Big Fan (Part 3) (WM)

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"Is he mine?" I ask and she doesn't answer me refusing to look at me. I walk around the island walking up right behind her. As she turns around, she runs straight into my chest and she's forced to look at me.
"Wanda, is that boy up there mine?" I ask again, she looks down at her feet and whispers, "Yes."
I step away turning my back to her, running my hand through my hair. I don't know what to say at this point so I stay silent trying to find the words.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I didn't want us to be a burden on you because you were starting your career." She starts to explain. That's when I turn around to respond, "10've made assumptions about me since that night. Assuming that I slept with all the fans and had one night stands. Then assuming I would think of you and my child as a burden."
"Y-you didn't have a lot of one night stands?" She asks and I scoff, "No, Wanda you were the first fan I ever slept with and that was my first ever one night stand. You were the first girl to show interest in the drummer and just me as a person. Now its 10 years later I have this kid show up to our meet and greet and turns out he's my son."

"What?" We both look towards the sound of the little voice. "Mama? Is he really my dad?" I step back as she walks past me to kneel in front of the boy. "Yes..sweetie he is your dad." I'm actually shocked that she just told him the truth with me there. He looks to me and then back at her, "You told me my dad didn't want anything to do with us?" he asks and I'm irritated at that statement because I had a dad that actually didn't want me.

She puts her hands on his face, "Jack sweetheart I'm sorry I lied to you." She has tears in her eyes and I know that this has probably been so hard on her. He wipes the tears from her face and gives her a hug. "It's okay mama." He pulls away from her and she tells me, "Thank you and will you go upstairs for me so I can talk to Y/N." He nods, "Can he stay for dinner?" She says, "Will see honey." He runs back towards the stairs and I hear the door shut. "I didn't want anything to do with you?" I say with irritation in my voice, and she just puts her hands up. "I'm sorry that one just came out one night and he asked about his father. I am all on my own here." I deflated at that because I was raised by a single mom whose family didn't want anything to do with us. "I'm sorry I know, just hit a nerve when he said that, my dad didn't want me. Wanda, I thought about you almost everyday for 10 years. You were literally the woman of my dreams and you still are." I confess and she laughs at me, "Oh really I'm still the woman of your dreams? Y/N you are in a band that tours all across the world and you've been with models and actresses. Plus I have a 10 year old son it's not very appealing."

She walks past me heading out the back door to the yard. I follow after her, "True I have been but they were all empty relationships because my mind kept coming back to you and I know it was one night of sex but before that we talked and I felt a connection I've never felt in my life. I want you more than anything in this world and that little boy upstairs is my son."
She turns around, "You wouldn't want this life, more than music you want a boring life of school drop offs, PTA meetings, lunches, I still let him come into bed with me when he has a nightmare or doesn't feel well." I think about this last year of touring I still love the music but I don't like the touring or the constant meet and greets. "I don't care, I want you and Jackson. I would've gave up the music and taken care of you and him." I answer honestly, "I want to do that now. I'm sick of the fame and the constant going of on the road. Wanda I want a life with you."

She's in tears, "Y/N we don't even know each other. We had one night together." I walk right up to her and grab her hands, "I know that I have a son with you and that I fell for you that night." I move my hands to her face and crush my lips to hers in a passionate kiss. She melts into me as she grips the sides of my shirt. I pull away and look into your beautiful green eyes. "Is that a yes?" I ask and she blushes, "It's a maybe only for Jackson, but I will say this. Will you stay for dinner?" I laugh, as she walks back into the house and I follow in after her to start this new journey of my life.

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