Two Women: Part 2 (EO)

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I thought to myself I'd only kiss her once-one time-just to know what it was like. Of course, that was before she opened her lips and invited my tongue between them. It was before she slipped her arms around my neck and pressed her chest to mine. It was before my hands moved down her sides and crept beneath the bottom of her shirt. And it was well before she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me, entreating my hands to slip beneath that ass I'd been thinking about all week.

Because after that, I was fucked.

My dick was hard as a rock. My adrenaline was pumping. My willpower had disin-tegrated.

I stumbled backward onto the couch and set her on my lap so she straddled my thighs. My hands stole underneath her shirt and hers slid into my hair. She sighed softly, pleadingly, as I covered her breasts with my palms and stroked her nipples with my thumbs. Her head fell to one side, and I moved my mouth down her throat, tasting her skin. My cock twitched, trapped between us.

She took my head in her hands and brought my lips back to hers, rocking her hips, rubbing herself against me.
Oh, God. This was getting precarious. Another minute of her grinding on me like that and I was going to embarrass us both by going off like a rocket, and I really don't want to do that.

She then moves her lips down to my neck and she sucks, I immediately close my eyes as she found the spot on my neck that is so sensitive. She's sucking with enough bite that I know I'll have a mark for the makeup team will have fun covering tomorrow.

"Lizzie." I put my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back. "We have to stop."


"Because you're my co-worker. Because we hardly know each other. And because if you don't stop moving like that, something is going to happen."

"I don't mind."

"In my pants."

She laughed a little. "I knew what you meant. But it doesn't have to happen like that. We could.." She hesitated, and when she spoke again her voice was softer, shyer.
"We could go to my bedroom."

I groaned. "No. We can't."

"But I want to. I've wanted this since the day we met."

"Fuck, don't tell me that."

"Why not? It's the truth."
I shook my head, vowing to stay strong.

"No." Summoning up every ounce of willpower I had, and some I didn't, I lifted her up, set her down beside me, and stood up.

"No buts."

She looked up at me. "You don't want to?"

"Christ. Of course I do." In fact, my hardon was refusing to give up, and I had to adjust myself in my pants.

Her expression was amused as she watched me, her eyes taking in the obvious bulge at my crotch. "Then what's holding you back?"

Well for the reasons I said and I really don't want you to get hurt. I finally admit looking away. She stands up grabbing my face to look down at her.

"Why would I get hurt?" She asks but then the door bell goes off and she sighs.

"We aren't done with conversation but let's have dinner like we planned." She rubs her thumb on my neck smirking, "Sorry about that and that." She looks down saying the last part. I groan thinking about anything else to make it go away.

We have dinner talking about her life and about mine. Once we finish up I help her clean the take out mess and she gets me a beer from the fridge.

She grabs my hand pulling me towards the couch. "Now are you going to tell me why us sleeping together would be bad?"

My phone has been going off for the last hour and half. I made sure to turn it to vibrate the first time she called. Reminding me that I'm still under Felicity's thumb. But she's not here and she's was literally kissing another guy.

"It wouldn't be bad, I'm just getting in my head because I haven't been in a real relationship in a while so I don't know what to mess it up. I haven't really been able to be out in the open with the previous girl I have been with."

She grabs my hand, "I understand, but how about we just take it one step at a time. And whoever would hide you away and not want to show you off is stupid." I snort at that but nod agreeing to her terms.

She kisses me again but she doesn't deepen it and I'm so thankful it took almost half of us eating to get rid of my last boner.

"I should probably head home. If I stay, I'm going to probably want to finish what we started early." I smile getting up grabbing my backpack and helmet. She pulls me down for one more kiss and she lightly runs her fingers over my neck again.

"I'm really sorry about that."

"Not my first hickey if I'm lucky won't be my last." I wink at her kissing her cheek walking out towards my bike. I check my phone, a few calls from Felicity and texts. I shove my phone back in my pocket and head home.

When I pull up to my house I'm renting all the lights are on and I know I left them off I know there's only one explanation, Felicity. I pull the collar of my jacket up to hopefully cover my neck but I know she'll know something's up when I don't take my jacket off.

"Well here it goes." I head inside and she is no where in site but then I hear the shower on. I take off my jacket and hang it up it's about 9 so I head towards the bedroom.

I take off my shirt and pants leaving me just in my boxers. I slip on some pajama pants. I climb on the bed and run through my lines some more even though I know them backwards and forwards.

The shower turns off and I take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself for what's about to go down. I didn't respond to her texts or calls so she knows I was one a date and Felicity doesn't like it when I go on a date with another woman so seeing a hickey on my neck is going to be in for it.

She won't see it right away it's on the opposite side of where she will come out of the bathroom. She is just in a towel and she glances over but doesn't say a word. Shit.

Silent treatment is worse than being yelled at by her. Better to just let her be so I put my lines down and turn on the tv throwing on ESPN+. When I first turned it on she watched what I was going to put on to see if I was going to watch a movie with Lizzie because she knows I research everyone I work with.

"How was your date with your whore of the week?"

I roll my eyes, "How was your fuck boy?" That's when she snaps her head over at me.

"Oh yeah, I saw that. You don't get to do that possessive jealous shit. You don't want to be with me." I say just staring at the tv.

She walks to the bed climbing on top of me straddling my lap. I turn my head away so I don't have to look at her and she can't see the hickey. She places her hand on my neck thumbs stroking my cheeks.

"Look at me, Y/N."

I don't give in because I can't do this anymore. She's hurting me, I hate that I'm being a baby but I love her.

"Look at me Love."  That nickname she gave me softens so I turn my head a little so my eyes can meet hers.

"I'm sorry, you're right. It's not fair for me to be possessive of you when I won't commit to you and be out with you. I want you I do but like I said I don't want to be labeled as a cougar."

"You're six years older than me Felicity. How can you be labeled as a cougar?" I almost laughed and I didn't realized I turned my head all the way forward.

Then she forced my head to the side and she looks down at my neck. She rubs her thumb on the mark and then looks back up at me.

Her eyes look like she is going to kill me and I try to shrink into the bed.

"Who gave you this little present?"

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