Chapter 6 : Apologies and Understanding

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Just to inform you that I'm republishing this book.

I've published this before with the name Billionaire's Claim.

I've had published 7-8 chapters.

Since I'm republishing this book with new name, I have added so many scenes which weren't written before.

Do enjoy this book.


Another week passed but still no response from Sanyukta. Randhir was always by her side and waiting for her to come back to sense. It's getting hard for him to handle Rayna and Shaurya as well. They both are demanding for their mother. They're crying and showing tantrums because they wants their mamma only.

He sits near her bed and took her hand in his between palms.

"Sanyukta, I know you're hurt and angry on me but please wake up. Your babies need you. I can't do it anymore. I can't handle them now. I can't lie them anymorw. They asked for you. They wants you. They cry for you. Wake up for them. They misses you a lot." He said squeezing her palm and rested his head on the bed.

The other fact is, he also misses her. He miss her more than their kids. He was living with the guilt of hurting her mentally. He was in guilt because of him she was lying on this hospital bed. He wants to apologizes her for those words.


The Next Day

Randhir was in a meeting because it's really important for the company. He was skipping office and staying at the hospital but today he had to go office. He was explaining about his project to his client when his secretary barged in huffing badly.

"What the hell, Ms. Reyes?" He literally shouted at her.

"S.. sir... sorry to interrupt you but you said if any important call or message received on your mobile then inform you. It's from hospital." She said forwarding his mobile to him.

"Mr. Murphy, I can't continue this meeting today. I really hope you to understand my situation. If you're still interested in working with me then contact my assistant. Sorry for the mess." Randhir said going from there.

He was just worried for her. Soon he reached hospital and ran to her room. He enters the room and surprise to see her sitting on the bed. She looked at him and the nurse removes needles from her wrist.

"How're you feeling, Ms. Agrawal?" The doctor asked.

"I think better. Where is my daughter and how is she?" She asked impatiently.

"Relax, Ms. Agrawal. Your daughter is absolutely fine and already got discharged from the hospital two weeks ago since you're in coma. Mr. Shekhawat took her home." The doctor replied with a light smile.

She looked toward him who was already looking at her with assurance.

"Talking about your injuries then they're deep and will take time to heal. You'll get discharge after a week. Mr. Shekhawat, press the buzzer if she feels pain. I'll leave now." The doctor said and went from there.

"Where is Rayna? Is she alright?" She asked worriedly.

He sits on the stool near her and took her hands in his palms.

"She and Shaurya are with my parents. Rayna was traumatized by the accident but my mom and dad made sure she come out it soon. She was asking about you but I told her you're not well." He replied squeezing her hands.

"Thank you. I don't know what happened that day? I pulled the brake but the truck didn't stopped and collided with the car. I th... I tho... I thought I.. I ca.. couldn't sa.. save her." She sobbed covering her face between her palms.

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