Chapter 14 : Getting Away

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Randhir woke up first and smiled seeing his little family. He kisses on their foreheads and grabs his mobile from the nightstand. He opens it and saw few missed calls of his Personal Assistant. He got out of the bed and walked to the balcony.

He finished the call and worried lines appeara on his forehead. He walked back and saw her up then sits beside her snuggling her in his arms.

"What happened? You look worried." She asked caressing his hair.

"Hmm... business trip to Vegas. I don't want to go leaving you three alone." He said rubbing his nose in her neck.

"We will be fine. It must be important." She said kissing his hair.

"I'll miss you all." He said holding her face and kisses her lips.

"For how many days?" She asked breaking the kiss.

"Four days. I'll be back before their competition. I won't miss it for the world." He replied with a sighs.

"I know. But four days are more. Ever since that accident happened, you hadn't leave my sight. And I don't know whether I will be able to live without you or not." She said sadly.

Before he could reply Rayna and Shaurya woke up and jumped on them. They cuddles with them and showers them with kisses.

After hour she got them ready for the school and they had their breakfast.

"Say bye bye to your papa. He is going on a business trip." Sanyu said as they sits on their knees.

They hugs him and he hugs them.

"Dad, I'll miss you." Shaurya said.

"I will miss you too, daddy. Will you get me barbie?" Rayna asked.

"And a robot for me." Shaurya said.

"I'll get you anything you wants. Don't trouble your mamma. Don't make her run behind you. Be good children for her." Randhir said kissing their foreheads.

"Promise dad." Shaurya said kissing his cheek.

"I too promise daddy." Rayna said pukering her lips and gave a peck on his lips.

He bade-bye them and asked Tylor to drop them to their school and stays there.

"Let's go. I'll help you with the packing." She said holding his hand but he took her in his arms making her squeal.

"Packing can done later. Let me have you first. I won't be able to touch you for four days." He said entering their room and placed her on the bed.

He just smashed his lips with hers and kissed her passionately. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled him closer. He deepens the kiss and roams his hand on her chest. She moaned as he squeezed her breasts and enters his tongue in her mouth. He roamed his tongue in her whole mouth and sucked her tongue thus she clutched his hair tightly. He broke the kiss after exploring her mouth and breathed on her neck.

He looked up and tore her top then unclipped her bra. It's not the first time he was seeing her boobs.

"Stop tearing my clothes." She frowns at him.

"I'll buy you numerous dresses." He said kissing her boobs.

He took her right boob in his mouth and began sucking furiously. She moaned and pressed his head more. He bites her nipple and pulled her between his teeth. He shift to another and did the same thing. He titled her both boobs and nuzzled his face in between them. She too supports him pressing his head between her boobs and earning pleasure. He again took her boobs in his mouth and started sucking, licking, biting, and kneading them which she moaned clutching his hair. He continued to ravish her boobs until they were fully red and covered with his saliva. Her both nipples were swollen and already in pain but the pain was pleasurable.

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