Chapter 27 : Guess What?

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Sanyu drank water from the fridge and put the glass in the sink. It has been two weeks of their desirable night. They returned back to their mansion after spending two days there. Last night, they again had that wild night because Rayna and Shaurya were at his parent's house.

She come back to their room and saw him in sleep. The blanket was moved aside that was covering his nakedness and his shaft was visible to her. She undone button of the shirt she was wearing and let it go on the floor. She slowly walked to him and climbed on his stomach. He woke with a smile and sits up on the bed.

"Good morning, handsome." She said kissing his lips.

"Good morning, my beautiful." He mumbled grasping her boobs and pressed hard.

He pushed his tongue in her mouth and explores it. She roamed her hands in his hair and tugged them slightly that he smiled between the kiss. He rubbed his thumb on her cheek and broke the kiss. They both panted hard and he opens his eyes.

"Hmm... make love to me, Randhir." She said moving up and down on his cock.

"Someone is in mood. Are you tired?" He asked rubbing her swollen buds and sucked again.

"Yes and No. I feel tired but I don't feel like to stop you. I want you more and more." She replied running her fingers in his hair.

"Then let's find out." He said digging his face between her legs and kisses her cunt.

She closed her eyes in pleasure feeling his lips and clutched the sheet. He parted her pussy lips and rolls his tongue in circular motion. He slowly pushes his middle finger and she moaned throwing head in pleasure. Few minutes later her legs shook as her thick milk rolls in his mouth. He licked each drop and sucks her pussy hard pressing her stomach.

"Delicious..." He said pulling her down and kisses her lips.

He lays behind her and lifting her right leg and placed on his thigh. She held his cock and guided in her cunt. He held her hand and pushed his cock in her thus she let out a moan.

"Hmm... your cock feels so good." She mumbled turning her head toward him and he kissed her lips with a smile.

He started thrusting in her from back pressing her boob and kissing her neck. She was moaning loudly waking up the beast inside him. His finger reached to her pussy and started rubbing her while kneading her breasts. He thrust thrusting in her fast and making her gasp loudly. Her gasped turned in to pleasurable moan as he pumped in her fast and hard. He felt her pussy tightens around his cock as she was ready to burst so he moved faster in her and soon her thick milk-covered his cock. He continued thrusting in her and after some time he cummed deep inside her pussy. He drops his forehead against her and she opens her eyes holding his face between her palms. They smiled at each other and he sucked her lower lips.

She suddenly pushes him hard thus he fell on the floor and he groaned in pain.

"What the fuck?" He shouted rubbing his bump.

She closed her mouth and rushed to the bathroom. He got up and followed her to the bathroom. He saw throwing out the content she had last night and held her hair rubbing her back. She coughed a little and puked again. After sometime she gets relaxed and leaned against his back.

"Are you alright baby?" He asked pulling her in hug.

She just shook her head and he took her in his arms. He goes out of the bathroom and laid her on the bed.

"I'm calling the doctor." He said grabbing his mobile but she held his hand.

"No, don't. I'm fine. I think my digestion system must be broke. I'll take the pills." She said pulling him closer.

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