It's not your fault. (EO)

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Requested by @Superflash2255


There's shots and screams blaring in my ears. My hands are shaking as I try to stop Robbie's bleeding. "You're gonna be alright Robbie, just hang in there. You have a wife to get home to." I try to reassure him and he looks at me nodding. Robbie and I have been friends since we both met each other in our squad as medics. We have been friends on deployment and off. I have joined him and his wife Lizzie I've gotten to know them both really well. Shots get fired at us again as I cover Robbie's body, I pack his wound then shoot some cover fire. I manage to hit some of the guys but I hear Robbie's voice, "Y-y/n.."

I turn back and he's bleeding through his bandages, I put pressure down and press my fingers against his  neck to check the pulse. It's hardly there, "ROBBIE!!! STAY WITH ME!!!"  I scream, "Y/N tell Lizzie I love her." I shake my head and then I feel a bullet hit my back and I fall to the ground. Seeing Robbie now dead next to me

"ROBBIE!!" I scream jolting up I feel my shirt stuck to me I'm drenched in sweat. I feel light hands on my arms. I jump, "Y/N, you're alright it was just a dream." I still hyperventilating and she moves her hands to my face, "Sweetie, look at me." I finally focus on her eyes and she taking deep breaths urging me to follow. I start to follow her and my breathing slows as she rubs her thumbs across my cheeks. "That's it, breathe. You're okay, you're safe. It was just a dream." I nod as she pulls me to her to hold me.

My arm is in a sling I was should in the shoulder through and through. Now I'm home making the drive to Robbie and Lizzie's to give her the worst news of her life. I pull into the driveway and she's out front watering her flowers. When she looks up she sees me in a sling and in my dress uniform. I walk up to her and she drops the hose shaking her head. "" She cries and I grab hold of her.

One year later...
I'm heading over to Lizzie's with flowers, we've been hanging out a lot and I've been comforting her this past year. I have always thought she's beautiful but she was Robbie's girl,and lately we've been getting close we have these moments where I think she going to kiss me but then I pull back and she seems disappointed. But I thought that was just my disappointment, so tonight we are having dinner like we always do and I plan to tell her how I feel. I am falling in love with Elizabeth Olsen.

One year later...
I'm standing in a black tuxedo shaking as I try to tie my bow tie. My mom comes into the room, and I groan in frustration. "" She giggles and easily ties it.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong you are getting married to the love of your life today."

"What if he would hate me?" I ask and she nods understanding.
"Y/N, from what you told me of that day. He seemed to know he was dying and wanted you to be the one to tell her. He wanted you to be the one to take care of her. I think Robbie would be happy you are the one marrying our Lizzie." She reassures me. I nod smiling as we head out so I can marry Lizzie.
**End of Flashbacks**

Lizzie's POV
"It wasn't your fault sweetheart, I don't blame you. You did your best to save him, and you're the reason I got through his death. I never once blamed you so you need to stop blaming yourself." I kiss him and "Whoa." I say grabbing my belly. "Twins are awake." I smile and we both look down at my very pregnant belly. He reaches his hand down touching our growing twins.

Leaning down kissing my belly, "Hi boys, sorry if daddy scared you. Daddy just had a bad dream." He takes off his sweat soaked t-shirt and lays back down. I lay down on his chest and start pressing my lips to his neck. He loves neck kisses, always calms him down after his nightmares. He's been getting them more now that I don't like the cuddle as much with the pregnancy.

"I'm sorry about the nightmares." He says and I rub my hand over his chest along with the next kisses soothing him. "It's alright baby. I'm sorry I'm not cuddling you to help keep them away." I feel his breath even out and his light snores fill the room as our twins continue to move around. They tends to wake up whenever their dad wakes up from his nightmares. It's almost like they are mentally connected.

I love Y/N dearly but there are days that go by where I don't think of Robbie and Y/N knows this. He respects this and it makes me love him even more. It kills me that he still feels at fault for what happened to Robbie. But I know he tried his best and I never thought it was his fault. I will never forget how he helped me get through Robbie's death but I know I also helped him as well.

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