Chapter 29 : London Again

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The next day, Randhir and Sanyukta reached hospital and waits outside for their turn. A nurse comes and called them inside and they goes into the cabin.

"Hello Mr. Shekhawat, Ms. Agrawal. Please have seat." The doctor said shaking hands with them.

"Thank you, Doc." Randhir said.

After that doctor asked Sanyukta some questions about her moods, food and diet. Sanyukta also gave her home pregnancy kits.

"Ok. So I'll take her blood sample to conform it. Although your home tests saying that you're pregnant but sometimes it's not accurate. Don't get scared. Your hormones and moods are also sign that you're pregnant. So just stay relax." The doctor said.

"Doctor, can't we do ultrasound?" Randhir asked.

"May be it's too early to do ultrasound. Let the blood test result come. After that we will do ultrasound. Till then take care of her." The doctor said.

After talking about her health they goes from there. They're in the car. Sanyu placed her hand on her stomach and smiled a little.

"Do you feel something?" He asked placing his hand on hers.

"Of course not Randhir. Didn't you heard what that doctor said? I can't because it's not grown yet. You know Rayna kicked for the first time when I was in the middle of fifth month. That day, I felt her for the first time." She said with moist eyes.

"Oh... I don't know." He mumbled sadly.

"Randhir, did you not experienced it with Ishika?" She asked softly thus he looked away.

"She was in 4th months when I caught her cheating me. After that day I didn't touched for a once. Sh.. she just disgusted me every single time I saw her in front of my eyes. I knew she was carrying my child and so wanted to touch that baby bump but every fucking time I backed out because she disgusted me. I couldn't feel my son because of her. At that time, for me feeling the baby wasn't important. I just wanted my baby to be healthy. And now I'm here." He said clenching his fist and she entwined their fingers.

"But you can feel this time. The thing you've missed previously, you'll feel this time. We both had gone through a lot. Now, the life have give us another chance and we'll cherish it." She said kissing his knuckle.

He smiled placing his hand behind her nape and kissed her forehead.


They got into the car and he placed her on the seat then tied her seatbelt. She kissed on Rayna and Shaurya's cheeks. After twenty minutes, they reached to the private airport. She wasn't even surprised by seeing his private airport knowing him already. They picked the kids in their arms and he wrapped his one hand around her waist.

"Babies, hide your faces in our neck." Randhir said to them and they shook their head.

"Paparazzi sucks..." She mumbled thus he pulled her closer.

"Ignore looking at them." He said leading her toward the jet.

They enters the jet and she sighs in relief. They placed Rayna and Shaurys in their seat and tied the seatbelt and took the seat beside them. The kids have no idea where they're going but they're just excited.

Rayna and Shaurya struggles to remove their belts which Randhir helped them and they quickly climbed in their mamma's lap. She wrapped her hands around them and cooed them in her arms.

"Already tired, babies?" She asked looking down at them.

"Come. Lay them on the bed." Randhir said taking Shaurya and she stood up with Rayna and followed him to the room.

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