Chapter 16 : A Night of Passion

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Sanyu, Renuka and Harsh are already reached school and waiting for Randhir. Olivia and Michael comes and hugs Sanyu.

"Mom, dad, these are my friends. Olivia and Michael." Sanyu said introducing to them.

They shakes hands with them. Rayna and Shaurya comes running there and hugs Sanyu.

"Mamma, where is dad?" Shaurya asked.

"Yes, mamma. He promised us." Rayna said sadly.

"Babies, your papa will be here in no time. Don't be sad." Sanyu said with a smile.

"Hey, my little princess and prince."

They heard his voice and quickly turns behind only to see their father. They ran to him and hugs him which he hugs them back.

"Missed me?" He asked tickling them and they giggled loudly.

"We missed you a lot but mamma missed you more than us." Shaurya said.

Sanyu widens her eyes but looked away to save herself from those teasing gaze. He lifted them in his arms and walked to her.

"Hi.. how're you?" He asked eyeing at her lips then at her face.

"Good. And you?" She asked not looking at him.

He wanted to kiss her breath out but this place isn't right place to do it. And she fears if she sees him then she would start crying. Those days without him was hell as well as heaven. Hell because he wasn't with her and heaven because their babies and his parents were with her.

His parents, her friends goes inside along with Rayna and Shaurya leaving the couple alone. He quickly pulled her in the corner and kisses her lips for shortly.

"Stop me, baby." He said nibbling her ear and she placed her hands on his chest to stop him.

"Our babies are waiting for us. We'll continue this at the night." She said kissing his cheek.

"Sure. I don't have any paln to stop tonight. The four days has been hell for me." He whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.

They entwined their fingers and goes inside the hall. They took their front seat and glued their eyes at the stage.

"They'll win this competition." Randhir said thus she slapped his shoulder.

"It's not a competition, Randhir. It's their first stage show." Sanyu said glating at him.

"Still my babies will be better than the other kids." He mouthed and she dig her nails in his palm which winched in pain.

"Stop comparing my babies with other kids. All kids are good." Sanyu said annoyingly.

"Guys, you cam fight later. It's about to start." Olivia interrupted them.

They averted their gaze to the stage and showed their thumbs up to them. As they started singing the poem, Sanyu felt her head clinched with emotions and her eyes become moist realizing that her babies are growing big. She put her head on his shoulder and he kissed her knuckle. As it's got over, everyone clapped and cheered for them.

After half hour, Rayna and Shaurya ran to their parents.

"Mamma, did you saw us? Was I good?" Shaurya asked holding her face.

"Yes baby. You both were good. I'm proud of you both." Sanyu said kissing their forehead.

"Daddy, did you take our picture and video?" Rayna asked.

"No, princess. Your uncle Mike did it. Daddy was busy in watching you and your brother." He said kissing her nose.

Soon they jumped on their grandparents arms and recieved loves and kisses from them.

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