Chapter 34 : Rude and Cute

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Randhir reached her house and walked inside quickly.

"Randhir, what are you doing here?" Niharika asked.

"Sanyukta isn't feeling well. She hadn't eaten anything since the morning." Randhir said.

"What? She didn't tell us anything. I'm sorry." Niharika said shockingly.

"It's ok, Aunty. Please, give me a plate. I bought food for her." Randhir asked and she nodded going to the kitchen.

After a few minutes she comes back and hands him the plate and he rushes upstairs to her room. He entered her room but saw Rayna and Shaurya playing and heard voices coming out of the bathroom.



Rayna and Shaurya ran to him and he smiled keeping the things on the bed and took them in his arms.

"Are you both good?" He asked placing them on the bed.

"I miss you daddy." Rayna said kissing his cheek.

"I miss you too dad." Shaurya said kissing his other cheek.

"I also missed you both. A lot." Randhir said kissing their foreheads.

"Daddy, can you and mamma be friends again?" Rayna asked innocently.

"Yes, dad. Do not fight with mamma. I, mamma, Ray and you... and new baby. We all stay together." Shaurya said making smile to Randhir.

"My innocent babies. I and mamma didn't fight. Mamma and Papa are going to marry so that we all can stay forever together. Just like your grandpa and grandma always stay together. I and your mamma will also stay together. Always. And you two and the new baby are our world." Randhir said kissing their noses.

"I love you daddy." Rayna said pecking his lips and hugs him.

"I love you too dad." Shaurya too hugged him.

"I love you both my little treasures." He said kissing their hair.

"Now go and play. I'll get your mamma." He said breaking the hug and going into the bathroom.

He saw her leaning against the slab with closed eyes and walked to her.

"Sanyukta..." He called her and she opens her eyes.

"Ran... Randhirr..." She threw her arms around him and sobbed in his eyes.

"Shh... it's ok. Don't cry. Do you want me to call the doctor?" He asked rubbing her back.

"No. It will be fine. Just stay like this." She replied hugging him tightly.


Diana got out of the car and admires the beautiful house. She steps forward but collides with a stone and fell on her stomach.

"Upps... someone is clumsy." Rudra said with a laugh.

She got up rubbing her elbow and glared at him.

"And you're an asshole." She mocked him and next moment she was pinned against the car.

"Say that again and I'll make you regret each of word you spoke." He said in cold tone and clutched her wrists tightly thus she felt pain.

She shivers at his words and look in his eyes which were red and scary at the same time. She pushes him harshly and ran into the house where she collides with Niharika.

"Dia, what are you doing here?" She asked surprisingly.

Dia was also shocked seeing her.

"Aunty, it's my best friend's Sanyukta's house. But what about you?" Dia asked.

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