What am I going to do? Part 1(WM)

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Wanda's POV

It's been a few months since being here in the states with the Avengers. I thought I would be here alone though. Pietro was shot by Ultron but the Avengers were able to save him. I will be forever grateful because I don't know what I would've done without him.

It's time for training and I'm nervous because today is I have to train with Y/N and he's so cute. I get all flustered around him and I lose focus. I walk into the training room and Y/N is already in there lifting weights. He notices me walk in, "Hey Wanda, just let me finish this set and we can start our session." I nod and I head over to the sparing mat to stretch. I don't realize when he finishes and he joins me on the mat. I jump when he speaks, "Oh sorry but are you ready Wanda?"

"Oh it's alright, and yes powers or no powers today?" I ask and he considers, "How about we do no powers for a little bit and we can work on some exercises with your powers." I smile and he approaches me to and we start sparring. After about an hour of training I'm getting tired and Y/N notices. "Alright Wanda, I think we should call it a day." We both head over to the benches to sit down and drink some water. "You did really well today Wands. I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me tomorrow?' He says taking me completely off guard and I am speechless so when I haven't answered for a minute he looks disappointed. "If you don't want to that's alright." He goes to get up and I grab his arm, "No no sorry Y/N, I'd love to go to dinner with you." I answer and he smiles, "Great! I'll pick you up at your room at 7. I'll see you then." He gets up and leaves. I get so excited and run to Pietro's room to tell him the good news.

Pietro's POV

I'm in Bruce and Tony's lab checking out the cool gadgets. Most of them are still being put together until I found one that looks like its put together. I picked it up about to press the button when I hear Tony voice getting louder so I take the device and use my super speed to take off towards my room. I was so distracted that I didn't notice my twin in the room. 

"Pietro? What are you doing? You know what I don't want to know. I have a date with Y/N!" She squeals and I'm messing with the device when she says this. I'm shocked by this and I hit a button and there's this weird feeling that comes through me. "What was that?" Wanda asks and I look up at her and lie. "What was what?" She rolls her eyes and mumbles something and leaves. I feel bad for not totally listening to her and I think she said something about a date with Y/N. I put the device in my sock drawer and go after her to talk about this date. 

The next day...

I wake up hearing a scream next door and I rush to my sister's room. I feel like it was slower than normal. I open her door and she comes out of her bathroom and she has my silver hair. "What did you do to your hair?!" I ask and she glares at me. "What about you?!" She asks then I rush to her bathroom to look in the mirror and I see my sister's hair color. "Oh shit...the device." I whisper and she comes into my peripheral. "What device? What did you do Pietro?" 

"Um...I found this device in Tony and Banner's lab and I pushed a button when you were in my room last night. It must have switched our hair colors." I say and then I hear her voice but don't see her lips moving. Ugh typical Pietro... 

"Hey! This is not typical me." I say and her eyes widen. "How did you know I said that?" She asks shocked. "I think I read your mind." I answer and she turns around to walk away but she takes off with super speed. 

"I think our powers switched too." I say and she laughs with no humor. "What  gave you that idea Pietro!" She yells at me, uh oh she is really mad. "Wanda it's going to be fine. Lets go find Tony to try to switch us back. I grab the devise and we rush down to the lab to find Tony but find Banner which should be fine. 

"Oh gosh! What did you guys do?" He asks and Wanda grabs me by wrist. "My brother was messing with that devise then we woke up with our powers and hair color and powers switched." Bruce grabs the device and pushes some buttons but nothing happens. 

"Well...I will have to mess with this for awhile I might have to wait for Tony to get back tomorrow before we can switch you back." He says reluctantly and Wanda shouts, "WHAT!?" She turns to pace but instead the super speed takes over and she hits table knocking them down. She then runs back towards me and I grab her to stop her. 

"I have know idea how to control these powers and I have a date tonight with Y/N. What am I going to do?" She says in a panic. I giggle but when she tilts her head I immediately stop. "Okay since this is my fault I will help you so you can still go on this date." I offer and  she rolls her eyes. 

"It took you so long to figure out these powers, and what about my hair?" She response and I completely forgot about the hair and I try my best to not laugh. "I will try my best to figure this out before your date with Y/N." Bruce reassures her. I nod and grab Wanda's hand to keep her from speeding off. We head into the training room to work on slowing her down. 

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