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I'm on my way to the airport to pick up Lizzie she's been doing a bunch of Love and Death promotion. We have been together for almost 3 years and tonight is the night I am going to propose to her. I have it all planned out I'm going to make her dinner and then we will have dinner in our backyard. I have this beautiful romantic set up. I bought the ring after she left for promoting. I park the car in temporary parking grab the bouquet of flowers and head to baggage claim to wait for her.
As soon as I see her with her agent and her security guard, I can't stop smiling. She sees me and she smiles at me, I rush up to her and hand her the flowers.
"Y/N, you didn't have to get me flowers." She says as I pull her into a hug lifting her. She giggles as I put her down, I go to give her a kiss and she turns her head my kiss landing on her cheek. She's never done that before but I shake my head probably doesn't want pictures taken. We walk hand and hand to the baggage claim where her luggage will come out of.
"How was your flight?" I ask and she give me a short answer, "Fine". She must be tired its been a long few weeks for her. Once I get her bags we head to my car and her agent and security guard leave us be. She's quiet the whole way home and I don't press her she's usually emotionally drained after doing so many interviews and press stuff that I know the drill and I let her have her space. Once we get home she tells me she's going to shower and then take a nap. "Okay baby can we have dinner later?" I ask and she says, "Sure."
A few hours later I hear her up and about. I have pasta ready because that really all I'm good at cooking. She emerges from our room beautiful as ever in a dress. I'm in jeans and one of my nicer button ups. "Wow, don't you look nice." She compliments me as she comes over and kisses my cheek.
"Dinner is done, so why don't you go sit down and I'll bring you a plate." I tell her and she smiles going to sit down. I dish out our plates and bring them over to the table. Along with a class of wine for her and me a beer. She thanks me and I sit down. "To you my beautiful girlfriend." I toast and she rolls her eyes at my compliment. We enjoy our dinner as she tells me about everything that went on in her trip. I've been super excited about proposing to her but I made sure to wait till we are finished eating. My leg has been bouncing since I finished my food and she puts her hand on my knee knowing that a nervous habit of mine. "Y/N, what's going on?" She asks and that is my queue.
" is goes. Since the moment we met I knew that you were the girl for me. All you knew about me was I was this random extra that was probably just starstruck but you took a chance on me and said yes to going on a date with me. You have been so supportive of my path to become a firefighter. These past 3 years have been the best years of my life. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with so with that being said, Elizabeth Chase Olsen, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I ask getting down on one need in front of her and I pull the box out of my pocket. Before I go to open it she grabs my hand with the box stopping me.
"Y/N...stop." She says and the smile on my face turns to confusion. "What did I do it wrong?" I ask. " it was beautiful...but.." She can't get anymore words out as she starts to get tears in her eyes. I'm not sure what's going on then she grabs my hands. "Lizzie...what's wrong?" I ask my voice shakes. "Y/N...I can't marry you." She finally gets out. My whole world crashes and my hands fall out of her grasp. "Why?" I simply ask and she chokes back a sob but doesn't answer. "Why can't you marry me Elizabeth?" I ask looking at her with tears almost in my eyes. She looks up at me her tears running down her face. "I-I saw someone else while I was gone." She says. I immediately think of who it could be and I state with anger in my voice, "Robbie." She reaches out to touch my face and I move away from her. I get up and turning my back to her opening the box up to a beautiful diamond ring that took me hours to pick out. "You told me there was nothing to worry about with Robbie and that I should trust you. But look where that got me an idiot with a diamond ring and I crushed heart." I set down the open ring box in front of her and walk away. "I'll just get my stuff and I'll go to a hotel tonight."
"Y/N no please don't go." She pleads rushing after me and she grabs my arm. I want to rip it away but I don't want to scare her so I stop and she puts her hands on my face. Forcing me to look at her "Y/N I love you so much, that's why this is so hard for me to tell you no because I did see myself having a future with you and marrying you." She says still crying. "Why can't you marry me now then. Are you still in love with him?" I ask and she doesn't respond that's all the answer I need I take her hands off my face and move past her to just leave. "I'll come get my stuff later." I hear a final plea, "Y/N!" I pause for a second but then I walk through the door closing it behind me, leaving my heart with her.

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