After all this time: Part 1 (EO)

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16 Years Ago

"That's it! You're just going to leave?!" I yell and Lizzie has tears in her eyes. "Y/N..please don't make this harder than it already is. You knew I was going to NYU a long time ago." I roll my eyes, "But I thought that was when you wanted me to com with you!" She comes closer to me and puts her hands on my face. "Sweetheart you got a basketball scholarship to UCLA! I can't let you give up on your dream to play collage basketball and get drafted into the NBA! I can't have you resent me. You need to do you own thing." I pull her hands off me, "No I get it. You don't want me holding you back. I'm out of here Elizabeth, have a good life." As I walk away from the love of my life.

Present day

"Daddy!" My little girl comes running up to me. "Spencer! Hi pumpkin! How's my little girl!" I pick her up and throw her into the air. My soon to be ex wife Margot Robbie comes up behind her with her backpack she packed for the weekend with me. "Hi Margot, thanks." I thank her as she hands me the backpack. "No problem, she just had lunch." "Oh great." We walk out to my truck and she follows us out. I get the truck started and buckle Spencer into her car seat. I close the door and turn back to Margot. "You look good Y/N. She gives me a hug." I hug her back and say, "Thanks, you too. Also thanks for letting me have her this weekend." "Of course. I need to catch up on some of my lines." I nod and she kisses my cheek. I get in the truck and "Daddy, can we go to the park with the statues?" "Of course sweetheart." I answer her and she squeals in excitement.

We have been playing in the park for about half an hour. When I hear, "Y/N Y/L/N?" I let out a huge sigh, "Please I'm with my daughter can I please just have a normal moment with my daughter!" I turn around and instead of seeing a paparazzi I see someone I didn't think I would see in a long time. "E-Elizabeth?" I stutter and she smiles that bright smile that still apparently makes melt. "I'm sorry to bother you while your with her daughter. Which one is she?" I point to the little girl with the long blonde hair that she got from her mom. She is climbing up on the Alice in Wonderland statue. She turns to make sure I'm still there. "Oh my goodness Y/N she is beautiful." I smile at my beautiful girl she gets excited and starts hurriedly climbing down the statue and starts running towards us as fast as her little legs will take her. "Thank you, she gets that from her mother." I state as Spencer gets to us. "Daddy! That's Wanda!" I completely spaced the fact that she loves Marvel and her favorite character is Wanda Maximoff. I squat down to get on her level, "Yes, it is, but Spencer her actual name is Elizabeth my old friend." I tell her, her eyes go wide and she looks up at Elizabeth, "You're really friends with my dad?" she asks and Elizabeth also gets down on her knee to talk to her. "Yes we have been friends since we were your age." My daughter looks at me and says, "Wow! Daddy you are so cool!" We both laugh and my daughter just runs off to play. We both stand up and I laugh, "Well thanks for making me cool." I say and she laughs, "Oh of course, she is adorable. How old is she?" I can't help but admire her laugh. "She's 4 almost 5." I just watch her run around the statue with a kid she made friends with. "She has your eyes Y/N." She says almost in a whisper but I look at her and respond, "That's what Margot said when she was born."

Spencer comes running back over, "Daddy, can we get some ice cream now? And can Miss Elizabeth come with us?" She looks up at her hopeful. "Oh pumpkin I don't know-" She interrupts me and says, "I've love do come have ice cream with you. If that alright with your dad?" I smile at them both looking at me, "Of course she can come." I grab Spencer hand, she moves in between Elizabeth and me and she grabs her hand. I do a double take and look at their hands. Elizabeth notices my face and looks at me in question. I just shake my head and smile. She goes back to answer my daughters questions about how she can fly in the movies and her show. Once we get to the ice cream shop I pay for our ice cream even when Elizabeth insists. Spencer eats her small cone and she has is all over her face. I wipe it off then she asks to go play on the video games they have. "Elizabeth can you come play once your done?" "Of course and Spencer you can call me Lizzie." She tells her and she nods, "Okay Lizzie." She smiles and I watch her run off. I take another bite of my ice cream and watch her lick her cone.

She then asks, "What was with the face when she grabbed my hand when we left the park?" I laugh, "Oh she has a rough time warming up to strangers. She's very shy and even with some of my teammates she won't even go near them and I've been on this team since she was 1. It's gotten worse since Margot and I split up." I say that last part quietly and she says, "Oh well I'm glad she warmed up to me and I'm so sorry about you and Margot." She says and rubs my arm. "It's alright there's not hard feelings." Before she can respond Spencer yells from the games, "Lizzie! Please come play!" She gets up and heads over to play with her. I look at my phone and after a few more minutes the girls come back over to me. "Daddy, we ran out of quarters." She says with a small pout on her face. "Sorry pumpkin but I think its time we go." "Aww no...I don't want to go! I want to play more with Lizzie." I know she's coming down from her sugar high. Lizzie notices and she speaks up, "It's okay Spencer I have to go meet up with my sisters anyway. I had a lot of fun with you and your Dad today." She smiles and Spencer wraps her arms around her legs. It takes me and Lizzie by surprise and she looks up at me with a huge smile on her face. She pulls herself away from Lizzie and comes back to stand next to me. "Well it as great seeing you Lizzie. Tell the twins I say hello." She nods, "Yes it was and you are so much fun Spencer." She starts to walk out the door then Spencer tells me, "Lizzie is so nice Daddy why does Mommy always seem so mad when she talks about her?" I stop dead in my tracks and look up to check if Lizzie heard and I think I see her slightly pause but she walks right out the door. Great not only does my daughter hear when Margot and I fought about Elizabeth but now Elizabeth may have heard it as well. After all this time Elizabeth Olsen is still the love of my life.

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