Chapter 36 : Honeymoon or Babiesmoon

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Dia was in her room and packing her clothes when Niharika enters her room.

"Dia, did you book your flight?" She asked sitting beside her.

"No. There is no flight for London tomorrow. So I'll just stay in some hotel for a night." Dia said with a smile.

"No need of it. Just give me your passport. You're coming with us. We're going there by Jet." Niharika said.

Dia protested but Niharika didn't hear her and she gave up at her stubbornness.

"We'll leave in an hour. So be ready." Niharika said kissing her forehead and goes from there.

She packed her bag and checked in the room if she forgot to put something or not. She was starlet when Rudra enters her room and quickly tore her gaze.

"Are you done?" He asked coming closer to her and she took back steps.

"Ii.. I'm done. I'm sorry. I tried to denied aunty but she was bery stubborn." She said looking at his chest and her back touched the wall.

He put his hands on either sides of her head and she breathed heavily.

"Diana. You makes me crazy about you. So much. I can't control myself from thinking about you." He said bringing his face to touch her cheek but she moved her face.

"Dd... Don't touch me." She said getting scared of him.

"Dia, I will never hurt you. I'm sorry that I scared you. Dia, look at me when I talk to you." He said keeping distance between them.

"Your eyes are scary." She mumbled and he chuckled.

"They're not. You can look at me." He said clenching his fist as he wants to touch her and embrace her but she denied him and he respect her.

She looked up slowly and saw his eyes weren't scary anymore. They're shining with amusement.

"Are you scared?" He asked softly and she shook her head negatively.

"Good. I won't scare you from now. You know I'm very different with strangers and my love ones. Only my love ones know about my soft side." He said looking straight in her eyes.

"Am I your love ones?" She asked as her cheeks heat up with blush.

"I don't know what you're to me but I definitely not want to scare you." He replied with a small smile.

"Thank you." She said smiling back to him

"Dia, I want to know you. I want to spend more time with you." He said thus her face fell down.

"I'm sorry. B.. but I don't want to spend time with you." She said looking away and he closed his eyes as her rejection.

It's not like he's going to revenge on her because she rejects him. She has every right to reject him. And if she don't want him then he won't force her.

"It's ok." He said and goes from there.

She sits on the bed and glanced at her leg which was carrying a iron rod. She was in coma for two months and once she gain consciousness, they did surgery and inserted iron rod. The doctor said that healing will take time so they can't remove it now. That's why she's scared of getting into any attachment. She's broken from inside and outside and if he knows about it then he'll definitely leaves her.

But she is unaware of one thing that the man who carries Mafia Tittle has gone through his worst time.


Sanyukta comes out of the kitchen and saw Rayna and Shaurya was watching the TV. It has been an hour they've returned to their house with Rayna and Shaurya. She has changed her bridal attires and cooked dinner for them. Randhir wanted to ordered from outside but she stopped him saying that they've been eating outside food for last few days. She wants to feed Rayna and Shaurya homey food.

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