Chapter 20 : Meeting her Father

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Randhir was working in his laptop when the door of his office gets open and Rayna ran to him followed by his assistant. He looked up and took her in his lap.

"Are you done playing?" He asked caressing her hair.

She nodded her head and rested her head on his chest.

"Are you tired?" He again asked which she didn't replied instead snuggles in his arms.

"I guess you're too tired to answer me." He chuckled kissing her hair and cuddles her in his arms.

"Sir, Mr. Agrawal and his assistant are here." His assistant said.

"Ok. Get him here with respect." Randhir mouthed nodding his head.

His assistant went from there and Randhir sighs in disbelief. He knew who is Kishor Agrawal.

Around a week ago, his assistant informed him that Kishor Agrawal coming New York for business and he wants to do business with him. Randhir could have declined doing business with him but he had seen Sanyukta craving for her father's love somewhere in her heart. She don't speak but he can feel the void in her heart. If this was a chance to mend their broken relationship then he would do anything for her.

On other hand, Kishor Agrawal also had idea that who is Randhir and what relationship he shares with his daughter. Doing business with him just excuse to get a glimpse of his daughter and his granddaughter. He might have disgraced her but deep in his heart, he is still her father and somewhere in his heart he wants to protect her. May be he was late but at least he can see her.


Kishor Agrawal stepped in his office and surprised to see him with a little girl in his arms. Randhir stood up with her and forwards his hand in front of her.

"Hello, Mr. Agrawal. Welcome." Randhir said politely and Kishor held his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Shekhawat. Thank you." Kishor said with a small smile and shook hand 2with him.

"Please, have seat. I'll be back." Randhir said thus he sits on an empty chair.

Randhir goes to his restroom and laid Rayna on the bed but she was gripping his coat. He unlocks her fist disturbing her sleep and she let out a loud cry.

"Hey.. sshhh... daddy is here. Go back to sleep princess." He mumbled some sweet words to her and she fell asleep.

She again clutches his coat and he lay beside her thus she snuggles in his arms while he kept caressing her hair. After ten minute, he unlocks her fist slowly and this time she didn't cry. He put pillows around her and kisses her forehead before going from there.

"I'm sorry to keep you wait." Randhir said sitting on his chair.

"It's ok. No problem. Daughters can be handful sometimes." Kishor said.

"I don't agree to that Mr. Agrawal. My daughter just feels protected when I'm with her. That's all." Randhir mouthed pressing the buzzer.

His assistant comes there and greeted him. He asked him to get coffee for them and the contract papers. Their meeting continues for an hour.

"You're a great businessman. It would be good to work with you, Mr. Shekhawat." Kishor said shaking hand with him.

"Thank you. I feel the same." Randhir said with a small smile and his mobile rings.

"Excuse me, Mr. Agrawal." He said getting up and walked away from him.

"What is my baby doing?" Sanyu asked.

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