Chapter 18 : Family Time

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So here is the next chapter...

I can't promise straight another chapter tomorrow.

But I'll try to update it as soon as possible.

Thank you for generous wishes.

I feel better now.


Sanyu was standing in front of the mirror and getting ready. She wore a purple color knee length dress. Randhir comes out of the closet and walked to her. He wrapped his one hand around her waist and inhale her sweet fragrance.

"Bellissima." He said peppering kisses on her neck.


"Randhir, let me get ready. I don't want to get late." She said trying not to get effect by his sweet assualt.

"I can't control myself seeing you in this dress. Let me have you against this mirror." He said running down his hand and caressed her thigh.

"No, not now. Some other day. Stop behaving like a pervert. Please na... I miss my babies." She said with a pout and he turns her toward him.

"I was just having fun with you. I'm also missing my munchkins. I've been away from them." He said kissing her forehead and she smiled hugging him.

"I missed you too." She said thus he chuckled breaking the hug.

"I also missed you. By the way I've got something for you." He said pulling out a velvet and opens it.

It's beautiful crystal diamons branch leaves bracelet. He took it and wrapped around her wrist.

"Perfect. But there is one more gift for you." He said kissing her wrist and pulled out an another velvet box.

"Randhir, it's enough. I don't need it." She tried to deny him but he glared ar her and opens it.

"It's first time I'm giving gifts to my undemanding girlfriend." He said opening the box and she wides her eyes seeing a beautiful pendant chain.

"This is... so beautiful. I think I'm not worthy of it." She said as tears brimmed in her eyes.

"You're worthy of everything. You deserve the world." He said making her wear the chain and turns her toward the mirror.

She looks herself in the mirror and touched the pendant while he kisses her neck and she turns toward him.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." She said pecking his lips and he held her by waist deepening the kiss.

"I've bought something for mom and dad." He said breaking the kiss.

"Ok. Don't forget to take their gifts." She said patting his cheek and turns to the mirror.

"Don't you want to ask me about if I bought something for our babies?" He asked with raised brows.

"No, because I know you would always spoil them. No matter what." She replied winking at him and he shook his head smiling.

He goes from there and come back with two more boxes. One was small and the other one was large.

"Here, see this. Do you think mom dad will like it?" He asked opening the boxes and she sees inside the box.

"It's perfect. They'll love it. You're the best son and father." She said kissing his cheek.

"And boyfriend?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hmm... I don't know." She shrugged her shoulder with a smile and he rolled his eyes.

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