Chapter 1 : Shattered Soul

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A mid-age lady comes downstairs holding something in her hand.

"Sanayukta... Sanayukta..."

She shouted on her top voice thus her husband and son comes there.

"What happened, Alisha?" Her husband asked and she forward her hand to him.

He glanced at her hand and his blood boiled looking at thing in her hand. At the same time Sanyukta comes out of the kitchen and trembled seeing the test kit in her mother's hand. Step mother.

"Is it yours?" Her father asked calmly yet his voice was hard and scary.

She shook her head and the next moment she was lying on the floor by herself. Tears rolls down from her eyes and she placed her hand on her cheek.

"I told you honey that don't trust her so much. See... now what she did?" Alisha said holding his arm.

"You disgraceful bitch. You're just like your mother. I should have trusted Alisha but I didn't listen her. I thought... I thought you're my daughter and won't do something like your mother. But no... you're just like her. A whore who spread her legs to every man she met." Her father snapped at her angrily.

"N... no... it's not true. Mm.. my mother wasn't whore. And please.. listen to me." Sanyu said in pleading tone but again recieved a slap.

And this time by her step mother.

"There is nothing left to listen you. We ignored your all deeds but we can't ignore this shit. You've disgrace our family. Just get the hell out of this house and never show your face again." Alisha said angrily.

"Papa... please..." Sanyu said looking at her father with teary eyes.

"You did hear her then just get out of here. You're... you're dead to me." Her father said going back in his room followed by Alisha.

Sanyukta finds hard to stand when her own father said her to leave the house. She packed her bag and leaves the house.


Her brother approached to her and hugs her.

"I'm sorry, didu. I can't do anything." Her brother said wiping her tears.

"It's not your fault, Sanku. I'm a bad daughter." She said sobbing hard.

"No, didu. It's not your fault. He is a bastard. He took advantage of your goodness. I wish he rot in the hell." He said clenching his fist and she smiled through her tears.

"I'm going but you... my little brother take care of mamma papa. They needs you. May be, we'll meet some other day." Sanyu said caressing his cheek.

"Didu, where will you go? It's not safe for you to stay outside. You're pregnant." He said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of myself. And I'm not suicidal person. I've an innocent life growing inside me. I'm responsible for his/her life. So don't worry." She said with a smile.

"Didu, will you send me his/her photos?" He asked with a pout.

"Of course. You'll be the sweet mamu(uncle) of the baby." She said kissing his forehead.

She bade-bye to him and goes from there not looking behind once. This hpuse isn't her anymore. Those people aren't hers anymore. Her mother had taught her to never give up in every situation. She had taught her to live with pride and confidence. She was and will be always her super star.


New York

Randhir enters a cabin and greeted the doctor.

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