/N Sweetheart!" I smile seeing her actually happy she visits but she always ended up crying after all of them.

"Hi Mama." I reach her and hug her.


I walk into the high school and the kids are all staring at me. I find my locker and it's right next to a group of kids and one of them is this girl with the most beautiful green eyes. She is in her locker which looks to be right next to mine.

There's a guy leaning against my locker trying to talk to the girl. "Excuse me." I say and the kids look at me and he looks me up and down.

"Huh, you're new. Whats with lame ass tattoo?" He grabs my arm, I grab ahold of his wrist and twist it behind his back shoving him against the locker.

"Ahh...man the hurts." I let go immediately. "Sorry man." I look over at the girl and her friends they look a little scared. I grab my backpack and schedule walking away. I don't get far before I hear one of the girls, "That's Y/N Y/L/N, he lives on my block. His dad beat on him and his mom. I haven't seen him since we were 13."

"Oh yeah I heard he just got out of juvie." I hear one of the other girls say before I'm out of ear shot.

I finally find my first class of the and there's only one seat left and it's right behind the girl. She looks up at me and my heart skips. Fuck how is she so beautiful. I give her a small smile and she gives me a genuine smile back.

I sit down as the bell rings and everyone is still talking and laughing. The teacher is just sitting there with his sunglasses still on. I look around and then I hear, "Mr. Jackson is always hungover or still drunk. This is basically what we do in here. But it's an easy A for an elective." She's not turned around looking at me with her galaxy eyes.

"Well this will probably be my only A." I mutter and she frowns.

"Let me see your schedule?" She asks and I hand her my paper.

"Doesn't look like too bad of classes basic. Looks like we have chemistry together and history. If you want we can be lab partners, I don't have one right now."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Why not?"

"Just don't want to bring you down." I say instead of bringing attention to the fact she knows I've been to juvie but it must not bother her.

"Well that's what I'm here for to help bring you up." I smile at that and nod. Then the Mr. Jackson stands up and actually starts teaching.

The rest of the day is very overwhelming. I came in the middle of the semester so they are already halfway through things I sort of know what's going on. They had a decent teacher in juvie but chemistry I'm so lost which I'm so thankful since Lizzie is my lab partner she is really good at it.

~Two weeks later~

Lizzie and I only see each other in class. I keep to myself and most of the kids avoid me. So the highlight of my days is seeing Lizzie in classes. We have a test tomorrow and I'm freaking out.

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