I'm so sorry (EO)

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I've been in Afghanistan for the past 10 months. It's my first deployment after my incident, I was in a convoy with two other guys and we were blown up is the best way to put and I was shot along with having multiple other injuries. This was my last tour as an active duty marine. I finally served my contract and was going to try and get a normal job. I was the only survivor of the attack. I've been dealing with PTSD but it got worse once I was back over there where it happened. I'd wake up drenched in sweat and it would take me have the night to calm myself down. I shook my head to move those thoughts aside as we were finally let off the plane. I was still in my uniform which I normally don't like to do but my connecting flight was basically right after I landed from my other first flight so I had no time to change. Walking from the terminal down to baggage claim where I'd meet her.

I was searching for my girlfriend of 2 years, Elizabeth Olsen, I finally spot her and her sister Ashley, who was my best friend from the age of 5. They are both holding a huge sign written on it "Welcome Home Y/N!!" They are both talking to each other not paying attention to people coming towards them. I finally get off the escalator and Liz finally sees me, "Y/N!!!" and she drops the sign bursting into a run towards me. I brace myself when she jumps into my open arms wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Lizzie" I say holding her tight. I take in a whiff of her missing the way she smells. She sneakily but one of my shirts that she loves to wear after spraying it with her perfume in my bag. Although it had lost the smell I appreciated her small gesture. She pulls her face back and kisses me hard. We loose ourself for a moment in the kiss when we hear a clearing of a throat and pull apart I look to see Ashley waiting there patiently.

"Sorry Ash." I say putting Liz down and pulling my best friend into a hug. I pull away and she has tears in her eyes along with her sister. I let them be knowing it's hard for both of them when I leave.

"Alright lets get my bag and get some food I'm starved." I said putting my arm around them both. They laughed and walked with me. I am just so happy to be home.

After being home for about a month I'd been able to keep my nightmares a secret from Liz. I'd startle awake, sneak downstairs to work out and erase the images away. Then I'd sneak back into bed close to when she would get up. That was until last night...

Elizabeth's POV

I was up reading over a new script I had gotten for a new project that I'd be starting soon. I didn't realize how late it had gotten so I decided to call it a night. Y/N had gone up about three hours ago. I hope he was having a dreamless sleep since he's been home he's been having nightmares and would get up then later would sneak back into bed with me. I have a feeling they were about the incident. I was worried when he went back over there that it would trigger his PTSD.
I went to lock up the house but noticed that Y/N had already done it. I smile knowing he did it to keep me safe. I turn off all the lights and head up stairs to our room.
He likes the door closed to our bedroom because that's what he is used to I open and close it as quietly as I can. I forgot to leave out pajamas so I go through his drawers and pull out one of his shirts to sleep in. I head to the bathroom and I leave the door cracked. I hear him whimpering or talking in his sleep which he usually does when he's having a nightmare so I prepare myself for him to wake up. But he doesn't so I finish brushing my teeth and washing my face. I open the door turn off the light and crawl into bed.

He's stopped talking and whimpering so I take that opportunity to lean over to kiss his cheek but that startled him awake and he grabs my throat pins me to the bed and squeezes. I'm struggling to breathe he's got a blank stare on his face. I'm trying to pull his hands off my neck but he's 6'4" and weighs 265 pounds of muscle.

I move to trying to push his face away and my nails are scratching his face and neck. I'm getting close to blacking out so I use the last of my strength and punch him across the face. His eyes widen and immediately he let's go, scrambling away falling to the floor. I jump away and run to the bathroom slamming the door behind me locking it behind me. I'm coughing and readings running down my face.


I hear the bathroom door slam. I grab the trash can by the bed and throw up. I hear her crying and coughing. I get up head to the bathroom door I try opening the door, but it's locked. She locked me out, my girlfriend has never locked me out.

"Liz...I'm so sorry." I say with tears in my eyes. She doesn't answer I can still hear her crying. "Elizabeth sweetheart please open the door I just want to know if you're okay."

She unlocks the door and opens it. I see the tears in her eyes and the marks already forming on her neck and I start to cry knowing that my hands did that to her. I fall to my knees and put my face in hands
"Liz..." I can't get anything else out. She grabs hands and pulls my head to her. I wrap my arms around her and she is running her hand in my hair soothing me.
"Hey hey it's alright Y/N. I'm fine it was just a nightmare you're here with me." She says in her most soothing tone. I pull away and look up at her. She puts her hand on my cheek and runs her thumb close to my eye. I flinch and I don't know why, and I realize I don't know how she woke me up.
"Sorry I punched you to wake you up and get you off me so you'll probably have a black eye." She says rubbing the back of my head. I get up off my knees and stand up. I look at her neck and I got to touch it lightly and I say, "I need to get help." She nods and reaches up to kiss me but I lean away. "I uh threw up after realizing what I did." Let me brush my teeth and then I'll let you kiss me. She laughed and I move to the sink brush my teeth, I clean up my trash can mess then she's waiting on me. Once I'm all cleaned up I lay down and she climbs on top of me and she kisses me. The only person I trust in the world I hurt her but she forgives me because she is the most wonderful person in this world.

AN: Sorry guys I've had a busy few weeks I got married so I had a lot going on. I'll try to get back on track but I'm going back to school. So forgive me for slow updates.

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